The Solution Series
  • Bill Clinton,  Clinton Foundation,  Hillary Clinton,  Indictments & Arrests,  Investigations,  LAW & ORDER

    Arkansas Swamp Part II: Spotlight on Clinton Foundation

    The Arkansas swamp continues to bleed, while the spotlight shines on the Clinton Foundation. Part 1 of the Arkansas Swamp covered dozens of arrests, indictments, guilty pleas, and a key chart indicating potential upcoming arrests, from the ongoing investigations taking place in Little Rock, Arkansas. One sung like a bird, while another strong-armed others to remain silent, and yet another set out for murder-to-hire. It is important to review Part 1 to understand the magnitude of the Arkansas swamp, and the potential squeeze it may be putting on the Clinton Foundation. Their investigations have already connected senators, legislators, lobbyists, non-profits, and companies, spanning four states, with the primary focus in Arkansas. Some may believe that the Clintons haven’t been involved in Arkansas dealings for quite some time – they would be mistaken. Deputy AG Llyod Warford, head of the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit in Little Rock, made it very clear…


    Chinese Influence & Espionage: NEW Links Between Biden & Clinton Corruption

    By The Sharp Edge Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, who is tasked with overseeing the investigation of Joe Biden’s influence peddling racket, referred to the Bidens’ scheme as “organized crime.”  Much of the investigation has revolved around the Bidens’ ties to CEFC, a front group for Chinese influence and intelligence tactics. However, the organized criminal syndicate Comer referred to extends far beyond the Bidens.  With the spotlight on Biden family corruption, new connections are resurrecting buried Clinton scandals to shed light on the depths of China’s political warfare campaign to capture and compromise American leaders.  Information gleaned from Hunter Biden’s laptop and Hillary Clinton’s email scandal both point to a single Chinese espionage campaign to identify and assassinate U.S. spies. Striking similarities in the timelines and locations related to Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and the establishment of the Chinese intelligence front group connected to the Bidens offers…


    Nader, Khawaja, Clintons, Pope Francis, and Elite Converge in UAE & Africa

    Welcome to the jungle of elites, criminals, and Pope Francis who all seem to have their eyes set on South Africa, while Russia and China run naval drills off the coast. It’s an interesting intersection of events and individuals. What’s more interesting is the timetable of recently indicted George Nader and Andy Khawaja, along with the Clintons and Pope Francis, that leads to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), who also have a big interest in South Africa. With the recent African proverb spoken by Pope Francis, mixed in with cryptic messages of a “new humanism,” he is “reinventing” in a global pact, highlighted by Hillary Clinton’s similar African proverb used in her book “it takes a village,” one wonders what plans are underway in Africa? One also wonders what was really brokered when the Pope visited the UAE earlier this year, as the first ever pontiff to travel to the…

  • LAW & ORDER,  U.S.

    Rudy, RICO, and Clinton Inc. Racketeering

    By The Sharp Edge In October of 2016, Wikileaks released a treasure trove of emails revealing the inner workings of the Clinton Crime Family, otherwise known as “Clinton Inc.” Within the 20,000 page archive of Podesta emails, the pieces came together to form a network of organized criminal activity, which long-time Clinton aide, Doug Band, referred to as “Bill Clinton, Inc.” Among the 20,000 page Wikileaks dump, a 12 page memo detailed how the Clinton aide, who played a key role in the formation of the Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton Foundation, and Teneo Holdings, used his position as a gate-keeper for Bill Clinton, intermingling a tangled web of charity vs. for-profit as well as personal business vs. official business. Rudy Giuliani, an expert on RICO, as the first prosecutor to use RICO in a major federal case, has stated in numerous interviews that this evidence, as well as other pieces…

  • child trafficking
    Bill Clinton,  Child Trafficking,  Hillary Clinton,  TRAFFICKING

    Are Bill & Hillary Clinton Involved with Child Trafficking?

    The question on everyone’s mind – are Bill and Hillary Clinton connected to or involved with child sex trafficking or child labor trafficking networks – or, are they advocates for children as they portray themselves to be? Though, the focus is on both Bill and Hillary, this report will primarily break down a timeline of Hillary’s work as it relates to children, in addition to both of their connections with individuals who have been indicted and/or convicted of crimes against children – because they are stacking up. The information that follows will provide facts, for each person to use their own discernment in determining what they believe to be truth, or until further information is revealed. Human trafficking is a $150 billion dollar industry. Timeline of Hillary’s Work Specifically Involving Infants & Children: 1970: Worked at Yale Child Study Center, learning about early childhood brain development, and research assistant on…

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