How To Challenge A School Board in 3-5 Minutes
Did you know that only 5-10% of people vote in school board elections across the country? Even worse, there are empty seats, and uncontested candidates, some of whom need to be kicked to the curb. How is it possible that we have over 56.6 million children attending school in the U.S., with only 5-10% of parents participating in the election of the people who hold the highest power over their education, or shall we say… indoctrination? Whereas, the home schooling rate has increased four-fold over the past year, some parents aren’t in a situation that allows them to homeschool just yet, and their children remain in public schools. The future generations will be so badly indoctrinated, if parents do not put a stop to this now, and that’s exactly what is happening. Continue this momentum! Are you a little shy and find it difficult speaking in a room full of…
Bill Gates’ Influence Over The US Education System
New curriculums are being implemented across the United States with the intent to stifle the academic achievement of exceptional students. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the driving force behind them. Bill Gates almost single-handedly funded and implemented Common Core standards in 2010. The equity agendas are a continuation of those standards. By changing the way a single generation of Americans learn and think in school, Agenda 2030 will be much easier to implement at a global scale. L, an investigative journalist, recently published a report on the globalists control of the education system and Bill Gates involvement with Common Core, among other things. This is vital information for parents to be aware of. Below is L’s summary with direct links to her report. Across the United States, public schools seem to be in a race to see who can destroy their student’s futures the fastest. In the name…
What The Plandemic Can Do For Our Evolution
By James Fitzgerald I was never labelled as a conspiracy theorist because my position as a newspaper editor gave me license to call out the consensus reality — and my stock market advice always made people money, which gave my other musings credence. That said, I am no longer a conspiracy theorist because the people in the stores with plastic bags over their heads and the ones jogging in the countryside wearing formaldehyde and Teflon-infused surgical masks have superseded me in the crackpot stakes. This plandemic saved my life. I had been commuting 60 miles a day; getting up at 4am and returning home at 10pm. When you’ve sat on a cramped and stuffy coach for three hours in heavy traffic for the second time that day, after a long spell in an office, you start to entertain notions of spontaneous Ascension or becoming a dry-stone waller. After the first…
The Government Needs a Lobotomy and Humanity Needs to Grow Some Balls
I have a lot on my mind, as I’m sure many Americans do right now. First and foremost, why is the government injecting themselves into every area of our lives, and going so far as to make us a genderless country? That was a rhetorical question. I wonder if people comprehend what’s really transpiring? That one wasn’t. But, more on this later. The government needs a lobotomy. Humanity is losing its grip, if they ever had one to begin with, and it’s far past time everyone grow some balls – just not surgically. Let me start with the obvious – abortions kill babies, puberty blockers taken at length cause sterilization, transition surgery is castration, some vaccines have caused infertility and big pharma isn’t yet sure if the Covid vaccine will do the same but they’re cool with this since they intentionally sterilized over 60,000 Americans in the name of eugenics…
Birds Falling from The Sky by The Hundreds of Thousands?
Over the past month there has been a lot of buzz about birds, but perhaps the most shocking news, was the story about “hundreds of thousands of birds, possibly millions” having fallen from the sky to their death. This story was picked up by local and major news sources, but with all of the distractions, it didn’t get a lot of traction across social media platforms. I suspect that’s going to change in the weeks to come, because there are some strange anomalies with this, and I want to get out in front of this story before it grows wings. On September 12, the Farmington Daily Times reported that 300 dead migratory birds were being examined by biologists from White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico and New Mexico State University at Knox Hall on the university’s campus. In other reports, it was clarified that the large number of birds…