National Strategy to Develop Distributed Ledger Technology for Digital ID Tucked into 2023 Defense Budget

By The Sharp Edge
The corrupt DC uniparty has conspired against voters who elected a Republican majority in the House to put a stop to wasteful spending driving inflation, by pushing for a massive omnibus bill as the Christmas holiday deadline looms. In a setup for the vote on the omnibus bill, on December 15, 2022, Congress passed a one-week Continuing Resolution along with the National Defense Authorization Act of 2023 (NDAA), which is the defense budget for next year. The NDAA is headed to Biden’s desk for signature.
Members on both sides of the isle have praised their efforts on the passage of the NDAA, which includes repealing the Covid injection mandate for service members. While revoking the Covid jab mandate for military members is a victory garnering much of the focus, other aspects of the $858 billion dollar defense bill have gone completely unnoticed. The devil is always in the details.
Tucked inside this massive defense bill is the creation of a “National research and development strategy for distributed ledger technology” to build the framework for a digital enslavement system nationwide. Though this agenda has been explicitly laid out by the Biden regime over the course of 2022, it has been years in the making as outlined in the Corey’s Digs report entitled ‘The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports’ Part 3 and Part 4.
On March 9, 2022, the Biden regime issued an Executive Order for “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets,” in which the White House called for “an evolution and alignment of the United States Government approach to digital assets,” while placing the “highest urgency” on the development of a United States Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Central banks around the world, including the Federal Reserve, are currently advancing in research, development and implementation of CBDCs.
This initiative came despite little support from the American public which has remained adamantly opposed to a US CBDC. In June 2022, the Fed published public comments on their proposal for a CBDC. Of the 2,052 comments (excluding blank entries and individuals soliciting government contracts) 71% were “concerned or outright opposed to the idea of a CBDC in the United States,” based on a Cato Institute study.
The Biden EO called for the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Chief Technology Officer, in consultation with the Treasury Secretary, the Fed Chair as well as heads of other relevant agencies, to report back to the White House within 180 days on the technology infrastructure necessary to implement a CBDC system nationwide.
In response to the White House Executive Order, in September 2022, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) issued their report on “Technical Evaluation for a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency System,” which recommends that the OSTP and the National Science Foundation (NSF) lead a “National Digital Assets Research and Development (R&D) Agenda” to support the Fed’s CBDC exploration as well as scale-up “relevant technological infrastructure, capacity, and expertise across the Federal government.” While the White House press release noted that, “this agenda will also cover topics less related to CBDCs,” it failed to mention their intentions to develop distributed ledger technology for the purposes of a nationwide digital identity program or a vaccine passport system.
The G20 declaration signed two months later, did however reaffirm the Biden regime’s commitment to implementing vaccine ID passports, while also exploring a CBDC payment system. The declaration states, “We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations. We support continued international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks as part of the efforts to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics, that should capitalize and build on the success of the existing standards and digital COVID-19 certificates.”
While this was in the works, the Department of Defense awarded the Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (JWCC) contract to Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Oracle in a shared $9 billion contract on December 7th. The cloud computing contract extends through June of 2028. Cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and distributed ledger technology are all key components to the development of their digital prison.
The agenda to build the infrastructure for a digital enslavement system, which the Biden regime has methodically laid out over the course of 2022, will now be implemented through Congressional authorization under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2023, which Biden is expected to sign at the end of the week.
National Strategy to Develop Distributed Ledger Technology
Tucked into the 4400-page NDAA in Section 5913 is the creation of a “National research and development strategy for distributed ledger technology.” Distributed ledger technology research for this project may include “use cases for distributed ledger technologies across various industry sectors and government, including applications pertaining to digital identity… medical information management… inclusive financial services… [and] digital credentials.” In other words, this is a national strategy to develop the infrastructure for the entire digital enslavement system which includes digital IDs, vaccine passports, CBDCs and, of course, a social credit system.

Promoting Widespread Participation
The creation of a national strategy for research and development of distributed ledger technology outlined in Section 5913 of the NDAA does not solely focus on building the infrastructure. It extends to promoting increased participation from the public by facilitating research on human behavior. For example, the Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF) is tasked with supporting research “which may include… the social behaviors of participants in decentralized networks enabled by distributed ledger technologies.” Furthermore, research by the NSF may include, “the social, behavioral, and economic implications associated with the growth of applications of distributed ledger technologies, including decentralization in business, financial, and economic systems.”
In addition, the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, is authorized to carry out an applied research project which must “identify potential applications of distributed ledger technologies, including those that could benefit activities at the Department of Commerce or at other Federal agencies.” This applied research project may include facilitating, “broader participation in distributed ledger technologies of populations historically underrepresented in technology, business, and financial sectors.”

Of course, the initiative to promote broader acceptance of distributed ledger technology is framed in such a way as to address equity and inclusion. However, historically underrepresented populations aren’t the only ones who resist this agenda. More than two thirds of Americans are “concerned or outright opposed” to it, based on public comments to the Fed’s CBDC proposal. Any research into human behavior and facilitating universal acceptance of this technology would likely be used against the American public who has defied their attempts to impose a digital enslavement system.
National Strategy Funding
While specific funding amounts to build this distributed ledger infrastructure are not disclosed under Section 5913 of the NDAA, the legislation states that research and development funding under the national strategy will be “incorporated in the development of annual budget requests for Federal research agencies.”

National Strategy Timeline
As with most projects involving the federal government, the timeline on this national strategy is slow and methodical. Within one year of the enactment of this NDAA, the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology is instructed to brief members of Congress as well as the President on the progress and findings of this initiative. Furthermore, the Director must release a report to the public within one year following the completion of the project.

Fortunately, this means there is still time to fight back. However, GOP members of Congress have betrayed the voters who elected a Republican majority in the House by pushing for the passage of an omnibus bill before the Christmas holiday, which would essentially strip the Republicans’ leverage to defund projects like this and many others in 2023.
It is critical for the American public to make their voices heard in opposition to this national strategy to develop a digital enslavement system. Hopefully, the incoming Republican majority in the House will listen, grow a spine, and stand against this nationwide initiative to digitally monitor, track and control every aspect of Americans’ lives.

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Concerned Citizens
Concurrently, “human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons” has been specifically removed in the drafted update to WHO International Health Regulations Article 3 line 1. There are many other alarming changes in the document. These global rules are expected to be enforced in May 2024.
When wa bud last time we had a constitutionaly required budget???
So the question is for all of us, we fight politically, but WHAT can we do **practically** to protect ourselves from this mark of the beast?
It’s always been about creating a “papers please” society.
Refuse! And live with the consequences which are far better than the consequences of taking the mark of the beast!
We must say NO!
Start preparing now to have the things you will need so that you don’t need their mark of the beast $$.
Become self sufficient!
Practice being a two year old agaIn & say NO, NO, NO!
Most importantly, get right with God and hopefully miss this whole nightmare by leaving in the Rapture!
Republicans have been backstabbing, ignoring, disrespecting, and, yes, culling us for so long now, one would be forgiven for believing that we must be enjoying it as much as they are.
A couple of weeks ago, I was trying to engage a friend in a serious and urgent discussion. His response was “I’m really not interested in politics – don’t you know there’s a MATCH on shortly?” (Referring to the World Cup mass psychosis herd manipulation insanity…) I responded by saying that “You might not be interested in politics, but that ‘Politics’ are most certainly interested in YOU!”
One of the very first things that that the current (W.E.F. clone?) prime ministerial millionaire iteration aka Rishi Sunak did, was to instruct the Bank of England to immediately prepare for CBDC (and thus SCS)… Meanwhile to my utter dismay, three members of my local Building Society staff claimed to be unaware of not only CBDC but also Social Credit Scoring ! They are all ‘educated’ and in their twenties to thirties…
Refuse? Well yes, but when your QR code or hand/brain chip are the only means of obtaining food, water and medical care and your indoctrinated school children begin to hate you? What then?
Aux armes Citoyenne? But with what and to what end in the disunited U.K.? Meanwhile the sheeple, apologies ‘populations’, will soon be penned bleating creatures cowering in a corner before the slavering wolves… What price then ‘footers’ and ‘celebrity’ and the eternal ‘Royal’ soap opera…
Yesterday, meanwhile in an (excellent) small local coffee house, three young couples sat (literally) entrained and isolated with their 4G dunbphones exchanging the odd grunt and occasional ‘yeah cool!’ When my late wife and I were their age we would be holding hands, looking into each others eyes and longing to get back to our bedsit…
Oliver Robertson
Yesterday evening I saw a video made by Kim Gougan that mentioned a process by which humans can bypass the cabal controlled banking/political process altogether.
She called it a quantum-controlled money-system that is accessable to any human that will quit using the current Rothchild controlled banking system now in effect by the evil cabal of the dark side.
She said it would involve using a special debit card that accesses free money out of the either which we are all entitled to by Source, while completely avoiding the current fractile banking system that has established now almost complete control over us.
One must see the video to fully comprehend the concept to learn the process in order to activate the system of which she spoke of.
I intend to watch it again. There is another woman on with Kim that I feel is controlled opposition. Try to ignore her while paying close attention to what Kim is instructing us all to do.
Go to any non-google search engine to access Kim Gougan’s webpage to source her 2 hour semenair on human existance in this reality. I use the Brave server which is not censored by google.
I found the information believable…but this other woman tries her best to distract one from fully comprehending what Kim is trying to teach us.
Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”.
Also, beware of alternative money systems, including a ‘quantum’ anything…..
Of course, I’ll investigate what Kim Gaugan is speaking about; but it sounds much like a N E S A R A type situation.
All who call upon the name Yehovah, Yeshua, Jesus; will be saved.
Caryn Jackson
In the state of Mississippi they were trying for digital I’ds so where it would be safer for cops if you get pulled over. They can find out who you are before going to the car. It would be done by blue tooth I believe. Don’t know if the bill passed.
Rev. Riley, MDIV, DMIN 23
While I agree many of these recent developments have the makings of the Mark of the Beast, it is not the ‘MOB’ just yet. The Bible says in 2 Thess. 2:6-8 “that He that withholds must withhold until He is taken out of the way, and THEN that Man of Sin will be revealed.” Therefore, the Antichrist has to be on the scene and the Man of Sin has to give the edict that “no one can buy or sell, except they receive this ‘mark.'” (Rev. 13:17).
Thirty years ago, I used to teach that it was a microchip. IMHO, That is laughable now. That type of technology is now so archaic with the technology which is now in place, and what I thought thirty or even just ten years ago was the Mark, was just a precursor. Nothing we see today may be the actual mark, but the systems are being put in place to ultimately make the mark reality. Blockchain is definitely a part of it, vaccine technology, as well as some potentially some form of QR codes. But, no one can tell now. there are many layers to this onion.
Just pray that you are in the rapture and won’t have to endure it.
Rev. Riley