RESOURCE: Tracking Legal Action & Legislation Against Covid-19 Mandates
There are allegedly over 332 million people in the U.S., and despite the non-stop threats of a “deadly virus” (with a 99.98% survival rate), the constant warnings from the Biden regime, OSHA’s failing attempt at power, the bribery and incentivizing by businesses, the screeching roll of PA announcements in retail establishments, and the endless yammering from mainstream media and “health experts,” over 40% of Americans aren’t choosing the path of fear, and are unrattled by the tyranny which lacks any level of truth. Some have banned together and succeeded against mandates, while many would like to take legal action, and others have already done so, but finding attorneys and court cases, and sorting through the legislation and battles between states and federal government can be challenging and tedious.
For anyone who believes the U.S. is dead in the water – think again. This battle is on, and people are getting more fired up as more demands are being put on them. It’s time that everyone takes a hard stand while this battlefield is brewing with energy, and put an end to this tyranny once and for all, unless you prefer to line up for booster shots for the rest of your life and live in a dystopian virtual cage controlled through your digital ID vaccine passport.
This article will break down the following information to help both citizens and attorneys get a fuller scope on the big picture, including pertinent legislation and federal battles that are also playing a big role with outcomes and putting a halt to this tyranny, and provide links for ongoing tracking.
• Tackling Covid tyranny head on
• OSHA & Biden administration under fire in court
• Tracking civil court cases and class actions
• Tracking state and federal legislation
• Tracking Covid policies in K-12 schools
• Summary of what’s working and case examples
• Covid Resources for legal and/or medical assistance, job boards, forms and letters, alternative resources, and critical information
We have our work cut out for us, but a lot of legislatures are doing their jobs. Here’s a snapshot of where the U.S. stands on Covid jab mandates thus far, which doesn’t include the recent unconstitutional OSHA debacle that’s under fire in court. More on this further down.

For a current up-to-date chart that details specifics of a prohibited jab mandate by state, as well as the map, go here. It’s clear that blue states are hitting these mandates hard.
Tackling Covid Tyranny Head On
Whereas some people are feeling the pressure from employers or education institutions, and might feel boxed in, it’s important to recognize that there are multiple approaches to tackling these mandates. It’s also important to note that the FDA approved Pfizer Comirnaty Covid jab has never been available in the U.S., and in a statement from Pfizer, they have said that they have no intention of producing any over the next several months for the U.S., since they are continuing to distribute their Emergency Use Authorization BioNTech jab instead.
• Do not comply.
• Do not voluntarily quit – make them fire you.
• Do not download apps requested by your employers or school, requiring you to submit personal information as to whether you have received the jab or not.
• The first line of defense, and the most important, is the masses standing up to this. Many companies will back down if they know they are going to lose a chunk of their staff. Don’t let the intimidation and manipulation tactics let you think differently. Everyone MUST gather their co-workers and take a stand against their demands before this goes any further. The next line of defense will be a legal challenge, which believe it or not, will be more difficult to succeed. The power is in the people and the numbers. Make it happen.
• Religious exemptions are currently the most upheld argument in court, though no one should have to submit anything to this unconstitutional tyranny.
• Sit down with the head of HR and have a genuine conversation about how people feel in the workplace and how they could lose a percentage of their staff. Utilize this employee form to help prepare for this conversation.
• Pay close attention to legislation in your area and get vocal with local legislatures about supporting or opposing their bills. Get your local communities involved as well.
• Reach out to an attorney to review your case, and possibly gather other employees to go to bat with you. Here are some legal and other resources that may be of help to you.
• Continue to bring critical information to others via social media, direct email, conversations, in local community gatherings, on your t-shirt, signs in your vehicle, at your local church, and everywhere else you go.
• The Covid jab and vaccine passports should be everyone’s first priority battle, as it is the doorway into their human cages they are building for everyone. Read 22 Ways to Stop Vaccine ID Passports in 2022.
• Some folks have had success with filing a letter of intent against their Superintendent of Schools’ surety bond to remove all Covid related mandates put on children. See how they did this at Bonds for The Win.
OSHA and Biden Administration Under Fire in Court

Heavy, unconstitutional mandates are coming out of the Biden administration that could impact the majority of employees, so this is a good place to begin with where the U.S. stands on fighting this tyranny. Thus far, many states are stepping up to the plate to put a hard halt to this. In addition, some states already have orders in place that no entity within their state can require the Covid jab, such as Florida, Texas, and Montana, which is proving to be a battle between the states and federal government. More than half the country is fed up with the federal government’s overreach.
OSHA’s Mandate Halted Thus Far
Just nine days after Doug Parker was confirmed as the new Assistant Secretary of Labor to lead the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), they released their “Emergency Temporary Standard” (full text) demanding that all businesses who employ at least 100 employees, must require them to either get the Covid jab or submit mandatory weekly test results, all at the request of Biden. This “necessary” mandate due to “grave danger” extended all the way out to January 4, 2022 – after the Holidays. While some questioned why 60 days made any sense at all for something considered to be “grave danger,” others were more focused on the fact that OSHA has no jurisdiction to make such requirements. Many questioned why they would require masks and testing from those who didn’t get the jab but not by those who did get the jab, since it is well documented by the CDC, FDA, OSHA, and big pharma that none of the Covid jabs prevent one from getting Covid or transmitting it, which ultimately means that employers would be enforcing discrimination. Not only did OSHA make these demands, but they threatened fines of up to $136,532 if a business wasn’t in compliance (based on per violation).
As fast as OSHA released this on November 4, 2021, companies all across the U.S. began flooding inboxes with emails requiring their employees to get weekly testing and prepare to get the jab. Some companies weren’t even giving the option of testing or exemptions. OSHA has never had the authority to make such demands and all companies would be well advised to seek legal consult before pursuing such demands of their employees. Furthermore, they better stay on top of all court proceedings pertaining to both OSHA’s attempts as well as the federal employee mandate issued by Biden, because these are moving targets and judges are not taking too kindly to these orders at present.
The following day, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a challenge to the mandate in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, which also included Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Utah. The appeals court ruled there are “grave statutory and constitutional issues” with OSHA’s mandate, and temporarily halted OSHA’s mandate. The Biden administration has to submit a reply to the motion by Monday, followed by the petitioners’ reply on Tuesday.
It has been reported that 27 states immediately filed motions to stop the OSHA mandate. Kansas filed, along with six other states in the Sixth Circuit Court, which covers Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee. Kansas is in the Tenth Circuit. New Hampshire just joined an eleven-state coalition in a lawsuit against the federal government’s OSHA mandate.
States and the Biden administration all seem confident that they are on the right side of the law. One of them most certainly isn’t, and more than half the country is rooting for the states in this showdown.
When OSHA released their “Emergency Temporary Standard,” it was opened up to public comment for 30 days before they make it a “permanent standard,” which does not conclude until December 6th. Individuals and businesses can post their public comments as well as attach any documents or evidence to back up their comments. They have already received over 3,100 comments in just a few days. Anyone can comment here.
UPDATE 11/17/21: OSHA has suspended their mandate until further court order, as indicated on their website.

UPDATE 1/26/2022: OSHA “withdrew” their mandate, but the truth is – on January 13, 2022 the court ruled that OHSA had exceeded its authority.

Lawsuits Against The Biden Administration’s Federal Employee Mandate
In addition to things quickly heating up against the OSHA mandate, 19 states filed suit against the Biden administration after his executive order mandating federal employees to get the Covid jab by December 8th, hit the federal register. According to a survey by the Government Business Council, 53% of federal employees strongly or somewhat disagree with the Biden Administration’s jab mandate for federal employees.
On Friday, October 29, 2021, several states filed multiple federal lawsuits against the Biden administration over its Covid-19 “vaccine mandate” for federal workers and contractors, bringing the total up to 19 states suing in four separate federal courts. Those states include Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgie, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Their argument is that the mandate violates federal procurement law, is an overreach of federal power, it violates the 10th amendment reserving power to the states, illegally uses federal spending to coerce the states, and 60 days of public comment wasn’t properly allowed. They are concerned that this could potentially decimate businesses and the workforce causing further issues with the supply chain.
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem issued an executive order allowing for state employees to claim religious or medical exemptions, to protect them from federal vaccine mandates. The religious exemption simply requires an employee filling out and signing a form stating that they object to the Covid-19 vaccine based on “religious grounds, which includes ethical, and philosophical beliefs or principles.” The exemptions are supposed to be automatic once the forms are submitted.
In addition to states filing suits, unions have filed, US Air Force Officers have filed, and 50 federal employees of which 20 are from the Department of Homeland Security, have also filed suit against the Biden Administration. There are currently countless cases in the works – too many to list.
Here are seven lawsuits challenging the Covid jab mandate for U.S. Military members.
UPDATE: On January 21, 2022, a federal judge blocked the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for federal workers nationwide.
UPDATE on CMS Mandate: On January 13, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in allowing the CMS vaccine mandate to go into effect.
The EEOC’s First Case: Sues Company for Disability Discrimination
Though there should be countless cases being filed by the EEOC right now, since this is a “first” it’s worth mentioning here. The EEOC published a press release on September 7, 2021 stating that they were suing ISS Facility Services, Inc. for unlawfully denying its employee’s reasonable request to work from home to protect herself from Covid-19, and then fired her. Ronisha Moncrief worked for ISS at their Covington, Georgia facility. Moncrief, along with all other employees, were told to work remotely four days per week from March 2020 through June 2020. Upon returning, Moncrief requested to stay remote two days per week and take several breaks while at the facility, due to her pulmonary condition that puts her more at risk of contracting Covid-19. Whereas ISS allowed others to work from home, they denied Moncrief’s request and shortly thereafter, fired her, which violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Of course, this never made it in the news.
Tracking Civil Court Cases and Class Actions

Unless you are an attorney, a student, or have a paid account with Westlaw, Lexis Advance, or Bloomberg, it’s a little tricky aggregating court cases, jury verdicts, and settlements. Though, if you do have that advantage, these are handy tools. Because most people probably do not have that access, here is a site that is doing the aggregating on Covid-19 court cases from those resources, and indicates that they are periodically updating the list.
Among 65 cases filed against Covid-19 jab mandates, as of October 26, 2021, here is the breakdown:
• 30 cases courts refused to halt vaccine mandates (some of these are being appealed)
• 18 cases are still pending resolution
• 12 cases were dismissed by plaintiffs or by the court
• 4 cases received injunctive relief, all of which involved religious freedom arguments
• 1 case blocked a vaccine passport ban
Any of the above cases can be searched by case number and followed if anyone is interested. These extend through multiple states. The four cases that were successful thus far took place in Louisiana, Michigan, and two cases in New York. Of course there are numerous other cases taking place across the country in the lower courts, some that make it in alternative news sources (rarely in mainstream news), and others that would need to be searched through the courts on a local level. But the above gives a good sampling of 65 cases with 18 still pending thus far.
There are many legal groups filing multiple lawsuits in various states. Many of those can be tracked directly on their websites’ press releases and/or actual court documents they upload to their site. Those organizations can be located on Corey’s Digs Covid Resources page under “Legal Actions.”
This site provides an employment litigation tracker and insights:
Though it doesn’t get case-specific or allow you to drill down into great detail, it provides perspective on just how many cases have been brought by employees against their employers in each state, and where those cases stand. This represents both individual plaintiffs and class actions.
Between January 30, 2020 and October 13, 2021, there have been a total of 3,717 cases filed by employees against their employers across the country. Mind you, these are not all Covid-related cases, though many of them appear to be so based on their charts. That said, their analysis breakdown on closed cases below indicates it was last updated on August 6, 2021, therefore there are likely far more cases that have closed since then.

• 52% of the cases are closed as of August 6, 2021
• 35% were federal and 16% state
• 40% class action and 26% individuals
• 63% were settled, 25% voluntary dismissal, and 12% dismissed by court
Tracking State and Federal Legislation For or Against Covid-19 Mandates

Aside from the aforementioned lawsuits that states have filed against the federal government, dozens of states have passed legislation that either partially or fully bans Covid jabs and/or passports. Both are equally important to put a halt to. States that currently ban the use of a vaccine passport either by state and local government for access to state facilities, or in some cases have a statewide ban, thus far are: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Montana, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. This is why so many states are filing suit against the federal government for overreach of claiming that they preempt any state laws in place.
Additionally, multiple states have introduced new legislation that could come to fruition. Note that there are also some states that are trying to pass legislation in favor of the Covid jabs or passports, but there are far more trying to prohibit it. This is why it is so important for people to pay close attention to local legislation, support or oppose it, and get your legislators working for you.
There are two sites that aggregate Covid legislation quite well, making it convenient to track what’s happening in each state. On the NCSL site you can select “Covid-19: General” and “Health: Vaccine” in the left column, and then select a state in the right column to drill down through legislation. It will show you if a Bill is pending, adopted, enacted, or failed, and provides a link to the Bill itself.
The NVIC Advocacy Portal is an ultra quick-glance style format in alphabetical order by state, and does a fantastic job of aggregating all Covid-related legislation. It too, gives a status update, and even has a position column that states either support, oppose, or watch. Whereas you have to register in order to click on the link to each bill, it does provide the bill number so that it’s easily searchable. The portal also offers one click contact links for members to quickly reach their state and federal legislators. If you are short on time and want to keep tabs on your state legislation or a state you are considering moving to, this would be the one to bookmark and monitor.
These are critical bills to stay on top of, ranging from adverse event reporting to having to accept exemptions, prohibiting giving children jabs without parental consent, equal access, death from vaccine, prohibits passports, no mandatory jabs allowed, to the extreme opposite bills that want all adults and children to get the jab with no exemptions allowed. Eyes on – voices up!
Tracking Covid Policies in K-12 Schools

Whereas the Kaiser Family Foundation has deep ties to other corrupt foundations, from time to time, their site does provide an interesting set of data points and statistics that can be validated, and for that reason, this particular page is included in this report.
As of October 5, 2021, this gives an overview of policies being implemented in K-12 schools. Each state sets their own demands or guidelines, but may choose to follow the CDC’s guidance which of course includes that all children and staff be vaccinated, wear masks, and have regular testing. However, most states have left decisions up to local school districts, and some states are not allowing for schools to mandate them.
• 40 states do not require school employees to get the jab
• The states requiring jab mandates of employees and/or students are CA, CT, DC, DE, IL, NJ, NM, NY, OR, WA – all democrat states
• Currently California is the only state to mandate that students get the Covid jab, which is to take effect in 2022
• All states mandate other jabs for children, so with the newest FDA approval of children 5-11, states may begin to require the Covid jab as well – stay on top of legislatures and school boards or opt for homeschooling
• 25 states do not have a statewide mask requirement in school, leaving it up to local school districts
• 18 states require masks in school, and 8 states prohibit masks in school
• 45 states leave testing decisions up to local school districts
There are 44 states who allow for religious exemptions, so use them. If a school isn’t honoring the exemption, consider showing them some of the example cases in this report, proving that the religious exemption will hold up in a court of law in many cases. Find helpful resources on obtaining a religious exemption, here.
The takeaway: The majority of states leave the decision making on jabs, masks, and testing up to the school districts, meaning there are no mandates or laws in place. Target the school districts but stay on top of the legislatures.
See the full listing of states and policies here. For an up-to-date chart, go here and scroll down to school policies.
Additional school-related information:
How to Challenge a School Board in 3-5 Minutes
Form for Students Attending Colleges or Universities Requiring Covid-19 Injections
Summary of What’s Working and Case Examples

There are three areas that seem to have the most success thus far, outside of simply refusing to comply. Individuals can make a big difference here, but teamwork will be very beneficial as well.
1) Gather other employees and take a stand. This has caused a reversal in mandates at many establishments. Some companies have had as few as 5-10 employees refusing to comply and warning they were willing to be fired, and the companies backed down because they couldn’t afford to lose those employees. Many companies are insisting employees download an app and/or fill out a survey stating whether or not they’ve received the jab, and a lot of employees are refusing to fill them out so the companies back down. One massive company that hopes to take over all industries one day, hasn’t even required any of their employees to get the jab yet. Perhaps they are waiting until after the Holidays, since it’s Amazon?
2) The religious exemption holds a lot of power. It is one area that many courts seem to uphold over any other argument. Though some of these cases have failed, some have certainly succeeded.
3) Legislatures are rocking this boat and loading up the cannons in over two dozen states to fight for their citizens’ rights. This is unlike anything ever witnessed before, whereby citizens and legislatures are working in sync against the federal government. This is creating an entirely new dynamic that could prove to be quite powerful moving forward. When people are rooting for their legislatures during one of the most brutal political climates, that gives them the boost they need to fight this battle alongside everyone.
The fact that they are still only administering an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) jab, because the FDA approved Pfizer Comirnaty has never been made available in the U.S. and Pfizer has no intentions of doing so anytime soon, while trying to force people against their will via mandates and so-called laws – should be the biggest winning argument in a court of law, but sadly it hasn’t proven to be very successful.
Case Examples:

This is one of the four cases that succeeded, indicated in the 65-case breakdown above: On October 12, 2021 a federal judge ruled that New York state cannot impose a Covid-19 jab mandate on healthcare workers without allowing their employers to consider religious exemption requests.
On October 28, 2021 a U.S. District Court judge issued a temporary restraining order preventing the Biden administration from firing active-duty military and civilian plaintiffs who sued over religious exemptions, while their request was still pending or during the pendency of their appeals. This is an ongoing case.
On October 29, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a challenge to the Covid-19 jab mandate over religious exemptions by nine healthcare workers. Unfortunately, the law wasn’t on their side in this case. Coincidentally, Maine just removed their religious exemption law from public schools in May 2019, as did New York in June 2019, and Connecticut in children under age 12 in April 2021.
In October, a judge granted a temporary restraining order for five nurses at Riverside Healthcare in Illinois, who were facing termination if they didn’t get the Covid jab. They now face a preliminary injunction hearing on November 19, 2021. According to their attorney, he stated that if the nurses had been fired the hospital would have been in violation of the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act as well as Gov. JB Pritzker’s executive order.
On the flip side, the Southwest Airlines pilots union of 9,000 members, wasn’t so successful. Though, their argument wasn’t about religious exemptions, but rather they argued Covid-related policies and mandates needed to be negotiated with the union. They attempted to get the jab mandate blocked, but Texas U.S. District Judge Barbara Lynn denied them. Meanwhile, a U.S. District Court in Forth Worth blocked United Airlines plan to put staff with exemptions on unpaid leave.
Surprisingly, a Cook County Illinois judge suspended the city of Chicago’s policy requiring that all of its police officers get the Covid jab by end of the year, for four police unions, until their complaints can be settled in arbitration. Sadly, any city employees that weren’t represented by those police unions still have to get the jab by end of the year. This is why it pays to stick together and fight these battles.
An interesting, successful case in Florida:
In a case of city employees (plaintiffs) against the city of Gainesville, plaintiffs filed a petition for emergency injunctive relief under the argument that the vaccine mandate facially implicates their right to privacy under the Florida Constitution, Article I,§23. The court is required to review the City’s policy under a strict scrutiny to determine whether the policy serves a compelling government interest and utilizes the least restrictive means to serve that interest. However, the City did not provide any evidence at all – no documents, affidavits, witnesses, or declarations, therefore, the judge granted the injunctive relief because the court cannot make factual findings that the government has any compelling state interest. The order states that the City shall not enforce the vaccine mandate policy and shall not terminate or discipline any employee for failure to comply with the vaccine mandate, and the injunction will continue in force until further order of the court.
Florida’s constitutional right to privacy states that “every natural person has the right to be let alone and free from governmental intrusion into the person’s private life except as otherwise provided herein…” Florida law also provides that citizens have the right to refuse unwanted medical treatments and that compelled physical intrusion into the human body is an invasion of bodily integrity that implicates significant, constitutionally protected privacy interests.
If a challenged law implicates Florida’s right to privacy, the burden shifts to the government to prove that the law furthers a compelling state interest in the least restrictive way, also known as the “strict scrutiny” standard. This standard also applies to constitutional challenges when the government seeks to enforce laws and when the government employer seeks to enforce workplace policies.
Covid Resources

The Covid Resources page on Corey’s Digs provides legal and medical assistance, job boards, forms and letters, alternative resources, and critical information pertaining to Covid. Please bookmark this page and share it with others, as more resources are added over time and it’s quite an extensive list.
One thing is for certain. No one is going down without a fight, and even states are stepping up to the plate. This is an all out battle to the finish line, and if people want their freedom they better step up right now. This is an opportunity to work in unison with legislatures who are going to bat to protect their citizens. Imagine what else could be accomplished if everyone is working together to fight the human enslavement system that the globalists and Biden regime are trying to build?
Word of advice to businesses: get your legal teams in the batting cage, because if this tyranny continues, you haven’t seen anything yet. Half the country may have stepped out of the game, but the other half intends to strike you out at every swing. When people have everything to lose, they tend to fight a heck of a lot harder than those sitting in their ivory towers obeying their masters. Either support your employees or prepare to lose big.
This report was sponsored by The Solari Report.

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This is an amazing, briliant and important peice of work. In fact I don’t believe anyone else has attempted anything like it. It is none of my business, but I would love to see you expand your sphere of operations so that people who are not familiar with your work can get a glimpse of you. Maybe the odd Tucker Carlson appearance. Just saying.
Thank you Corey! This is truly an amazing compilation of vital information needed by the more than 40% of us who aren’t buckling to fear. I research as much as I can, but it’s a work of art to have it all together like this into one nice bundle. Truth sets us free! Please continue this crusade and thank you so much again for all of your hard work! It’s very much appreciated!
What’s the danger of downloading an app requested by my employer, requiring me to submit personal information as to whether I have received the jab or not. Doesn’t the government already know whether I recieved the jab or not? My employer is asking me to download and use Microsoft’s “safe4work” app to declare my status so they know where to deliver the rapid self test kits if your not jabbed. I don’t like it but at least they aren’t collecting my DNA if I test negative. Thanks,
Linda Ann Puetz
The world is a better place bacuse of you. Thank you for this ammo. The pen is mightier than the sword.
Peace to all who enter here.
Richard Ziegelasch
The federal government has granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.
Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act
The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (Secretary) to issue a PREP Act declaration. The declaration provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims:
>of loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions
>determined by the Secretary to constitute a present, or credible risk of a future public health emergency
>to entities and individuals involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures
A PREP Act declaration is specifically for the purpose of providing immunity from liability, and is different from, and not dependent on, other emergency declarations.
Under the PREP Act, companies like Pfizer and Moderna have total immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.
If you experience severe side effects after getting a Covid vaccine, lawyers tell CNBC there is basically no one to blame in a U.S. court of law.
The federal government has granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.
“It is very rare for a blanket immunity law to be passed,” said Rogge Dunn, a Dallas labor and employment attorney. “Pharmaceutical companies typically aren’t offered much liability protection under the law.“
You also can’t sue the Food and Drug Administration for authorizing a vaccine for emergency use, nor can you hold your employer accountable if they mandate inoculation as a condition of employment.
Rehab Mom
I have found a way to spread the message to others: I write a short message with a sharpie such as “Vax=Genocide” or “Do not comply”, or “Coercion is not Consent” or even “FJB” on all my Federal Reserve notes. Imagine if everyone did! Civil disobedience for the win!
Billie Kruger
Scientific Evidence that Virology is a House-of-Cards, a Scientific Fraud….
The thesis of this new booklet is that, because of the recent publication of some peer-reviewed studies and the scientific experiments conducted by my friend, Dr. Stefan Lanka, we can now say without any doubt that the central tenets of modern virology are not only unscientific, but are actually anti-scientific.
Modern virology rests on three tenets. The first is that the tissue breakdown, called the cytopathic effect, that is seen in cell cultures is proof of the existence of the pathogenic virus, and proof that it causes disease. This has now been proven to be false as a result of Dr. Lanka’s experiments. The second tenet is that one can see the pathogenic virus in question, including SARS-CoV-2, in the examination of the cell-culture breakdown. Using peer-reviewed research, I show this claim to be false. Finally, virologists claim that they find and sequence the entire genome of the virus in question through an alignment process done on the cell culture. The results of this part of Dr. Lanka’s experiment were not available at the time I wrote the booklet, but Dr. Lanka has since shown this sequencing process to be fallacious as well. By adding mRNA from yeast to a cell culture, with no possibility of any virus added to the culture, he was able, using modern “unbiased, de novo, next-generation sequencing,” to produce the entire genome of SARS-CoV-2 from this mixture, even though, again, no virus was present. Therefore, as of October 2021, it has now been proven that virology is based on false assumptions, SARS-CoV-2 or any other so-called pathogenic virus doesn’t exist, and the entire Covid-19 narrative is bogus. This booklet builds the case in simple, clear, precise language.
There is a legal thingy that no one is bringing up. Government’s jurisdiction (and police power) extends only to the objects of it’s jurisdiction, that is, in every case, ” persons.” In statutory law a person is defined as a legal or commercial entity. There are many “persons.” A driver is a person, a voter is a person, citizen, employee, employer, taxpayer, officer, human being (see 1 usc 8 for the definition of human being. They have convinced us we are human, but that is a lie, we are Man, Mankind. I found a list of Latin prefixes and among them was “hu,” meaning of or belonging to man. Chew on that one). The list of persons is defined in each title depending on subject matter. So, for example, in your state’s motor vehicle code (a motor vehicle is a vehicle engaged in commerce) a driver is a person who operates a motor vehicle in commerce. Maybe you are getting the idea. So, if you occupy the person (office?) employee, are you bound by statute or is the person? That may depend on whether or not you have taken an oath. Your company may demand an “employee” (the internal revenue code defines employee specifically, and unless you work for government, it ain’t you) do such and such, but are you,the man or woman, bound by a requirement not included in your “employment” agreement? Once you get the hang of it, it can be fun. In the case of the feds, their jurisdiction (territorial) is spelled out in Art I, sec 8, clause 17 of the constitution. Throw that one at them and see the sparks fly!
K.C. Cooper
Would it be possible if you publicly called attention to the disturbing fact that no state attorney general, governor, transportation provider, or school district has challenged CDC’s transportation mask order yet?
The mask order has legal flaws – just like the eviction moratorium, which was struck down by SCOTUS… and the cruise ship restrictions, which were struck down after Florida sued.
Florida has successfully challenged a CDC order before. What’s stopping the state from doing so again?
Worse, the mask order threatens a $100,000 fine and/or 1 year in jail for violations by individuals, and $250,000 fine for violations by organizations. (42 CFR 70.18)
Details on the legal flaws:
1. CDC’s mask mandate exceeds its statutory authority under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act, the same way its cruise ship restrictions (which were struck down after Florida sued) and its eviction moratorium (which was struck down by the Supreme Court) both did.
2. CDC’s mask mandate seriously violates the 10th amendment by claiming jurisdiction over entirely intrastate surface transportation such as subways, taxis, rideshares, public buses, and even school buses.
Further, some other countries like the UK (or at least England) have lifted mask mandates for public transportation. This means that England is currently less restricted than Florida.
Tony Graham
I submitted a Statement for Accomodation along with my 15 Pages of Cited References with Links, after recieving an emial on 11/12 I had until 11/14 to respond with my proof of vaccination.
My Positions:
1. Do not Disclose
2. Exercise the Option for Accomodation – was proivided either Relegious or Medical, requested accomodation under religious
3. Will not participate in the dicriminatory practices, by complying with disclosure
4. Support Freedom of Choice, over coerce compliance, without a punitive outcome
5. Support Privacy and individual rights, regardless of choice
6. Religious and Moral Positions are counter to the divisiveness of meeting the mandate, Positons support unity, autonomy and privacy
Submitted STATEMENT:
The Statements and information herein provided, are in support of a personal and private belief that support a position of personal non-disclosure on a personal status, in the matter of vaccination. Furthermore, as a matter of personal belief I support the freedom of choice, in all matters of personal and private medical decisions. To meet the options provided for accommodation, I therefore submit for a religious exemption for myself, in line with my own personal beliefs and in solidarity for every individual to have an equal opportunity of the same freedom of choice, in this matter. To decide individually and have that decision be a non-disclosed personal private matter, apart from any condition of employment, without punitive outcome, protected under HIPPA Guidelines and constitutional law. To do otherwise, would be agreement to be a participant in discriminatory practices as a condition of employment. That too goes against a personal moral compass of fairness, equity and inclusion, that does not comport with personal religious values.
This is a formal statement in support of religious exemption for a request of accommodation.
Below is a compilation of Synodal Statements, Medical Studies, Professional Dissertations, and Hierarchical and Monastic Statements which either totally forbid or recommend against receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine:
(I can provide the Word or PDF Document, I submitted, with the Full Text, if there is palce to provide this for those intersted in using this submisison)
Esmeralda Schuetze
Esmeralda Schuetze
Tony i would like the pdf