The Solution Series

    Confused? How to Compartmentalize Fact from Fiction and Plausibility

    The most common statement I hear from people, both on social media and in the real world, is “I’m so confused, I don’t know what or who to believe anymore.” Considering the level of intentional deception, manipulation tactics, and sensationalized stories floating around, that’s understandable. What is more significant is that because people have lost the ability to trust in others, it has created self-doubt in their ability to trust themselves to discern, which is perpetuating the confusion. So how do you slice through it all, separate it in your mind, and feel a sense of clarity without the mumbo jumbo of stories adding to all of this confusion? For many, by realizing that you trusted others who ultimately betrayed you, it created a sense of self-doubt, reflection, and in some cases, guilt over decisions made. That in turn created a feeling of distrust in everyone, which is unhealthy. If…


    Social Disruption Contours

    The world is swirling in a tornado of social disruption, creating waves of cognitive dissonance through endless minds. The confusion in the masses is palpable. George Soros must be pleased. The mind knows the reality, or at least it thinks it does. Each street corner speaks a different message, every television channel ­spins a different web, every voice utters words of chaos. Where are your thoughts safe from impeding dissonance? In the privacy of your own home, or does the family all speak in different tones? Does it feel like the ground is shaking beneath you, like everything is rotating counterclockwise? Have your days bled together, and your nights seem shorter? Have you reached information overload or are you thirsty for more? More of what? What is it that you really seek? Truth? What is truth to you? Are you splintered into a million pieces of distortion, and you can’t…


    Become The Master of Your Mind

    The mind is a funny thing. It’s illusive, ebbing, flexible, and yet constrictive all at once. It’s a tool that can be sharpened to the most finite degree while simultaneously fragmenting into hundreds of micro-thoughts, creating a conundrum in all of its brilliance. It can be sculpted and molded, culled and seeded, spoon-fed and dished up on a plate with a side of hysteria. It can shift through six different emotions in milliseconds without a single grasp of consciousness stepping in. And, it can check out on a whim – creating a blank state of sheer bliss or utter darkness. Its ability to manifest any thought, emotion, fact, illusion, perception or interpretation in any given moment, makes it a slippery slope. So who’s in control of this chaotic echo chamber? It’s time to become the master of your mind. So often people try to control their thoughts and the information…


    What Are You Doing?

    What are you doing? Do you find yourself doing these things? Even if you don’t, this is an important read. Did you just circulate that article because of the headline, without reading the actual article? Or, are you the one who suggested Hillary Clinton is dead and we are witnessing her clone walking around? Maybe you are the one saying someone was “arkancided” as quickly as the unfortunate news of their death hit, without even fully knowing who that person was? Why? Do you understand the ripple effect this has while simultaneously fueling their agendas? Did Critical Thinking Leave The Room? Is it possible that Hillary Clinton could in fact be a walking clone of Hillary Clinton? Let’s think about this for a moment. We know that science has made huge leaps with cloning and have the ability to clone animals. Is it possible they are cloning humans? Could be.…

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    Avoiding The Cognitive Dissonance Mudslide

    The opposition attacks, in-fighting, and shills have increased exponentially over the past couple of months, creating disconcerting levels of cognitive dissonance across the board. There is good reason for this. Truth is rising to the surface at rapid pace, and disinformation and misinformation is being launched from all sides in order to control it, manipulate it, and in some cases, put a lid on it. The goal is to create enough doubt, that fear and rage become the driving force, to distract, destroy and divide, so that confusion becomes the new normal. Cognitive dissonance has set in stronger than ever before, and people from all walks of life are caught up in it. How does one ride this wave and maintain focus, clarity, and discernment? How does one recognize the manipulation tactics being used so as to make calculated decisions without falling into the traps? Picking it Apart: Storytelling Versus…

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