The Curious Case of Trump’s Illness Baffles Pundits Left and Right

By James Fitzgerald
The world views US President Franklin D. Roosevelt as a renowned leader who steered America through the Great Depression and second world war, but during his tenure the public was scarcely aware that he was unable to walk unaided — after being struck by polio in 1921— and was wheelchair bound behind closed doors. The Secret Service would routinely seize and destroy photographs that showed him in a weakened state and the press were asked to portray him as strong and virile. And so the illusion of physical stature endured.
Today the media has a quite different relationship with POTUS, and yet here again the public is faced with illusory narratives that rely on the same tricks and omissions. On October 2, President Trump was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center after being diagnosed with Covid-19 the previous day. The First Lady, Melania, had also received a diagnosis. POTUS tweeted “Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!”
Trump appeared in a limousine on Sunday, with suit and mask, waving to well-wishers outside. Some corporate media outlets preferred to call them “demonstrators”. Newspapers had been perplexed by the mixed signals from the President’s doctors and advisers over the state of his condition, despite his doctor saying that the president was “doing very well”.

But why and how could a man with an acute respiratory illness present himself in public and in a broadcast public address at the weekend without any signs of disease? Trump benefits from his enemies’ sloganeering about him being narcissistic and mercurial, as he leads them on one goose chase after another. Journalists, reared on soundbites and emerging globalist agendas, no longer appear to have critical thinking abilities and are far from neutral on any subject that isn’t owned or controlled by their masters. They are therefore ill suited to offer any substantive insights into a military and subtextual campaign that permeates every facet of this President’s public life. Once again, this latest volley of announcements and decisions from the White House is characteristic of Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese strategist studied by West Point cadets — and hopefully a puzzle that will have a beneficial resolution, if indeed it is ever deciphered.
The other White House staff to have tested positive last week included Hope Hicks, a close advisor; Kellyanne Conway, a former senior advisor who had taken part in White House duties last week; Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien got the result on Friday; Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, was another to test positive, although she had been in Michigan for the previous week.
Media reports focused on the White House Rose Garden celebration for President Trump’s third nominee to the US Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, on September 26 after it emerged that Sen Mike Lee (R-UT), Sen Thom Tillis (R-NC), the Reverend John Jenkins, and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who all attended the event with Conway, had been added to the Covid list. Photographs of the event show some of the 100 attendees in masks, while others did without and mingled both outside and later inside the White House. Barrett had received a negative result for the virus on Friday.
However, the Rose Garden theory was undermined after 11 positive coronavirus cases were traced back to people involved in the setup and organizing for the first debate between Trump and Biden, according to Cleveland officials.
“The City of Cleveland is aware of positive cases of Covid-19 following the September 29 presidential debate. In total, at this time, we are aware of 11 cases stemming from pre-debate planning and set-up, with the majority of cases occurring among out of state residents,” a statement from Cleveland City Hall read.
Separately, last week, a White House member of staff and three WH journalists tested positive. Needless to say, all of these people will have embarked on 10 to 14-day self-isolation.
And on Monday, Kayleigh McEnany, White House Press secretary, issued a statement saying she had tested positive on Monday, “while experiencing no symptoms”. She will continue her duties while working remotely under quarantine. This had followed numerous negative tests, which brings into question the reliability of the testing protocol and apparatus — given that blank swabs and pau pau fruit have also tested positive.
Social media was achatter with theories as to why this inner circle of Trump loyalists should all get a red light concurrently — with most Republican supporters at a loss for explanations. DeAnna Lorraine, a former Congressional candidate, said: “This is getting too weird”, in response to news of McEnany’s positive test. Some commentators suggested that the White House had been targeted in a bio attack, although no evidence has surfaced to corroborate such suppositions.
Joy Reid of MSNBC said Trump was trying to escape presidential debates with Joe Biden. Michael Moore, the documentary filmmaker, suggested that Trump was an “evil genius” who was seeking sympathy by faking Covid-19. David Axelrod, a political commentator on CNN, tweeted on Monday: “If the @POTUS is taking a steroid that sometimes produces wild mood swings, shouldn’t he surrender authority to the VP under the 25th Amendment?”
POTUS has been given a combination of drugs that may not have been given together to a patient before — the antiviral remdesivir, a coronavirus antibody cocktail and the steroid dexamethasone. This powerful mixture may indicate that he is determined to get well quickly and is prepared to take the risks of side-effects and contraindications, or that his condition was worse than his physician Sean Conley had proposing.
“If you look at the therapeutics which I’m taking right now, some of them and others that are coming out soon that are looking like, frankly, they’re miracles,” Trump remarked in a video posted to his Twitter account at the weekend.
Twitter on Sunday banned a top US doctor after he posted a video wishing President Trump well and proposed an early treatment plan. Dr. David Samadi, a urologist at Lenox Hill Hospital and a Fox News contributor, suggested the use of a proven early treatment of HCQ, zinc and Zpack.
CNN raised concerns about the sudden onset of Trump’s illness, and claimed that Dr. Conley and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows had provided “conflicting information” about the President’s health. In a typically disparaging report on Monday, CNN said: “On Saturday, Conley reported that the President had been sick for 72 hours. He then released a statement correcting himself and claiming that the President was on his third day of illness.” The report continued: “It will be at least another week before the President is out of the woods. Covid patients often take an abrupt turn for the worse about seven to 10 days into the course of disease, and even then, he’s also at risk for long-term complications of Covid, what some are calling long-hauler symptoms.”
The network’s chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, on Sunday said President Trump’s doctors were “purposely misleading” the public and “hiding things”.
Despite this, the White House remained “optimistic” that Trump would be released from the hospital on Monday. And so it was, with Trump tweeting at 3.20pm local time: “I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!”

With the US Senate closed until October 19, due to lawmakers testing positive, the timing of this group’s reemergence from quarantine would coincide with the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced the two-week recess on Saturday after three Republican senators tested positive for the coronavirus. But the move, described as an effort to protect the health of lawmakers, will not derail the Judiciary Committee’s plan to hold hearings on Judge Barrett. McConnell is putting the chamber in “pro forma” session, which would still allow for committees to meet remotely.
Questions remain over what will happen to the HEROES Act — a proposed $3 trillion stimulus package in response to the pandemic — which is due before the Senate.
In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII signed a papal bull that promulgated a reformed calendar, that would become known as the Gregorian calendar. In order for the Roman Church to keep track of Easter, which fell on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox, on March 21, they dropped 10 days from the calendar to bring the vernal equinox from March 11 back to March 21. This happened at the beginning of October and became known as “10 days of darkness”.
It is a strange echo through history that so many White House staff should embark on 10-day retreats on the same date 438 years later. But, then, that might be an omen that even Sun Tzu couldn’t have foreseen.
Could this orchestrated lockdown of key figures in the Trump team be a safety measure as part of some strategic military operation taking place on an auspicious date? What modern day Sun Tzus might call “optics” — amid what has been described variously by some scientists and investigators as a “scamdemic”.

Thankyou James.
Yes a very interesting time in history in all its entirety, sanity and insanity, that we are in, no doubts about that.
Some news you may be interested in is this video I came across today on Martin Armstrongs- Armstrong Economics blog site that shares apparent current updates. This one on preparing against the Corona-scam.
“1918 President Wilson was Violently Sick with the Spanish Flu”
“The 2016 Soft Coup Unraveling”
The Coup Against Trump because he was anti-war and “not one of us” is unraveling deeper and deeper corruption which is leading right to Gina Haspel who is the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). They have contrived fake news and used it to go after everyone around Trump to disrupt his administration. Flynn is just the tip of the iceberg. The FBI is prohibited to penetrate and subvert any presidential campaign. Executive Order 12333, Section 2.9, “Undisclosed Participation in Organizations in the United States.” This expressly prohibits in very plain language any sort of intervention that arose from the U.S. Army Counterintelligence penetrating Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) to aid the FBI during the 1960s. Because of this prohibition, they viewed this as only prohibiting domestic intervention. That legal prohibition is why the FBI felt the need to manufacture a “foreign counterintelligence threat” in the UK and then “import” the investigation back into the United States.
However, this goes even further. Since the Steele dossier was paid for by Hillary, and the entire approval of investigating the Trump campaign in 2016 came implicitly from Obama and Biden, the corruption involving the infiltration of the 2016 Presidential Campaign was in itself a Soft Coup. Gina Haspel was the head of the London office of the CIA where everything was organized. The FBI needed to fabricate a foreign counterintelligence “event” in order to pretend this operation was legal. It is now Haspel who is refusing to declassify RussiaGate papers because it was her branch in the UK that was operationally the “friendliest” office to pull it off this entire coup. Haspel was deeply involved which runs the risk of this ever rising to the level of treason.
Sen. John McCain’s role in this coup explains a lot as to why he said he did not want Trump to speak at his funeral. It was McCain who handed the Steele dossier involving President Donald Trump were revealed in recently unsealed court filings. McCain previously had acknowledged getting a copy of the dossier, which was a compilation of memos written by former British spy Christopher Steele, and delivering it to then-FBI Director James Comey. However, the explosive dossier contained false accusations claiming the Russians had compromising information on Trump, which Comey is still trying to use publicly advising people to vote for Biden.
It was David Kramer who is involved with the McCain Institute for International Leadership which should be renamed the Institute for Soft Coups. Kramer was deposed in December 2017 as part of a legal battle waged by a Russian businessman Aleksej Gubarev over BuzzFeed’s publication of the dossier. The judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida unsealed the records adding even more interesting aspects to this Soft Coup.
Kramer Deposition
This election stands for a lot more than just who will be president. If President Trump is reelected, this might very well begin to DRAIN THE SWAMP. A victory for Biden would guarantee we will never hear another word about this Soft Coup. There is a lot at stake in this election that is so far beyond just the personality of the president.
James Fitzgerald
Thank you for that overview. Most interesting. The warmongers really are the lowest form of life in the cosmos. Time they went the way of the dinosaurs.
James Fitzgerald
Thank you, Gingergirl,
That means a lot to us. Hopefully we are getting closer to the Truth. God bless!
James Fitzgerald
Hello again Nikki,
That video is explosive. One lawyer who is putting his skills to good use. I’m going to follow that development closely. Great find. God bless.
christopher david scallio
We all Know deep State Biden & Pence are in on the Operation Covid hoax to Vaccinate 8 Billion People. Although I’d hoped Trump wasn’t in on it; This episode proves that he is. Certificate Of Vaccine IDentification. COVID. Secure ID on your person. Surveilence System contact tracing where when & with whom you are. Banking System; Pay with your Trust Stamp, Smart Mark, Covi Pass, Wellness Pass Nudata or Health Passport. A Vax that “Evolves just as you Evolve.” Made with Fire Fly Luciferase RNA & Shark Squaline RNA to Edit the DNA of Humanity for Transhumanism. Genetically Modified Organisms are Patentable Intelectual Property. Say NO to the Vax! Aplied through Quantum Dot. I’ve provided enough ‘Search’ terms to set you on your way to awareness. Avoid FEMA Concentration Camps at ALL cost.
I think we won’t know until two weeks before the election what the real reason was and why no Democrats have tested positive. It is ironic that famous people used covid-19 as an excuse to disappear from the public. This plus certain anomalies noted by pro-Trump accounts on Twitter contributed to the mysteriousness and suddeness of the illness. Some internet sleuths are speculating that a double went to Walter Reed and that Trump himself is hidden from the public because supposedly four hit squads were sent to assassinate the President. Not sure I believe that there are four, but there could very well be one, given that the DS tried 58x so far to assassinate him. Remember in Ohio, he said, he made some enemies and “you won’t see me for awhile.” Wonder if these comments alluded to this event?
James Fitzgerald
I have heard such theories and statements from insiders, and don’t doubt there is some truth to them. This is a big game – and it involves factors and technologies that the general public are not aware of. They cloned Dolly the sheep, and I expect they can do it with other life forms too.
Walt Oshinsky
I find it interesting that ever regular dictionaries define a “virus’ as “an ultra submicroscopic NONLIVING particle with a protein coat of RNA that can not exist outside of the body of it’s HOST”
This means that it can easily pass thru any kind of cloth mask and can only be transmitted by injections from one person to another!
James Fitzgerald
If only more people would put down the TV remote control and pick up a dictionary – or better a medical dictionary. The so-called viral load is directly attributable to the individual’s state of mind and acidosis, itself related to thought patterns and belief.
Timothy Grady
Never has an alleged virus been objectively proven by means of the Gold Standard of Koch’s Postulates .
The PCR tests were never designed by its author (Nobel Prize recipient Mary Mullis) to certify ‘infectious disease’s.
The etiology of this ‘Pandemic’ is purely metaphysical – i.e. – a ubiquitous Psyop .
James Fitzgerald
As you say, it’s a psyop – and a demonstration of how enslaved many people are that they are unwilling to question it. Planted ideas are way more potent than any virus – if there is such a thing.
Timothy Grady
Kary Mullis …not Mary Mullis .
Leonie Wynne
Twitter: Donald J Trump – 6 October 2020
I have fully authorised the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russian Hoax.
Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal.
No redactions!
James Fitzgerald
Hi Leonie,
Yes, good news. There can be no excuse for holding back declass now. The argument that people can’t handle the truth is nonsense. It will be an important milestone for all kinds of reasons.
Obviously, he is NOT sick and neither is anyone because the damn disease is fake. OBVIOUSLY. He’s selling some dangerous drugs for them. They are not trying to kill him. Pretty obvious to me. It’s to keep everyone thinking this thing is something rather than nothing, because the fauxvid narrative is FALLING APART and people are rising up. Americans are the weakest link in the west, having no real protests but only lawsuits so far, with limited but growing success. Maybe because too many of us are getting sucked into the fraud!
James Fitzgerald
Hi Ava,
It was worrying to read the tweet by Ivanka advocating everyone take a flu shot every six months. There may be conflicting loyalties and pressures being exerted here… One thing’s for certain, CNN are the pits.
I enjoy reading your column but there are always large portions missing from some paragraphs. Perhaps it’s just me?
James Fitzgerald
Hi Gigi,
Have you tried using a different browser? Are you accessing the site from a phone? Maybe the photos are not showing up, and creating the white spaces? Let us know, please. J. F.
Received this the other day in a newsletter from this Associate Professor. It’s about a crop circle that became obvious in a field over in the UK recently. If you listen to the video it becomes quite obvious that something out of the ordinary has been given to us from the universe. I tend to believe someone is trying to help us with this Covid virus. I have various videos of crop circles (mostly from UK) that are so unbelievably complicated, no ordinary person or persons could make these up. Obviously there have been hoaxes before but nothing as intricate as some of these crop circles that I have observed.
You will have to copy and paste into a browser to watch this.
James Fitzgerald
Hi Leonie,
Thanks for that. You bet they are conveying profound information through crop geometries. I stood in a crop circle in Wiltshire – a yin/yang symbol – and asked to myself for the artists to show themselves. About ten minutes later, they materialized in the sky above me, and used even that opportunity to convey more information through symbols. Dr Horace R. Drew does a great job of interpreting them.
This no hoax. Covid is the only hoax in town at the moment. J x