17 Goals Toward Enslavement: Exposing The Real Agendas Behind The 2030 Agenda
The United Nations set out with a goal in 2015 to “transform our world” and “reimagine” it the way they see fit, under the guise of “sustainable development.” All 193 member states joined in this mission against humanity, while the true instigators and creators of this one world government were orchestrating it all behind the scenes. This of course followed on the heels of their Agenda 2021 that kicked off back in 1992, but this skillfully planned takeover began long before then. Throughout the years most people have been under the illusion that these so-called “sustainable goals” were for the betterment of mankind – until now.
Corey Lynn has investigated many of these agendas against mankind, to expose their true nature and show the underbelly of what these agendas are truly about – human enslavement. All of these reports are linked below with corresponding “sustainable goals” so that everyone can understand exactly what we are up against, how to prepare, and how to fight back. Each in-depth report dives into the timelines, operations, evidence, money trail, true agenda, and key players involved. In essence, they obliterate the alleged desire of the “Sustainable Goals” and reveal the desires of men and women who wish to control the world by making humans obedient, unhealthy, uneducated, unwise, unknowing, financially broke, and lacking identity or gender, while tracking and tracing their every move.
People are beginning to understand that these eugenicists, dating back over a century, are the billionaire puppet masters who have been coordinating this controlled demolition that is quickly unraveling before our eyes. It can be seen in every industry, through every initiative, each policy change, every manufactured crisis, the takeover of governments, the thievery of taxpayer dollars, the printing of money, ongoing hoaxes and false flags, inventing new industries that cause harm rather than good, and the complete control being ushered in to surveil human beings every move. There is no denying it. The veil between reality and illusion has been lifted.
They want mankind caged, and if people do not start recognizing that the power lies with the people, they will continue to cull the masses under their spell into believing they have full authority over them. Most of what they do consists of illegal actions, money laundering, fraud, mind control and manipulation, monopolies, and a central control system that makes them believe they hold all the power over billions of people.
On every company, foundation, investment firm, or government website, they state that their reasoning for carrying out any specific agenda, initiative, or investment is to work toward these 17 sustainable goals. It is the PR spin rolled into every “reason” why it must be done, and it is always allegedly to save the people and save the planet. You have been lied to for decades.
Full audio version of this report:
The Great Con
These “Global Goals” are said to be “agreed upon by all world leaders to build a greener, fairer, better world by 2030, and we all have a role in achieving them.” By “role” they mean that people will be required to be obedient digital citizens with no personal rights or freedoms, and will “own nothing and be happy.”
It’s important to note that these 17 goals are used primarily for marketing fluff to convince the masses that this is all for the greater good. Within these 17 goals they have 169 targets with 230 indicators that measure the progress of those targets. Many of these target points involve major data collecting, aggregating, and sharing, and much of what is described is akin to the marketing fluff used in the 17 goals. In other words, they either state what they plan to do but aren’t really doing it or carry out a goal but for the exact opposite reason as stated.
A perfect example is their push for everyone in the world to have access to a bank account under the guise of equality and to be able to provide direct assistance to those in poverty, yet if you review all of their other plans around the financial industry and digital IDs it becomes quite clear that it is for the purpose of creating a universal basic income that is monitored and spending is controlled based on a social score derived from ones obedience level.
17 Goals of Deception

1. No Poverty
“Together we can feed the hungry, wipe out disease and give everyone in the world a chance to prosper and live a productive and rich life.”
What’s happening? We’ve heard this song and dance for decades, while the U.S. has stolen trillions in taxpayer dollars to allegedly help other countries with no success because they are slush funds. Currently we are all experiencing Intentional food shortages, manufactured supply chain disruptions, inflation, massive business closures and towns shuttered from forced lockdowns. The rollout of a guaranteed basic income pilot program in over 57 cities, giving out up to $1,000 a month for people to spend however they wish so it can be tracked, with a goal to create a federal policy of universal income for all.
2. Zero Hunger
“End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.”
What’s happening? Controlled starvation, babies can’t get formula, farmers blocked from fertilizer and water, lab-grown synthetic meat, gene-edited produce, buying up and drying up farmland. Bill Gates’ AGRA actually increased hunger by 31% in Africa.
3. Good Health and Well-Being
“Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Over the past 15 years, the number of childhood deaths has been cut in half.”
What’s happening? Over 75% of our food is GMO, major heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and obesity are off the charts, FDA blocks therapeutics proven to work, removing medical licenses of doctors who dared to treat people, forcing children to wear bacteria-filled masks for hours a day, elderly murdered in nursing homes, mandated experimental gene therapy causing hundreds of thousands of people to die globally, including babies.
4. Quality Education
“Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
What’s happening? Mass scale brainwashing through social emotional learning, critical race theory, sexualization of children, gender confusion, puberty blockers, mandated masks in schools, universities demanding students get experimental gene therapy, total lack of academic education, and barbaric student loans. But yes, they do want “lifelong” obedience training in place.
5. Gender Equality
“Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Political, Economic and social equality for women will benefit all the world’s citizens.”
What’s happening? Girls have been conditioned to lose all sense of self identity and gender leaving them totally confused while being trained to be independent from their parents, women were conditioned to leave their children and work outside the home to break apart the family unit, all while manipulation tactics were injected to demoralize men at the same time. It’s not about “equality,” it’s about controlling a population by dividing them.
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
“Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. One in three people live with sanitation. This is causing unnecessary disease and death.”
What’s happening? Farmers are blocked from access to water as their fields go dry, streets are rife with homelessness, crack pipes, needles, and feces, immigrants are welcomed by the bus and plane loads while forgoing tests, given aid, and stand on street corners begging for money as they allegedly live without water or sanitation.
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
“Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Implementing these new energy solutions as fast as possible is essential to counter climate change, one of the biggest threats to our own survival.”
What’s happening? The billionaires are making bank on this manufactured industry while bringing in the all electric era of vehicles that can be shut off remotely with a kill switch. Gas prices have reach an all time high and the Biden regime has brought our strategic petroleum reserve to the lowest it’s been since 1987. California can’t even keep the lights on but are happy to push their power grid to the brink with the “all electric” scheme. There is nothing “affordable” about it. Meanwhile, Bill Gates and friends at Harvard want to block the sun.
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
“Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. If we promote job creation with expanded access to banking and financial services, we can make sure that everybody gets the benefits of entrepreneurship and innovation.”
What’s happening? This one is probably the most outlandish one of them all. They are doing everything in their power to crash economies across the globe so they can rule over everyone, have managed to get away with the biggest transfer of wealth in history, and while they stomp on entrepreneurs the only reason they want everyone to have access to a bank is so they can be surveilled and spending controlled, which builds an obedient digital citizen.
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
“Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. We need to promote innovative sustainable technologies and ensure equal and universal access to information and financial markets.”
What’s happening? In the U.S. they passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill to build the smart grid control system. This is happening in countless countries all over the world. Packaged as “convenience, safety, and sustainable,” the only thing “equal” is the billionaire globalists behind these schemes each taking their cut.
10. Reduce Inequalities
“Reduce inequality within and among countries. Too much of the world’s wealth is held by a very small group of people. In order for nations to flourish, equality and prosperity must be available to everyone – regardless of gender, race, religious beliefs or economic status.”
What’s happening? BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street own nearly every industry and company with the same corrupt billionaires operating as stakeholders within these industries, so yes, the “world’s wealth is most certainly held by a very small group of people.” If allowing these monopolies to happen represents “equality and prosperity available to everyone,” that should be everyone’s first clue that the world is being conned.
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.”
What’s happening? How “safe” have cities felt over the past few years with the preplanned social disruption experiments to form and rollout groups such as Antifa and BLM to cause riots, destroy cities, and commit violence? While intentionally shuttering small businesses and small towns on the outskirts, they are culling the masses into the cities where they have been building their smart grid control system and investors have been buying up homes to convert to rentals, which is why they want everyone on a digital ID and want all people, products, resources, and food items tracked and traced via the blockchain. This gives them the ability to control access, spending, travel, thermostats, energy usage, food, and healthcare.
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
“Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Our planet has provided us with an abundance of natural resources but we have not utilized them responsibly and currently consume far beyond what our planet can provide.“
What’s happening? Over 640 million acres or 28% of all U.S. land is owned by the federal government. The billionaires, or 1%, have utilized the resources that aren’t controlled by the federal government, so as to capitalize on it and maintain their power to manufacture newly needed industries while blaming citizens for “consuming too much.” They are moving to synthetic meat and gene-edited produce, all of which they are investors in or owners of, because citizens are “consuming too much.”
13. Climate Action
“Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Climate change is a real and undeniable threat to our entire civilization. The effects are visible and will be catastrophic unless we act now. Through education, innovation and “adherence” to our climate commitments, we can make the necessary changes to protect the planet. These changes will provide huge opportunities to modernize our infrastructure.”
What’s happening? One of the greatest fear based hoaxes of all time to manufacture an industry that not only makes the corrupt billionaires wealthier, it is being used to control access to power and energy supply, incorporated into surveilled electric vehicles all hooked into the smart grid, to remove traditional farming and bring it indoors for gene-edited food, to change policies at the federal level, big investment firms requiring companies to obey and modify their facilities so they can be worthy of investment, and a climate score will roll into everyone’s social score to determine their access and spending in the world. For decades, their “climate change” predictions of doom and gloom have been wrong, and yet with each decade that passes, they continue to push the same narrative despite the fact the world didn’t go up in flames.
14. Life Below Water
“Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Oceans and seas cover 70 percent of our planet and we rely on them for food, energy and water. We must protect them…and immediately start to responsibly manage and protect all marine life around the world.”
What’s happening? The FDA approved of genetically modified salmon, fish farms and aquaponics is another industry evolving for additional control over the food.
15. Life on Land
“Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. It is the key to our survival.”
What’s happening? They’ve used forests and land to roll out surveillance programs that span the entire U.S., they’ve exposed our land and people to poisonous chemicals for decades with Monsanto being one of the biggest players, and they are buying up the land for themselves.
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
“Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Compassion and a strong “moral compass” is essential to every democratic society. We must ensure that we have strong institutions, “global” standards of justice, and a commitment to peace everywhere.”
What’s happening? They lost me at “moral compass.” There are two justice systems in the U.S. One is for the corrupt globalists covered in all of the reports below, and the other is for citizens. That is evident in how much money laundering and crimes against humanity have taken place while no justice is served. They’ve worked very hard at dividing people into as many groups as possible, which is the opposite of “inclusive.” Divide and conquer is their goal. Just look at how well they have achieved this, and how many people have fallen for it.
17. Partnerships for The Goals
“Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. International investments and support is needed to ensure innovative technological development, fair trade and market access. To build a better world we need to be supportive, empathetic, inventive, passionate, and above all, cooperative.”
What’s happening? By “cooperative” they mean “obedient.” By “partnerships” they mean the corrupt globalist billionaires that answer to their puppet masters, and governments who turn over taxpayer dollars to build the enslavement system. By “empathetic” they mean toward themselves and one another. By “passionate” and “inventive” they mean the thrill of power they hold and the inventions they will continue to make to enslave humanity.
They manufacture a crisis, then pretend to come to the rescue with solutions that will create all new industries to save the day. They own those industries, make billions on it, and with each new creation they try to own the people.
Exposing The True Agendas Behind Their “Goals”
Let’s take a look at how their agendas align with their alleged “Goals.” There are thousands of names, companies, coalitions, and foundations documented in these reports, along with timelines, a plethora of linked evidence, and the money trail.
“Good Health and Well-Being”

Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports (4-part report)
How everyone’s digital identity will move to the blockchain along with digital currency in order to control all human beings’ spending and access through the smart control grid. This is also available in paperback book with a bonus chapter 5.
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #1: No Poverty
Sustainable Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being
Sustainable Goal #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Sustainable Goal #9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Goal #10: Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Goal #11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Sustainable Goal #12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Goal #13: Climate Action
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments

2030 Psychological Agenda: Obedience Training from Cradle to Grave (9-part report)
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being
Sustainable Goal #4: Quality Education
Sustainable Goal #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Sustainable Goal #16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments

Tracking The Truth About Covid-19 (5-part report)
To access over 30 critical articles and reports by Corey Lynn, specifically on Covid-19, click here. Be sure to check out the Covid Resources page as well.
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being
Sustainable Goal #10: Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments

Historical Hypocrisy & Psychological Warfare (111-page pictorial archive)
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being
Sustainable Goal #10: Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Goal #16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments

The Abortion Agenda: Its Benefactors & What You Don’t Know
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being
Sustainable Goal #16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments

Exploiting Transgenders & Manufacturing an Industry (4-part report)
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #5: Gender Equality – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments

Measles, Masterminds, and Millions (6-part report)
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being
Sustainable Goal #10: Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments

Eugenics, Infertility, and Population Growth Crisis (6-part report)
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #3: Good Health and Well Being
Sustainable Goal #5: Gender Equality
Sustainable Goal #10: Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Goal #16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments
“Food Safety and Security”

NEW Controlled Food System is Now in Place and They Will Stop at Nothing to Accelerate Their Control
“Who Controls the Food Supply Controls The People” is evident in just how many “goals” are checked off under the food industry.
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #2: Zero Hunger
Sustainable Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being
Sustainable Goal #6: Clean Water and Sanitation – Ensure availability of water
Sustainable Goal #7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Sustainable Goal #9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Goal #12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Goal #13: Climate Action
Sustainable Goal #14: Life Below Water
Sustainable Goal #15: Life on Land
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments

Inside Codex with Scott Tips: New Global Food Diet – Insects, Rats and Dogs
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #2: Zero Hunger
Sustainable Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being
Sustainable Goal #9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Goal #12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Goal #13: Climate Action
Sustainable Goal #14: Life Below Water
Sustainable Goal #15: Life on Land
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments

Our Future is at Stake: Climate Agenda’s True Power and Supreme Court Ruling on EPA
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #1: No Poverty
Sustainable Goal #2: Zero Hunger
Sustainable Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being
Sustainable Goal #7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Sustainable Goal #9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Goal #12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Goal #13: Climate Action
Sustainable Goal #15: Life on Land
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments

Lab Grown Meat to Hit U.S. in 2022, Backed by FDA & USDA, Along with “Smarter Food Safety Blueprint” and Traceability all Underway
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #1: No Poverty
Sustainable Goal #2: Zero Hunger
Sustainable Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being
Sustainable Goal #12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Goal #13: Climate Action
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments

USDA Hitting Food Supply Chain with Cattle Surveillance and a Level-4 Animal Disease Laboratory
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being
Sustainable Goal #9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Goal #12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments

The Organic Narrative & Whole Foods Red Flags
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #2: Zero Hunger
Sustainable Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being
Sustainable Goal #12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments
“Economic Growth, Sustainable Cities and Communities”

Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1
The Con:
Sustainable Goals 1-17: This is the main game, dating back over 100 years, to orchestrate ALL agendas

Financial Takeover & Your Bank Account – BlackRock, Envestnet/Yodlee, and The Federal Reserve
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #1: No Poverty
Sustainable Goal #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Sustainable Goal #9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Goal #10: Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Goal #11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Sustainable Goal #13: Climate Action
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments

Amazon’s Impending Takeover: The One-Stop-Shop for Smart Cities with Digital Currency Control
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #1: No Poverty
Sustainable Goal #2: Zero Hunger
Sustainable Goal #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Sustainable Goal #9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Goal #10: Reduce Inequalities
Sustainable Goal #11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments
“Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure”

A Clearer Breakdown of What This $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill is Really Funding
In addition to slush funds, the bill intends to provide major funding toward the ongoing building of the smart control grid to track and geofence every human being, primarily in metropolitan areas.
The Con:
Sustainable Goal #7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Sustainable Goal #9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Goal #11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Sustainable Goal #13: Climate Action
Sustainable Goal #17: Partnerships for The Goals – International Investments
Protecting The Con

Controlling Minds, Narratives, and Elections: Google, YouTube, Facebook & Twitter
The Con:
Sustainable Goals #1-17
In addition to the major agendas against humanity documented above, child trafficking runs rampant throughout the same circles of people affiliated with these agendas. Go to the “trafficking” section to review all articles and reports pertaining to child trafficking.
There are dozens of other reports on Corey’s Digs that pertain to their agendas against humanity, all available for free. So be sure to review those as well. Many of the more in-depth reports are also available in PDF download in the Bookshop.
For a catalog list of articles and reports published on Corey’s Digs, click here. This is updated quarterly. Be sure to review the Solutions section as the NEW Solution Series as well. Weekly Dig It! Podcasts can be watched here.

Subscribe to Corey’s Digs and don’t miss a Dig!

Karen Bracken
If you look at GAVI’s answer to all 17 SDGs you will see vaccines as the answer to all of them. Here is a link. For those that may not know, GAVI is Bill “Satan” Gates global vaccine initiative organization. Awesome article.
Kathlean J Keesler
Thank you Corey.
You will notice that everything that is proposed by these clowns is a synthetic version of the natural world. They stand in opposition to the creator. “Harry Potter is dead,” said Voldemort, “from this day forth, you put your faith in me.” Why is this so important to these people? To have power; to rule the world?
They talk about “identity.” Identity means this thing is the same as that thing. Are you the same as that piece of lamented paper we refer to as a “driver license?” Would we be the same as a digital ID? Of course not. Our only ID is ourselves. Only you are the same as you.
The legal, financial and commercial system is admiralty. Man does not exist there, only legal fictions. We have been convinced we can identify ourselves with a piece of paper with a name on it. They are trying to convince us that synthetic food is superior to natural food; that synthetic medicine is superior to what nature provides; that everything they do is superior to what the creator has done.
Do you see what they are up to? We marvel at the works of man, our technology and ability to manipulate nature. It’s one thing to admire one’s handiwork. It’s quite another to admire it so much that we put ourselves above the author of all. This is what they are up to.
If we can only see clearly what they want, we can reject it.
Linda Puetz
As always Corey an outstanding article. You are a blessing to the sanity of mankind. Thank you for sharing. 0×!
Most of the UN SDGs are strictly about poverty management. Management not allieviation. Connected with the WEF’s forecast for 2030 the only conclusion is a hidden ‘final solution’ as per the pyramid cap’s Malthusian and eugenics.transhuman agenda. “Their” end goal is the ‘Moonshot 2050’ project which would see the remaining members of whatever humanity might be called by then, 2.0, 4.0, uploaded as avatars into a planetary computer simulation with no carbon/silicon life form left behind, reminding me of the old ‘Max Headroom’ program.
This article is well written and fascinating. My question is how do we get a hold of the SOLUTIONS. We need to share this as much as possible. Thank you Corey for your compilation.
Corey Lynn
Hi! There are some solutions listed at the end of some of the report. I also linked to my solutions tab that contains a lot of info on various subjects. You can find that here: https://www.coreysdigs.com/solutions/. I’m always searching for more solutions, so feel free to drop any here as well.
Absolutely outstanding work. And I am clearly addicted to information and roof for a living, So it is easy for me to “see” the amount of work put into this.
Thank you, Daughter of Liberty, ill scrape together some coin for a shirt or some such, again, thank you so much for standing in the breach and shinning a light.
Joma Marks
Um embaralhado de palavras e chavões técnicos, que confundem a realidade atual de determinados povos e a possibilidade de melhorar alguma coisa em nossas vidas, quando a razão declarada por outros genocídidas proeminentes, têm como objetivo a morte por extermínio de 3 bilhões de pessoas. No que acreditar? O quê, realmente, beneficiará quem?
David Grandin
There is quite a bit of research behind this article. Thank you for that. As individuals, we’re all responsible for being critical thinkers. Thanks for encouraging that as well.
David Beard
Corey I have some info I think may be of interest for you about opto, magneto and chemogenetics involving experiments with ivermectin if you are interested. Here are some links…
I have a bunch more.