BIS Blueprint = Global Control of ALL Assets, Information & People

by The Sharp Edge

We’ve all heard the infamous World Economic Forum phrase “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.”  But how do global elites and central bankers intend to roll out this diabolical scheme?  Well, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) mapped it out in their recently published report on a proposed “unified ledger” called, “Blueprint for the future monetary system: improving the old, enabling the new.”

Watch Dig It! episode 194 for a detailed breakdown of this report, where we get into the logistics, how they will incrementally try to pull this off, how much energy will be required to do so, how long this will take, and what other aspects tie into this. It is a must watch!

Control of All Assets

In simple terms, the BIS’ blueprint proposes that all private property in the real world, such as money, houses, cars, etc., would be “tokenised” into digital assets within an “everything in one place” global unified ledger.

CBDCs would be “core to the functioning” of this tokenised world and serve as the reserve currency on the unified ledger. Transactions between CBDCs and tokenised assets, which represent real-world assets, would operate seamlessly through smart contracts on one programmable platform.

Each token representing a real-world asset in this digital space would contain a large amount of data received from the real world in real time about what it is, who it belongs to, etc., as well as rules on how that particular asset can and cannot be used.  The BIS explains how these rules are set up by “directly embedding supervisory features into the token itself, which can be tailored to specific rules.”

The main takeaway of this BIS blueprint is that whatever happens in their dystopian digital world, has legally binding impacts on assets in the real world.  So, maybe the WEF’s catch phrase should be “You may own digital tokens, but we will control the real assets.

Source: “Blueprint for the future monetary system: improving the old, enabling the new,” BIS, June 20, 2023

Control of All Information

The “data environment” of this unified ledger would encompass all the tokenized assets plus “all information necessary to incorporate real-world events into any contingent performance of actions.”  That’s a broad statement. 

We can only assume this means that the unified ledger wouldn’t just store tokenised versions of every piece of private property on the planet, but every piece of information from real-world events that could possibly impact assets or transactions on the global unified ledger.

Source: “Blueprint for the future monetary system: improving the old, enabling the new,” BIS, June 20, 2023

What kinds of information from the real world would be entered into this global database?  We can only imagine.  But the BIS does suggest that information stored and shared on this unified ledger could “enhance financial inclusion” by providing “disadvantaged segments of the population such as racial minorities,” with alternative forms of credit by using “non-traditional data,” a feature that ominously compares to a social credit system.

Control of All People

International organizations are coordinating to accelerate their plans for this global CBDC platform that centralizes control over all assets, information, and people.  On the same day that the BIS blueprint was released, June 20, 2023, Kristalina Georgieva, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) revealed that the U.N. financial institution is “working hard on the concept of a global CBDC platform.” 

The timing of this announcement by the head of the IMF, coinciding with the BIS blueprint, is no coincidence.  Georgieva remarked, “We used to say before the pandemic that the future was digital.  With the pandemic, the future arrived.  We now have an accelerated transformation.”

Financial expert George Gammon remarked, “The global elite have just revealed their Marxist agenda to control your life.”  Gammon added, “I don’t think most people can really grasp the type of power they would have.”  In this must-watch video, George Gammon breaks down the full BIS blueprint into plain language, including what it is, why it’s terrifying, and what you can do about it.

Source: “BIS Plan For A GLOBAL CBDC Was Just Released,” George Gammon, June 30, 2023

“We are talking about a process of extreme financial repression, where they assert control of 100% of all real assets,” remarked Catherine Austin Fitts in the second half of a recent Financial Rebellion episode.

Fitts added that a unified ledger connected to a CBDC system is “so frightening because there’s only one way to achieve that, and that’s with massive slavery and mind control.”  Fitts also strongly believes that many of the efforts “to constrain our health freedoms” would be tied to this global unified ledger and “implemented by controlling transactions.” 

Catherine Austin Fitts highly recommended two Solari reports, under additional resources below, for more information about what financial transaction freedom means, what threatens it, and what we can do to prevent it from being taken away. 

Source: “Missouri V. Biden + The First Amendment,” Children’s Health Defense, Financial Rebellion, July 13, 2023

Additional Resources

Financial Transaction Freedom – The Solari Report

I Want to Stop CBDCs – What Can I Do? – The Solari Report, Corey’s Digs

Financial Takeover and Your Bank Account – BlackRock, Envestnet/Yodlee, and The Federal Reserve, Corey’s Digs

The Rise & Risks of Central Bank Digital Currencies – Corey’s Digs

National Strategy to Develop Distributed Ledger Technology for Digital ID Tucked into 2023 Defense Budget, Corey’s Digs

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 1 – Corey’s Digs

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 2 – Corey’s Digs

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 3 – Corey’s Digs

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 4 – Corey’s Digs

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Co-host of Dig It! podcast and guest writer for Corey's Digs



    Corey…..I read this earlier today and watched the videos. I have shared this with a bunch of people and it will be on my Substack tomorrow (Tuesday) Excellent research as usual but quite concerning. I feel they sorely underestimate the intelligence and innovation of the American people. We WILL create ways to work around these evil people. It might be a bit inconvenient but it can and will be done. My biggest fear is the complacent, lazy American people that have the attention span of an ant (thanks to TV and public schools). They want everything yesterday and the more convenient the better. I fear my fellow American more than I fear the government or Mr. Global. The people that could have stopped this long ago but refuse to get engaged and refuse to stand up for freedom and liberty. The COVID scam was the supreme test of compliance. I just hope they wake up before it is too late.

  • Aldona Marshall

    You are totally right on!!!!! What really gets me is that whenever I try to red pill ppl about these issues, they don’t want to even hear about it. It threatens their “safe space”. They just want to live in their “happy bubble”. Lame. The first step in fighting this is awareness, but too many ppl are willfully ignorant and want to stay that way. It has been said that Evil succeeds bks good people do nothing. So frustrating, I wish the masses would wake up.

  • Janie Still

    Excellent work as ever Corey. However, my American cousins appear to address these serious issues as though they pertain to just the US. It’s a global plan & here in the UK we’re experiencing much the same as you. Lying politicians, technocratic leaders hell bent on enforcing all things digital. Bank closures, 15 minute towns & cities, preparation of 5G gulags, crippling taxes, food shortages, hammering car owners with evermore restrictions & the overwhelming knowing that our parliament is full of sock puppets carrying out their orders from above (or below as there’s definitely dark forces at play here) thanks Corey🙏

  • 60GigaHertz

    Ms. Bracken makes an excellent point, but it may be moot thanks to the C19 bioweapon injection. The Americans’ who actually got the injection (and not a placebo), were the most blindly compliant or gullible among us – and now they are going to die.

    So wipe that 100 million or so off the map. They were just murdered by the US Dept of Defense/DARPA. Brooke Jackson’s whistleblower lawsuit (in TX under Judge Michael Truncale) exposed the US DoD’s involvement in actually formulating this bioweapon injection. The US DoD executed contracts with Big Pharma to make this bioweapon without clinical trials or safety testing PER THE CONTRACT – so Ms. Jackson’s case was dismissed and is now on appeal.

    How can I say that millions are going to die? Here is something from the trenches: I learned this week that Atrium regional medical system has sent out 6,000 “sorrow cards” to the families of the C19 injected who died from Asheville to Charlotte, North Carolina. My injected neighbors are sick and dying… just like everyone else who got the actual cocktail. Many of my friends who got the injection are no longer working… all they do now is grapple with persistent illnesses.

    Worse, in April 2022, the court ordered 55,000 page FDA-Pfizer data dump revealed that the injections are contagious (See Pfizer’s Exposure During Pregnancy protocol;

    With her EDTA chelation work, Dr. Ana Mihalcae ( and others, have shown that there are 24 toxic ingredients found across all of the injection vials. All 24 ingredients found so far, be they parasites, deadly self-replicating nano-tech, bizarre genetic cocktails, synthetic snake venom, other drugs, etc., will degrade the immune system of anyone who is contaminated by the injected people directly. We’re talking airborne contamination within 15-20 minutes.

    So when the un-injected contaminated person get’s sick from immune system dysfunction, their illness will be tailored to their own body’s genetics, strength, recoverability, etc. This means that many people will never connect their illnesses to the C19 bioweapon contamination.

    You have to admit, it is a brilliant scheme and it’s working. Even the most educated un-injected among us do not want to believe that the C19 bioweapon is self-spreading, and that their lives are in danger when they are among the truely injected.

    What we need now is to unblind the placebo group globally so those people can start protecting themselves. Right now, they think they “had the injection” when they really didn’t. I haven’t met many “injected” people who understand that they need to detox asap with EDTA, etc.

    The injected are starting to present uniform responses on opinion polls that oppose the uninjected, so their mind control program is well under way… but I don’t fear them because I know that at the end of the day – they are dead meat. If you have never heard of “The Hydrogel Conspiracy,” go to and watch “Died Suddenly” and the next documentary on the bioweapon patents called “Final Day.” Dr. Ana and others are finding hydrogel fibrin strings in un-injected people. Un-injected people are dying from their contact with injected people. Those who detox will survive. Those who think this is all BS, won’t.

  • Chris Banick

    Great article and well researched. Another possibility to get around the central bank system and save and spend in gold is the system that pays you interest and allows you to save in gold, silver, bitcoin or some other cryptos as well. Also, it has the ability to allow you to pay for goods at any store, using a debit card tied to your Kinesis account that will sell the asset instantly that you designate to use for payments for shopping (say silver), and then use the funds to pay for the items you are buying. I’m researching this further and so far I like it.

  • Carl L. McWilliams

    FYI Corey: I am copying and pasting your magnificent work in a “letter to the editor” of the ASPEN TIMES.

  • Gerry_OC

    …classic legerdemain, Corey!…from wikipedia … (…What is a synonym for legerdemain?
    Definitions of legerdemain. an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers. synonyms: conjuration, conjuring trick, deception, illusion, magic, magic trick, thaumaturgy, trick. …as i commented, classic!…this is an amended post i placed at

  • eye

    JULY 18, 2023 AT 1:55 AMREPLY
    Excellent work as ever Corey. However, my American cousins appear to address these serious issues as though they pertain to just the US. It’s a global plan & here in the UK we’re experiencing much the same as you. Lying politicians, technocratic leaders hell bent on enforcing all things digital. Bank closures, 15 minute towns & cities, preparation of 5G gulags, crippling taxes, food shortages, hammering car owners with evermore restrictions & the overwhelming knowing that our parliament is full of sock puppets carrying out their orders from above (or below as there’s definitely dark forces at play here) thanks Corey🙏

    Just one other additional view point to the problem of this your article.

  • Rob

    Funny how these CBDCs will fulfill this passage spoken almost 2000 years ago!:

    Revelation 13:16-17 And he causeth all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, that there be given them a mark on their right hand, or upon their forehead; (17) and that no man should be able to buy or to sell, save he that hath the mark, even the name of the beast or the number of his name.

    This timeline will be finished by 2030:

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