The Solution Series

    The Green New Death

    By The Sharp Edge The apocalyptic prophecies of government, academic, and corporate sponsored climate alarmism have manipulated the minds of the masses to believe that mankind is to blame for our own demise.  Despite their failed predictions of climate catastrophe over the years, the propaganda campaign has paid off, as a vast segment of the population emphatically supports funding so-called “green” projects.  The climate doom boondoggle has swindled trillions in taxpayer funds from the working-class multitudes into the pockets of the powerful and wealthy few.  Turns out the climate hoax was always a thinly disguised ploy to launder money, consolidate wealth and power, and justify government land grabs.  Yet the decades-long indoctrination has also bred an army of zealots who hold deeply anti-human beliefs about climate catastrophism with religious fervor.  And an unwitting pubic has been unceremoniously initiated into a new incarnation of an age-old death cult once practiced in…


    Dear Diary…

    While I’m working on this painstakingly massive report that ties up the central operation for the control grid, along with the financial acceleration and digital identity into one masterfully crafted plan, I find myself pondering the many other pieces of information I’ve pulled together that I’ve yet been able to deliver. If only I could condense the macro into the micro without having to cite a hundred sources per report, just imagine how quickly I could purge my mind of this knowledge, these connections, these random thoughts and tidbits that I “must share.” At this point in the game, why not just purge it all out? People can “look it up” for themselves, right? Maybe. Maybe not. Let’s take the International Seabed Authority as an example. Do I have to find every contract to show the “proof” that these animals are running their usual game on people? As they hammer…


    The Time is Now: Differentiating “Force” from “Choice”

    When you walked into that grocery store, did someone physically “force” you to slip that mask over your face, or did your hands maneuver that task? When the government told you to lockup your business and “forced” you to shut down for months because you were not deemed to be an “essential business,” (while operating next to the essential liquor store that was ringing up customers by the minute), who put the key in the lock and hung the closed sign on the door? When they told you to fill out that survey about your jab status, go get tested every week, or download the vaccine ID passport app to enter your personal information into their all-seeing databases, did someone “force” you to pick up a pen, walk into a facility to get tested, or swipe your phone and download the app? When you were told the jab is “safe,…


    The Biggest Game of Chicken in History

    I brewed myself a cup of coffee this morning, paused, and thought “we are in the biggest game of chicken of our entire lives, in the history of mankind itself, and this needs to end now!” Fear is propelling this insanity and the globalist-narcissistic-billionaires are lapping up every drop of it with glee. The reality is, we are driving toward a head-on collision with the monsters themselves, and they are eagerly awaiting to see if we are going to call their bluff. As I watch the world spin and observe people in a state of panic for fear that they will take us all out by unleashing smallpox or some deadly bioweapon, I ponder the plausibility, while not fearing it. It’s the same players and same playbook over and over again from HIV to Anthrax, H1N1 to Zika and Covid, now the wild threat of Smallpox being used as a…


    Observations from A 5,000 Mile Road Trip

    On September 23rd I set out on a road trip with my family, not just to unplug from reality for a bit, but to have an adventure and explore some places we’ve never been before. Of course, I knew that this long-desired adventure would entail making observations through a totally different lens than I would have five years ago, or even 2 years ago. We rented a 26’ RV since there were four of us, along with my dog. We wanted to have the comfort while being on the road, and the space to spread out. I had high hopes of writing my thoughts while traveling, but the sheer bumpiness of the ride quickly diminished that hope. Instead, I made mental notes in my mind, and shot many photos along the way. My poor dog was in a state of shock at first, with all of the rattling noises and…

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