Jen Walters & Matt Hale

The Solution Series: Navigating a Failed Health Care System with Jennifer Walters and Matt R. Hale

“I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgement, and I will do no harm or injustice to them. I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly, I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.
~ From the Hippocratic Oath

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By Corey Lynn and James White

Sadly, we have reached a point in 2023 in the United States that most Americans would never have imagined possible only a few short years ago. Collectively, many have lost confidence not only in institutional care, but in the practice of modern medicine in general—to the extent that some dread the thought of even going to a hospital.

The good news is that people everywhere are rising to the challenges that we are currently facing in health care—and they are becoming educated on managing not only their own health, but that of their family members. Both of our guests on this edition of the Solution Series—Solari Health Series host Jennifer Walters and attorney Matt Hale—are leading the way in public education and action.

Jennifer is a wife, mom of two boys, and a registered nurse who left the mainstream medical industry after her oldest son was vaccine-injured by his baby shots in 2008. She has dedicated her life to healing her son and helping others do the same.

Matt has been practicing law since 2004, focusing his career on representing people harmed by others’ negligent acts. For almost 20 years, Matt has successfully litigated complex injury claims, including medical malpractice claims against large medical systems and medical providers. He is often brought into cases by other attorneys, who need additional expertise in medical injury claims.

In this power-packed episode, learn strategies to manage your health and protect yourself legally.

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Related Resources:

American Frontline Nurses (Nicole Sirotek, founder)

Instructional videos (how-to’s on dosing, nebulizer or pulse oximeter use, and much more) (American Frontline Nurses)

Patient Toolbox (Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom)

Accident Insurance (AAA)

Covid-19 Resources: Medical, Legal, Forms, Job Boards & Other Critical Information (Corey’s Digs)

Health Sharing Ministries and Alternative Plans:


Samaritan Ministries

Health Care Sharing Ministries Comparison Chart

Healthshare FAQs

The Wedge of Health Freedom

Doctors and Facilities Accepting Direct Payment:

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)

Find a Direct Payment / Cash Friendly Practice

Surgery Centers with Cash-Friendly Pricing

Opting Out of Medicare: A Guide for Physicians

Health Care Lies: Stop the National Patient ID!

Citizen’s Council for Health Freedom (CCHF)

CCHF Coalition Letter to Stop the National Patient ID

The HIPAA Deception: Why HIPAA Is Not a Privacy Law with Twila Brase


Big Brother in the Exam Room: The Dangerous Truth about Electronic Health Records by Twila Brase, RN, PHN

The Grow System: The Essential Guide to Modern Self-Sufficient Living—from Growing Food to Making Medicine by Marjory Wildcraft

The Best Family Homeopathy Acute Care Manual: A Pictorial Guide to First Aid and Acute Therapeutics by Kate Birch

The Survival Medicine Handbook: The Essential Guide for When Help Is NOT on the Way (4th edition), by Joseph Alton, MD and Amy Alton, APRN

Common Sense Medicine: Restoring the Patient/Physician Relationship by Jeff Danby

Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses by April Hazard Vallerand and Cynthia A. Sanoski

Physicians’ Desk Reference (used copies available on eBay, ThriftBooks, Chegg, and other sites)

Corey Lynn is an investigative journalist, co-host of the weekly Dig It! podcast, and co-host of The Solution Series. Follow her at, on Twitter, Gab, Truth, Rumble, and Telegram. Support her work by becoming a Patron, making a donation or buying a Book.

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