The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 3: The Key Implementers of Your Digital Identity onto The Blockchain
The goal of coercing the world’s population into obtaining a Digital ID is one with many arms, expanding the field of players and implementers to a degree that would take a year to trace down. Yet, the key implementers that are steering and/or directly overseeing many of the smaller outfits tend to stand out due to their connections, funding, and girth of power. This report breaks down some of those bigger implementers that are at the top of the food chain, gobbling up everyone’s data, and building the framework to roll up all human beings into a Digital Identity and put them on the Blockchain. According to ResearchAndMarkets, the post-Covid-19 identity verification market is forecasted to grow from $7.6 billion in 2020 to $15.8 billion by 2025. According to the UN, artificial intelligence (AI) is forecasted to generate nearly $4 trillion in “added value” for global markets by 2022. As with all of their manufactured crisis industries, the manufacturers stand to make trillions, and their new industry is human enslavement.
Part 2 broke down the who, what, when, where, why, and how they have been building toward this for a very long time. It is important to review Parts one and two before reading Part 3, for a comprehensive outline of what’s truly transpiring. They want full surveillance, control over all human beings and resources, and world domination. It’s critical to understand the various mechanisms being used to enslave humanity, who’s behind it, and what their ultimate end game is, so that one can make education decisions, stay ahead of the game as much as possible, better protect themself, and collaborate to navigate this corrupt territory and establish ways to combat it. As stated in Part 2, “Don’t become a QR code.”
As they work tirelessly at corralling all children and adults to sign up for a vaccine id passport and get a digital identity with a simple QR code that will link to one’s data, they are also making certain that all newborns will be brought directly into the system from birth, for a seamless transition into their new world order.
In 2019, NEC carried out the world’s first proof of concept of fingerprint identification of newborns in the Republic of Kenya, with great excitement of being a part of the UN’s 2030 agenda’s Target 16.9 of Goal 16 which requires that states should, “by 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration.” This goes hand in hand with ID2020’s charge to develop a “persistent digital identity from birth,” with “cutting-edge infant biometric technologies.”
The telecommunications industry plays a vital role in the digital identity infrastructure, being as smartphones are the prime device being used in most cases. In 2018, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, and Verizon increased their authentication process, which also included fingerprint biometrics, which many phones are using these days. The CEO of AT&T Business was recently a keynote speaker about the “rise of digital identity” at The Economist Event Series. According to Juniper Research’s analysts, biometrics capabilities including fingerprint, iris, and voice recognition, will reach 95% of smartphones globally by 2025, accounting for $3 trillion in payment transactions, up from $404 billion in 2020.
The so-called pandemic, BlackRock’s “Going Direct” plan that instituted a financial takeover, and the digital identity agenda, are all a coordinated attack against humanity to bring in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, that by design, is to plug every human being into the smart grid, inside their smart cities, where a virtual and augmented reality awaits, all data is mined and surveilled, people become a labor force synced with robots, and everybody’s actions, access, and spending is controlled by a social and climate scoring system. Yes, it sounds very dystopian, once their masterful marketing spin is removed from the content to reveal the true context.
While reading this report, keep these key points in mind. What can people do to stop this from moving forward?

• Do not be coerced, bribed, blackmailed, shamed, guilted, manipulated, or intimated into complying.
• Vaccine ID Passports, digital identities being pushed by banks, driver’s license facilities, and other industries as a means for “access” or “convenience” should be avoided at all cost.
• Make everyone you know aware of what this QR code and digital identity is really about, and how they intend to put you on the Blockchain to surveil and control your every move.
• Bringing this information to the attention of your legislatures and demanding legislation to block vaccine id passports and digital identity applications is critical. See part 1 for states who have already taken action on this front.
• Remove your money from the large banks into smaller, family-owned banks and small credit unions. If 10% of people did this, it would create a huge shift.
• Build your own family or community energy and food systems. Resilient energy and food supplies will go a long way against their digital financial blackmailing systems.
• Stop feeding the beast – do not spend money at Amazon (here’s why), and big box stores that are building the infrastructure to enslave humanity. Here are some alternative options.
• Cash is king. Use cash as often as possible, to avoid the hyper-tracking taking place inside bank accounts that are aggregating your data and building your social and climate score, as well as studying spending behaviors of the masses to manipulate industries, supply chains, and markets.
• Purchasing any products with the word “Smart” in it, isn’t so smart. These products are all used for surveillance purposes via audio, some visual, and data aggregating, not to mention potential integrated mind control technologies. Here is a checklist of tips for how to better protect yourself when it comes to technology.
• Here are 5 ways to financial security while building thriving communities outside the system.
• Clear as many debts as you are able to so you are beholden to no one. Invest in people, learning trade skills, family and community, hard assets, proper schooling for your children which might mean a local homeschool network, local farmers, any necessary supplies or equipment you feel you need, your health and peace of mind.
• If your place of employment is requiring you to get the injection, here are some resources, assistance, and a downloadable form to provide to your employer. If they will not accept a religious or medical exemption, and leave you with no option, let them fire you instead of quitting, so you have recourse.
• While the injection is still in the stage of Emergency Use Authorization, it is not legal to require a person to get the injection, and “informed consent” is the law. Though the FDA states they are going to “sprint” to get the approval done for Pfizer, the application was just submitted on May 7, 2021, and a “typical review of an application like Pfizer’s takes 10 months,” according to Stat who communicated directly with the FDA regarding their “sprint.” This is the original source of the media frenzy stating that Pfizer will be approved in September, followed by Biden demanding it be approved by Labor day, all of which is to increase the urgency for businesses to mandate the injections BEFORE they are approved. Pay attention to the FDA, not the media, and stick with “informed consent” for now. Maybe the FDA moves at lightening pace, or maybe not.
• Visualize a better future for all, where these corrupt individuals are stopped in their tracks, and Pray.
If just 10% of the US population stuck to this list of bullet points above – we could forever shift the trajectory of their agenda and potentially put a halt to it.
“What is Digital Identity? Who a person or organization fundamentally is – a combination of attributes, beliefs, personal/organizational history and behavior that together constitute a holistic definition of the individual or organization self.” – World Economic Forum, January 2020

PLUS, health records, financial information, education, demographic locations, shopping and spending habits, social media behavior, your choices, what you eat, and more.
In the World Economic Forum’s ‘Identity in a Digital World: A new chapter in the social contract,’ they have illustrated what the digital identity will look like in our everyday lives on page 10, Figure 1. Corey’s Digs has reproduced this chart below to avoid their stringent copyright issues, that makes it quite apparent that they absolutely do not want this information circulated, despite their insistence that they are creating this for the betterment of humanity, while building a “social contract” FOR you.

This is one of their visual schematics of a surveillance system on human beings, while they use the words “convenience, inclusive, and security,” and people fall for it. Trust your eyes. It is exactly what they are showing you, not what they are telling you.
The Masters of Marketing Deception
Plain and simple – they are masters of marketing. They share just enough information to get people on board, entice them with convenience, safety, protection, and how everyone will be saving the world by doing the right thing. The easiest way to read between the lines and discern what these folks are really up to, is to split their marketing content in the following way:
1) They will always utilize 4 main topics to push all of their agendas to the finish line, which are the climate hoax, the virus, cyber attacks, and terrorist threats. They will use intimidation, guilt, shame, and fear tactics. Don’t buy into it. They manufacture the disaster, then swoop in with the solution, which is always 100% to their benefit, and at your expense.
2) All of the points they make that serve stakeholders, government, and private and public sectors is truthful information, though they leave out the incredible amount of money and power they will derive from such efforts.
3) All of the points they make about transparency, privacy, protection, safety, benefits, and convenience toward individual citizens, is a lie. They are doing the exact opposite. That’s the spin, so it’s quite easy to spot.
The Evidence is in Their White Papers
“Seamless verification of people and connected devices is essential to delivering individualized and integrated services in smart cities.” – World Economic Forum, 2020
Through the vaccine id passports, QR digital identity, biometrics, smart devices and wearables, IoT, Real ID Act, Government Identity Act (trying to pass) and other legislation, telecommunications monitoring, big tech, lidar and satellites, DARPA and ARPA-H/HARPA, DNA databases, AI integration, used by 20 states with digital biometric identity for unemployment benefits, and Blockchain, there is an unprecedented level of spying and surveillance taking place in this country and around the globe. Anyone denying it at this point in the game is either extremely foolish and naive or working against humanity.
World Economic Forum’s ‘Reimagining Digital Identity: A Strategic Imperative‘
January 2020
The Cliff Notes:
• Pg 4: A digital identity is “who a person or organization fundamentally is – a combination of attributes, beliefs, personal/organizational history and behavior that together constitute a holistic definition of the individual or organizational self.“
• Pg 7: “Seamless verification of people and connected devices is essential to delivering individualized and integrated services in smart cities.“
• Pg 8: “Governments will be able to leverage trusted traveller identity as a starting point for redeploying it for access to other services in other sectors.“
• Pg 9: How can digital identity generate value in the healthcare system? According to McKinsey, “savings from seamless and secure sharing of medical information could equal 50% of US GDP.”
• Pg 13: This sentence is a prime example of what masters of marketing through deception looks like. They nailed every buzzword in this single sentence, and the only words that bear truth are “digital identity.”
“Solutions that support digital identity that are fit for purpose, inclusive, useful, secure and founded on offering user choice will benefit individuals as consumers by providing them with convenience, privacy, inclusion, security, agency and autonomy in all kinds of their online transactions.”
• Pg 16: Businesses are to manage both customers and workforce identities and data across silos, and are to “adjust their operations across sectors to leverage networked digital identity.“
• Pg 17: Presents a “design framework” that illustrates how to create value for governments, businesses, and individuals, while emphasizing the need for a “shared ecosystem.”

United Nations Report of the Secretary-General: ‘Roadmap for Digital Cooperation‘
June 2020
In July 2018, the Secretary-General convened a “high-level panel on Digital Cooperation” of 20 independent experts, co-chaired by Melinda Gates and Jack Ma, to advance their agenda, which resulted in producing a report titled “The Age of Digital Interdependence” in June 2019. The report states that “The immense power and value of data in the modern economy can and must be harnessed to meet the SDGs (UN sustainable development goals), but this will require new models of collaboration.” Following the release of that report, all member states and over 300 entities and organizations were contacted. Their input contributed to this report.
Who were the “independent experts” that convened to provide these recommendations? As listed on pages 27-33, multiple governments, International Trade Center, International Telecommunication Union, European Union, Alibaba, Cisco, Facebook, Ford Foundation, Ethereum, Gates Foundation, Google, Global Compact, GSMA, Mastercard, Microsoft, Lemann Foundation, World Economic Forum, several UN arms, World Bank, World Food Programme, World Health Organization, and numerous others.
The Cliff Notes:
• Pg 2: “By harnessing them (technology) appropriately, the digital revolution can be steered to combat climate change and advance global sustainability, environmental stewardship and human well-being.”
• Pg 7: They want to connect every school in the world to the internet.
• Pg 10 from ‘The Age of Digital Interdependence’: “McKinsey & Company studied seven large countries and concluded that digital ID systems could add between 3 and 13% to their gross domestic product.”
• Pg 11: They don’t feel enough women are on the internet. They believe there is a “gender gap” and they want everyone plugged in.
• Pg 15: They use hacking and espionage as reason to create this new system that will allegedly protect “human rights,” while suggesting that 7.9 billion people need to be plugged in with digital identities based on 1 billion individuals that lack identification and may not have access to the same services, rather than just building that system for those individuals. This decades-old strategy is similar to converting school bathrooms to unisex for one transgender person that attends the school.
• Pg 16: Under the guise of “inequalities” on social media, because women and girls were 27 times more likely to be harassed, the LGBTQ community has been threatened, and environmentalists and journalists have taken heat, they are advocating for “content governance frameworks” by Member States and businesses.
• Pg 17: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is forecasted to generate nearly $4 trillion in “added value” for global markets by 2022.
• Pg 20: This sums it up well, when replacing the word “safeguarded” with “controlled”: “The digital technologies that underpin core societal functions, often referred to as critical infrastructure, including supporting access to food, water, housing, energy, health care and transportation, need to be safeguarded.”
• Pg 22: The UN will serve as a platform for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue to accelerate global digital cooperation.
Also see ‘The World Bank Identification for Development (ID4D)‘ initiative for more information on this agenda, who’s partners include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UKaid, Australian Aid, Omidyar Network, Center for Global Development, European Commission, GSMA, UNICEF, UNHCR, IOM, UNDP, WEF, WFP.
The Key Implementers

There are hundreds of companies involved in this scheme, many of which are small potatoes hoping to hit the big time, but many are instrumental players who are just a tier or two down from the big guys calling the shots. This section exposes some of the higher level implementers.
It’s so important to understand that many of the key implementers are also involved with BlackRock’s Going Direct scheme that carried out the greatest transfer of wealth ever seen in history, and are heavily involved with the Covid agenda and profiting from the injections. It’s the oldest marketing trick in the book – manufacture a need and provide a solution. The only one who wins is the Eskimo who sold you the ice. It should also be noted that many of these same players that are involved with the pandemic, digital identities, and financial takeover, also fund the CDC Foundation.
Central Bankers and Investment Firms
“We want everyone to thrive in the digital world – no one should be left behind. That means educating everyone on how to keep themselves and their data safe online, which is something that we at Barclays are very passionate about. But it also means ensuring universal access to a safe, secure and easy to use digital identity, so that everyone can confidently unlock the benefits of the digital economy.” – Jes Staley, Barclays Group Chief Executive Officer, Barclays
“It’s important to realize that net zero demands a transformation of the entire economy.” – Larry Fink, Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock
To understand the depth of just how involved the Central Banks and investment firms are in this “transformation,” it’s critical to watch this video with John Titus explaining the “Going Direct” reset that BlackRock implemented to create the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world. The so-called pandemic, Going Direct financial takeover, the banks’ involvement with rolling out digital identities and social and climate score systems, and the UN’s 2030 agenda are all connected. Read Titus’ brilliant timeline to see how quickly and efficiently they rolled this all out.
Multiple layers of this agenda are all colliding right now, and you can bet that the bankers and investors are pulling the strings. They want everyone working remotely, telemedicine in full force, and a breakdown of the school system to force virtual schooling. Why? Because they want everyone plugged in. They want to extend the renter moratorium to put landlords out of business so they can swoop up their property. They’ve manufactured inflation of the housing market, making it difficult for people to buy or build a home, for the same reason. This also increases home value, creating higher property taxes, which goes directly into building up their smart cities. States have been rolling out additional taxes on vacation rental homes, airlines, car rentals, vaping products, and other items and services as well. They continue to extend the unemployment benefits while thousands of businesses are desperate to hire people before having to close their doors for good. All of this is to bring about poverty across the board, except for to the “rich elite” of course. It doesn’t take a genius to see their plan, and everyone’s eyes should be wide open by now.

World Economic Forum:
‘A Blueprint for Digital Identity: The Role of Financial Institutions in Building The Digital Identity‘
Part of the future of Financial Services Series, prepared in collaboration with Deloitte in August 2016, “To provide clarity and direction around the structure of identity and provide a call to action for financial institutions to move against the identity challenge.”
Multi-stakeholder workshop and interviews with “industry experts” were conducted over a 12 month period to create this masterpiece. Some of the stakeholders are MorganStanley, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, JPMorganChase, Deloitte, Barclays, Visa, Mastercard, Deutsche Bank, Lloyds Bank, Standard Chartered, Zurich, and many more.
The Cliff Notes:
• Pg 23: “Financial Institutions are well positioned to drive the creation of digital identity systems.”
• Pg 24: “Financial Institutions could derive substantial benefit from investing in the development of digital identity solutions,” promising them new revenue opportunities and “transformational future state opportunities.”
• Pg 26: “Offer new products or services based on increased knowledge of customers,” such as financial advisory, “new insurance products on fractionally owned assets and behavior-based insurance.”
• Pg 27: Disruption of the credit bureau model, and assisting with decisions and “blurring the lines between financial and non-financial advisory.”
• Pg 27: “Become the trusted identity provider of the public sector, assisting with social services and civic requirements such as tax filing.“
• Pg 28: Legal & regulatory acceptance for using third‐party verified information, attribute exchange and external use of user information.
• Pg 36: Financial institutions will offer identity as a service (in the beginning), regulators will have increased access to up-to-date information, and governments can “more easily and effectively deliver public services.”
• Pg 37: “Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain) combined with encryption and cloud storage allows information to be held and transferred point-to-point in a dispersed, immutable network.“
• Pg 37: “Biometrics, including fingerprint, retina scanning, heartbeat waveform and facial recognition based on mobile devices have potential to provide greater convenience and security and are being integrated into many anti-fraud controls.“
• Pg 41: “Identity is a collection of pieces of information that describe an entity,” such as; age, height, date of birth, fingerprints, health records, preferences and behaviors, telephone metadata, national identifier number, telephone number, and email address, for starters.
• Pg 47: “The governance body provides oversight for the system and owns the operating standards and requirements.”
• Pg 60: Blockchain, or distributed ledger technology (DLT) “has potential in identity applications as an information storage and transfer mechanism within different archetypes. DLT could be applied as a distributed protocol, giving users the ability to store their identity attestations on a ledger and expose them to different RPs, or in a centralized system where the ledger would be owned by a single entity that would provide a consolidated view of the users’ attestations for use in transactions, but would not reveal the nature of the credentials.”
• Pg 68: Since financial institutions have a large number of users, they “have a key role to play in ensuring that identity systems are a tool to increase financial inclusion,” and be a “catalyst in driving system adoption and uptake.“
• Pg 95: New capabilities for financial institutions via digital identities would include: digital identity attributes tied to payment tokens, digital tax filing, and tracking total asset rehypothecation.
• Pg 97: “In collaboration with governments, taxes could be automatically completed and filings generated by customers’ chosen Financial Institution, using their complete knowledge of customers’ financial holdings, assets, income and personal circumstances.“
“To truly make the digital world work for all, we must rethink traditional notions of digital identity and break down artificial barriers. We need a new model that starts with the commitment to the fundamental individual right – “I own my identity and I control my identity data.” And we need businesses, governments, NGOs and others to forge partnerships and invest resources in support of a common framework, principles and standards.” – Ajay Bhalla, President, Cyber & Intelligence, Mastercard
The Catalysts and Certifiers of The Digital Identity

“A lot of our time is spent with central bankers and making sure they see what the pioneers have done. We think over the next five years, most of the central banks will say okay, they can do this, because most of the building blocks are accessible and there’s almost a straightforward way that they can get their citizens all connected up.” – Bill Gates stated at the 2020 Singapore FinTech Festival in regards to getting two-thirds of the world hooked into digital identities for “financial inclusion”
ID2020, a public-private partnership operating as a 501 (c)(3), launched in 2016 by founders Gavi, Microsoft, The Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, and In May 2016, they met with over 400 people and experts in technology at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, to discuss how they planned to create a digital identity for everyone in the world, under the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development agenda. In addition to the founding partners, they also boast 19 general partners. The irony, as always, is that they promote it as there are “1.1 billion people worldwide living without a digital identity,” who are suffering because of it, and therefore they are “advocating for ethical, privacy-protecting approaches to digital ID” – FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD.
ID2020 is involved with countless collaborations, initiatives, and programs. One example of a local level collaboration is with the City of Austin on MyPass, which is a blockchain-enabled digital identity platform for homeless people, along with the Austin Blockchain Collective, Dell Medical School and the National Innovation Service. The project is funded by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
In January 2019, ID2020 deemed themselves as “the world’s leading digital ID organization” and certifying body for digital credentials, by launching their new certification mark.

On October 18, 2019, just three months before the so-called pandemic was announced as hitting the U.S., the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum (WEF), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a “high-level” pandemic exercise, in New York, NY.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the sole “strategic foundation partner” of the WEF, Microsoft is a “strategic partner,” and IDEO is a general partnership.
On July 15, 2021, the Surgeon General announced that The Rockefeller Foundation is committing $13.5 million in funding to strengthen public health response efforts in the U.S., Africa, India, and Latin America by countering “health mis- and disinformation-confusing, inaccurate, and harmful information,” which will include “data-driven public health interventions to meet the unique challenges of today’s media environment.” In other words, they are paying to control the narrative so that their investment in ID2020 succeeds. Under normal circumstances this would be seen as a huge conflict of interest, but the increasing dictatorship is anything but normal.

Rockefeller has always been a big funder of Gavi, with a $5 million donation in 2020, followed up by another $2.1 million in 2021. Bill Gates likes to return the favor and send the money back on through to the Rockefellers. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed over 70 large grants to Rockefeller University and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors since 2006, with a whopping $27 million to Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors in 2020 alone.
The Rockefeller Foundation has also awarded $1 million in 2018 and over $3.8 million in 2019 to Accenture, most likely for their work with ID2020, based on their 990s.
We are on the threshold of a new model of digital identity that expands beyond individuals to organizations, ‘things,’ devices and places. It will provide the foundation by which our digital selves will interact with online systems, control our connected devices, leverage the learnings of applied intelligence and protect the earth’s resources. Getting this right is critical to our future growth, responsibly harnessing technology innovation and enabling a better, more responsible digital life. – Paul Daugherty, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, Accenture
Accenture, a key partner of ID2020, was originally established in 1989 as Andersen Consulting, and later changed its name to Accenture in 2001 after severing ties from its parent company Arthur Andersen. They went public on the NYSE in April, 2001. Headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, they have offices in 51 countries, and were pulling in revenues of $ in 2020. Their focus is management consulting, technology, supply chain management, financial services, and business strategy, and they pulled in revenues of over $44 billion in 2020.
Accenture’s work with ID2020 uses their “unique identity service platform to deploy a breakthrough biometrics system that can manage fingerprints, iris scans and other data,” that incorporates with Blockchain. Check out how it works here.
Accenture has been gobbling up companies for quite some time, amassing over 200. Here is a short list of some of the most recent companies. They’ve been working side by side with Amazon’s AWS and Google for years.
In December 2011, Accenture Federal Services (AFS), a subsidiary of Accenture, was awarded a $71 million contract with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to enhance the capabilities of its immigration and border management functions, by increasing the number and types of biometrics used in identification.
In 2014, Accenture Federal Services (AFS), a subsidiary of Accenture, was awarded a $563 million 5-year contract by the U.S. Department of Defense to provide software development and ongoing tech support to, after replacing CGI as the lead contractor. is quite a robust database loaded with personal and health-related information on individuals.
In June 2020, AFS won a $341 million contract to help the Department of Commerce modernize and consolidate its business systems and data platform.
In September 2020, Accenture committed $3 billion to create their new division called Accenture Cloud First.
On June 18, 2021, AFS was given a $112 million prime task order by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency to protect federal civilian executive branch systems against cyberattacks, and Cloudfare is partnering with them for this task.
On July 27, 2021, AFS won a $729 million contract to help the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) consolidate multiple enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.
These are just a handful of contracts that Accenture has won with the U.S. Government. They go way back. And, as with all “key companies,” Vanguard and BlackRock are the top two shareholders.
They are a non-profit design studio spun off from their parent company IDEO, which was founded in 1991, with offices in the U.S., England, Germany, Japan, and China. They “design products and services alongside organizations that are committed to creating a more just and inclusive world,” and are funded by none other than the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Bezos Family Foundation, JPMorgan Chase, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, UK Department for International Development, and a couple dozen more generous donors. They recently went to Tanzania to study how the ID registration process rolled out there, so they can come up with solutions for the digital identity process.
The Good Health Pass Collaborative Network & Digital ID Front-runners

In February 2020, ID2020 launched The Good Health Pass Collaborative (GHPC). They call it a cross-sector initiative to create a blueprint for interoperable health pass systems. Some of the biggest ID apps being utilized in various countries are all part of THIS NETWORK, and the tech companies implementing the infrastructure to get everyone’s data from the QR codes onto the Blockchain are also part of this network, in addition to some of the payment systems. From the UK Entrust app to the CommonPass in the EU, IBM’s Excelsior Pass in New York, NEC’s biometric fingerprinting, Linux’s Hyperledger Blockchain technology and Covid-19 Credentials Initiative, Salesforce, Mastercard, and dozens of others.
There are 128 partners in this network, and they have created a “white paper” consisting of “principles” that organizations must be aligned with in order to “provide the structure and coherence necessary for these ongoing efforts to fulfill their promise.” Of course, the common theme for all must include the QR code.
Some of the ID apps that are making big moves in other countries are not part of this specific network, but are indeed connected through other initiatives and collaborations, such as Alipay’s Health Code WeChat app in China which was the first to be rolled out, Israel’s Green Pass, Africa’s IOHK/Cardano, and countless digital identity and Blockchain programs already in the works in multiple countries. These folks are all working together on some level, and Bill Gates and the Rockefellers are heavily involved.
What’s interesting is that China’s app introduced the QR code which categorized people into different colors. Green indicates a person has either tested negative to Covid-19 or has been injected and can move about freely, red means immediate quarantine, and amber means someone may have to stay home for a week. The user submits information about themselves and health data is aggregated along with it, which is then converted to a QR code, under the illusion of privacy. Bill Gates appreciated how this system worked so well that ID2020’s certification principles are based on that same general platform. Yet, ID2020 has been in the works of developing a digital identity system since 2016, so who actually created the original rollout of the first QR code ID app? More on the QR code in part 4.
There are countless implementers working on smaller apps, aspects of aggregating the data, biometrics, wallets and crypto, accounting firms, autonomous and smart city tie-ins, and streamlining it on to the Blockchain – companies such as Ripple, Hyperledger (Linux), Oracle, Cisco, Deloitte, Ethereum, Paypal, Google, Apple, Bitcoin, Visa, Mastercard, etc. Those pertaining to the Blockchain will be discussed in part 4. The end goal is to integrate the data collection onto the Blockchain and create a system that works globally. In the beginning, and probably for quite some time, there will remain multiple companies, apps, and services, but the cross-platform accessibility and financial streamlining will be cohesive once they finalize cross-country regulations. As time goes on, it may eventually evolve into a single database, but that will take quite some time. That said, it is very likely that the following short list of companies will withstand the long game, while others may only be involved in short term aspects, and other companies may emerge to the forefront as time goes on.:
ID2020 and The Good Health Pass Collaborative
Digital Health Pass (IBM)
UK NHS Covid Pass (Entrust & Akamai Technologies)
Atala Prism (Cardano)
CommonPass (Commons Project)
EU Digital Covid Certificate (EUDCC Gateway / aka Green Pass)
Travel Health Certificate (via Alipay/WeChat)
Travel Pass (Evernym)
Amazon AWS
Cryptocurrencies, wallets, and a global digital currency is a whole other ball of wax which will be discussed in part 4. Of course the Federal Reserve, Central Banks and the World Bank aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Mobi is a key non-profit alliance focused on the transportation industry, and will also be covered in part 4.
Digital Identity Front-runners
To date, the U.S. has not established a universal vaccine ID passport and many states have issued full or partial bans on the use of them, as shown in part 1 of this report. Thus far, New York has implemented IBM’s Excelsior pass, Hawaii has a ‘Safe Travels’ platform for people to input their info before traveling to Hawaii, and California has the ‘Digital Covid-19 Vaccine Record’ and has also opened the door for people to use Excelsior. Eight states offer the use of MyIR Mobile which is a printable PDF but they are looking into adding the QR code capabilities. There are also many smaller and industry-specific apps whirling about, such as the ‘Health Pass’ by Clear which serves over 60 stadiums and other venues to verify Covid-19 status of sports fans and concert attendees. That said, IBM could prove to be the frontrunner if people and legislatures allow this interference of privacy to continue. They certainly have all the software in place, necessary connections, and are coming at it from under the radar.
IBM, a partner of The Good Health Pass and the World Economic Forum, developed the Excelsior Pass for New York, which is built on IBM’s ‘Digital Health Pass‘. It was developed by IBM Watson Health, part of IBM Watson Works, and utilizes IBM’s blockchain technology which integrates with Salesforce and the Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger. Amadeus, a reservation system used by 474 airlines, has adopted the Digital Health Pass as an option for airlines. In March 2021, Moderna and IBM teamed up to work on using technologies to track Covid-19 injection administration to help governments and healthcare providers. In June 2021, it was announced the IBM is integrating their Digital Health Pass with CLX Health’s TrustAssure platform, which is a global network of over 15,000 labs in more than 82 countries. IBM’s approach is more of a B2B, rather than direct to consumer.
IBM has had numerous U.S. Federal contracts, including the 2010 Census’ nine-year contract for data tabulation and dissemination services. IBM is also heavily involved with the “Smart meter” and “Smart energy” data management systems, via their advanced metering infrastructure solutions, to accelerate the “Smart grid.”
According to Edwin Black’s 2001 book ‘IBM and the Holocaust,’ IBM provided extensive technological support to Nazi Germany for 12 years, which was based on an enormous amount of archived documents as evidence. IBM’s history in support of organizing German slave labor camps is an excellent case study of the role of centralized digital identity and data in support of tyranny and genocide.
In 2018, IBM teamed up with Entrust Datacard to help secure the mobile workforce through an integrated solution from Entrust Datacard’s smart credential technology and IBM MaaS360 with Watson’s AI-enabled unified endpoint management solution. The authentication technologies will enable secure remote access to applications and resources, allowing a mobile workforce, remote offices, and telework, to safely access business services. IBM’s Blockchain platform also “integrates with the Entrust nShield Hardware Security Module (HSM) to generate and store the private keys used by its Certificate Authority, Peer, and Orderer nodes.” IBM’s security identity and access management integrations include software functionality from a dozen other companies, including extensive biometrics.
Entrust, a partner of The Good Health Pass, just signed a one-year contract (can be extended) with the UK government to produce digital Covid certificates via the NHS app. Datacard was acquired in 1987 by the Quandt family, who went on to acquire Entrust in 2013, changing the name to Entrust Datacard, and later dropped “Datacard.” In addition to partnering with IBM, Entrust has partnered with dozens of technology companies including Microsoft, Dell, Hewlett Packard, and Blackberry. The have had numerous contracts with hundreds of companies and governments such as the U.S. State Dept, Dept of Justice, U.S. Postal Service, U.S. Treasury, Canadian Dept of Defense, and many banks. It is important to note, that whereas they signed on with the UK to produce digital certificates, Entrust is also involved with Blockchain, provides DataControl for Microsoft AWS, develops security technologies with integrated biometrics including facial recognition, Mobile Smart Credentials, Mobile Soft Tokens, cloud related services, and launched the very first commercial Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) back in 1994. Earlier this year, Entrust acquired HyTrust, a provider of virtualized and multi-cloud data encryption, cryptographic keys, and cloud security. HyTrust partners include IBM, Cisco, Intel, Google, Amazon, In-Q-Tel, and VMware.
Entrust is owned and run by Stefan Quandt and his sister Susanne Klatten, Germany’s richest woman. Susanne and Stefan both hold large shares in BMW, who is also partnered with networks in the transportation agenda. The Quandt family has intentionally stayed out of the media for decades, according to Johanna Quandt, in a 2013 documentary titled ‘Silence of the Quandts‘, which reveals a dark history to the family fortune, including the use of slave labor.
The UK awarded a second contract for the Covid pass to Akamai Technologies, also for one-year with the potential to be extended. Akamai is a content delivery network, could service, cybersecurity, and creator of one of the world’s largest distributed computing platforms – Intelligent Edge Platform, with 275,000 servers in over 136 countries. Akamai’s customers include Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, China Central Television, Adobe, and hundreds of other companies.
The Cardano Foundation is a bit of a web. Cardano was founded by Charles Hoskinson, co-founder of Ethereum. Cardano commissioned the software companies IOHK out of Hong Kong, founded by Charles Hoskinson and Jeremy Wood, and Emurgo out of Japan, founded by Ken Kodama, to develop and maintain the Cardano Blockchain. They are building digital identities, using Atala Prism by IOHK, for students to go on Cardano’s Blockchain throughout Africa, and is already working with the government of Ethiopia to provide teachers and 5 million students with digital IDs to store their education records, and explain in this video how they intend to expand it to incorporate their financial services as well. As of June, it was the largest Blockchain deal signed by a government. An undisclosed Chinese manufacturer provided enough tablets to make the project happen, which the ministry is funding – the same ministry that receives financial support from USAID and other large donors in the west.
In September 2020, SingularityNET announced a partnership with Hoskinson’s IOHK. SingularityNET’s focus is on AI, who together with Hanson Robotics, are the creators of Sophia the robot that is being flaunted as the first robot Innovation Ambassador for the United Nations Development Programme. Their goal is a robotic mind-cloud to distribute intelligence to a world full of humanoid robots.
The Commons Project Foundation, a partner of The Good Health Pass, produced by the CommonPass, which is what the World Economic Forum likes to promote, and more than 20 airlines with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) are using, including United, Jet Blue, and Virgin. The Commons Project was established by funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, founder Paul Meyer has quite a background, and they have built up a network via the Common Trust Network across 32 countries for travel.
Some international airlines are also using the ‘Travel Pass,’ designed by Evernym, which was an initiative launched by the IATA. At the end of July 2021, it was announced that Collins Aerospace, a Raytheon Technologies subsidiary, who is one of the world’s largest suppliers of aerospace and defense products, is teaming up with IATA to help integrate the Travel Pass platform into airlines’ passenger management systems so data can be exchanged between airlines and the Travel Pass mobile app. Collins Aerospace just completed their ARINC SelfPass biometrics at Haneda Airport in Tokyo. Under the guise of “convenience,” access into and throughout the airport now requires facial recognition at over 190 kiosks and gates. “From curb to gate, here’s how it works….your face is now a digital travel token of sorts” – Collins Aerospace 3-min video.
In June 2001, Raytheon and Thales Group (a French multinational company that provides services for aerospace, defense, transportation, and security), formed a joint venture to combine their radar and communications systems. They named it ThalesRaytheonSystems and each owned 50%. In 2016 they restructured their business to work exclusively with NATO agencies and member states.
Evernym was founded in 2013 by Timothy Ruff, and was selected by the World Economic Forum as a 2021 Technology Pioneer. In 2016, they invented the Sovrin Network, a public ledger built for identity. Both are partners with The Good Health Pass. Evernym’s investors are Barclays, Outlier Ventures, Medici, Bosch, and Macola.
The European Union is on top of it as well, with the EU Digital Covid Certificate (EUDCC Gateway), also referred to as the Green Pass, having launched in all 27 countries. The general consensus discussed among networks is that they are looking at the structure the European Union has set up through their eIDAS Regulation to operate across state borders, as a general template to build regulations for operating across countries.
China’s ‘International Travel Health Certificate,’ is available on Alipay and WeChat, and was developed by government departments and the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC), who partnered with Microsoft in 2015 to create a China-friendly version of Windows. In March 2021, it was announced that CETC will merge with Potevio, both being state-owned companies, making it the second largest tech company in China, after Huawei. Potevio makes telecoms equipment, including 5G, and CETC provides software and services to China’s military, and has operated drone swarms. Alipay was created by Alibaba in 2004. The Alibaba Group is a partner with the World Economic Forum, and its founder Jack Ma has worked closely with Bill and Melinda Gates on numerous ventures going back years. Alibaba is excited about this data collection app because it will help further their ‘Smart City Brain Project‘ they first launched in Hangzhou in 2016.

The Standardization Guideline Crews
Just when you thought there couldn’t possibly be anymore alliances, initiatives, collaboration groups, and certifiers – wait, there’s more! In the beginning stages, there are going to be a lot of alliances since there are so many countries involved, but the majority of the key implementers and the lifers are going to be in the majority of those alliances, with a lot of overlap. In addition to that, there are also a lot of smaller tech companies hoping to make it big, healthcare facilities, airlines, and other industries that are going to want to join certain alliances so as to stay informed while submissively following along. That is why this particular group is so large, because it is the “governance” for overseeing the implementation guide development process for “SMART Health Cards.” They deem themselves to be a coalition of over 300 public and private organizations who want to empower individuals with digital access to their vaccination records using open, interoperable standards.
The Vaccine Credential Initiative (VCI) was founded by the Mayo Clinic, MITRE Corporation, Microsoft, The Commons Project Foundation, Evernorth, CARIN Alliance, UC San Diego Health, and Apple. Their goal is to “harmonize the standards and support development of implementation guides needed to issue, share, and validate vaccination records bound to an individual identity.”
The founding members created the SMART Health Cards Framework Implementation Guide based on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Verifiable Credential and Health Level 7 (HL7) SMART on FHIR standards, in addition to the SMART Health Cards: Vaccination & Testing Implementation Guide. They went all out.
The World Health Organization has also been busy working on a “global standards” framework called the ‘Digital Documentation of Covid-19 Certificates (DDCC): Vaccination Status: Technical Specifications and Implementation Guidance.‘ This 99-page guide, packed full of illustrations and instruction on best practices, was published on July 27, 2021.
This guidance is to support Member States in adopting interoperable standards for digital vaccination records, but they go on to state that “A digital vaccination certificate that documents a person’s current vaccination status to protect against Covid-19 can then be used for continuity of care or as proof of vaccination for purposes other than health care.”
The guide covers everything from continuity of care, proof of vaccination, methods, core data elements, national governance considerations, and implementation considerations.
Contributors of this “guide” include many departments of the WHO, in addition to individuals from the World Bank, Universities, European Commission, PATH, and several others. It was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Government of Estonia, Fondation Botnar, the State of Kuwait, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
The World Economic Forum white papers also serve as a “guide” for how they should rollout the digital identities, as covered above.
The So-Called Privacy Protectors
The role players consistently state that they are very concerned about getting “privacy” issues right, in order to lead the sheep to believe that is a true concern of theirs. A digital identity eliminates all privacy – it’s an oxymoron. “Cryptographically secure” merely means that individuals may have privacy between one another, but all of their data is being stored with these role players. In order to maintain their cover, they have to show that they are trying to protect people’s privacy rights. So who do they have playing this role? The Linux Foundation.
The Linux Foundation created an initiative called Covid-19 Credentials Initiative which is hosted by the Linux Foundation Public Health (LFPH). Their goal is to “build, secure, and sustain open-source software to help public health authorities (PHAs) combat Covid-19 and future epidemics.”
They claim that their initiative is “an open global community collaborating to enable the interoperable use of open-standard-based-privacy-preserving credentials and other related technologies for public health purposes.” They are working to advance the use of VCs (verifiable credential), and use digital wallets and driver’s licenses as examples, stating that VCs will “qualify a person for certain types of access defined by the verifier.”
By November 2020, They had created a ‘Governance Framework.’ LFPH has a host of premier members such as Tencent, IBM, Cisco, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), and many others. Facebook is not only a platinum member of the Linux Foundation, Kathy Kam, head of Open Source at Facebook, joined the Linux board of directors in November 2019. Coincidentally, in addition to Facebook being a lead contributor, their more recent funding support to the Linux Foundation will help support the largest shared technology investment in history, with roughly $16B in development costs for over 100 projects.
Microsoft upped their membership with the Linux Foundation to a platinum member back in 2016, not long after they launched ID2020. Samsung, IBM, Oracle, Fujitsu, Intel and others signed on as platinum members of the Linux Foundation, long ago.
In February 2021, the Linux Foundation announced the DizmeID Foundation, founded by Algoran, Fabrick, and InfoCert, and technical project they are working on to help develop and enable digital identity credentialing.
By June 2021, the Linux Foundation launched the “trust network” called ‘Global Covid Certificate Network’ (GCCN) to provide countries with a global trust registry for interoperable Covid certificates, under the guise of “border reopening efforts.” The organizations backing this network, are the same organizations backing ‘The Good Health Pass,’ which again, was launched by the founders of ID2020.
Cross-Border Regulation Designers

The general consensus discussed among networks is that they are looking at the structure the European Union has set up through their eIDAS Regulation to operate across state borders, as a general template to build regulations for operating across countries. This system has been in place on a national level for several years but due to the pandemic, they are building a new framework, extending the benefits to the private sector. Member states will be able to provide citizens and businesses digital wallets that will link to various aspects of their national digital identities.
It is a cross-border system that allows citizens and businesses to share their identity data, including drivers license, bank cards, fill tax returns online, and access medical records and online public services across the entire EU, which is a Blockchain system.
By 2030, they want all key public services to be available online, all citizens to have access to electronic medical records, and 80% of citizens should use an electronic identification solution, which is documented in their ‘Communication 2030 Digital Compass: The European Way for the Digital Decade.’
The eIDAS regulatory framework can be reviewed here.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is also working on cross-border payments. At an October 19, 2020 IMF hosted symposium on “Cross-Border Payments – A Vision for the Future,” Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and Agustín Carstens, and Kristalina Georgieva were all on the panel. Of course, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) was a hot topic, and BIS was very much for it, stating “the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of CBDCs, and we will have the technology to enforce that.”
Recap List of Key Implementers and Supporters Identified in This Report
Akamai Technologies
Alibaba Group
Australian Aid
Bezos Family Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bank for International Settlements
BLOK Bioscience
Cardano Foundation
CARIN Alliance
Center for Global Development
Central Bankers
China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)
China Electronics Technology Group Corp
Collins Aerospace / Raytheon
David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Deutsche Bank
DizemeID Foundation
European Union
Federal Reserve
Fondation Botnar
Ford Foundation
Global Compact
Global Covid Certificates Network (GCCN)
Governments (many)
International Air Transport Association
International Monetary Fund
International Organization for Migration
International Telecommunication Union
International Trade Center
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
JPMorgan Chase
Lemann Foundation
Linux Foundation
Lloyds Banks
Mayo Clinic
MITRE Corporation
Morgan Stanley
Omidyar Network
Outlier Ventures
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
Standard Chartered
The Commons Project
The Good Health Pass Collaborative
UC San Diego Health
UK Dept. of International Development
United Nations and its many arms
Vaccine Credentials Initiative (VCI)
World Bank
World Economic Forum
World Food Programme
World Health Organization
Plus, there are hundreds of smaller companies hopping on the digital identity train to profit from human enslavement.
Additional organizations will be added to this list in part 4, when the remaining sections are covered.
It’s Time to Derail Their Train

“I’ve been on more sales calls with more CEOs in the last two months than at any time in my career, and there’s universal agreement among them: Digital transformation, while this isn’t a one app [solution], it’s a must-have. Organizations and governments around the world have a digital transformation imperative like never before, and many of them are accelerating their plans for a digital-first work-from-anywhere environment.” – Marc Benioff, founder, chair and CEO of Salesforce
“The most important thing is to make the technology inclusive – make the world change. Next, pay attention to those people who are 30 years old, because those are the internet generation. They will change the world; they are the builders of the world.” – Jack Ma, Founder and Executive Chairman, Alibaba Group
“I see two priorities for the immediate future. First, we need to drive the policy changes to make sure the poor can get engaged at this level. And second, we need a measurement system that tracks the progress towards drawing people in— not just have accounts, but to really benefit from financial activity.” – Bill Gates
These same people and organizations have been “drawing people in” toward their “digital transformation” to “make the world change” for so long that people have become entirely desensitized to it. That’s the problem – the world dropped the ball, and they’ve been making tremendous strides forward with their big plan while no one was paying attention. Now it’s time to pick up that ball, follow the solution suggestions at the beginning of this report, and collaborate with one another on other ways to derail this train before it’s too late.
Continue to Part 4: QR Code, DNA, Blockchain, Crypto, CBDC, AI, Augmented Humans >
This complete 4-part report, plus 22 ways to stop the vaccine ID passport, is now available in paperback! You can purchase the BOOK here.

This report was researched and written by Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs for The Solari Report.

Subscribe to Corey’s Digs and don’t miss a Dig!

Excellent work! While I know it is all true, it still boggles my mind how everything has happened.
Hello Corey Lynn, thank you so much for the honest and thorough investigations you do and report.
I live in MELBOURNE, Australia and would love to get in touch with SPEAKER, who doesn’t live far from me. I have been one of your fans and patron too. You can check.
Thank you and keep up the great work!
Blessings, Veronica
Thomas Coplin
A most excellent article. Corey really peeled back all the layers and gave us a peek inside the forthcoming Digital I.D. No more privacy.
From a Biblical Ed-Time perspective all pieces of the puzzle are falling into place.
A must read book is “Tribulation 2023” by Daniel Speck
Mark Harlan Genn
After reading the enormous volume of information presented here, I do not understand why it matters if governments have access to all of my data. I have absolutely nothing to hide. I simply live my life as I choose.
I do not feel restricted or controlled, other than being ask to wear a mask and social distancing.
Which is what seems perfectly normal, when I know there is a virus killing people throughout the world.
Other than the virus safety recommendations by the CDC; I haven’t noticed any other differences now, as opposed to 10-20-40 years ago.
Perhaps someone could enlighten me as to why I should be concerned?
As a senior citizen I’ve been mystified by current events. This puts it all together for me. I’ve only read about half the article ( bad eyes) but I’m now more resolved to fight for freedom, not get jabbed, and share the light. Thank you and may God and his army of angels assist and protect you always.
Edwin El Enemy De Los Anunaki
Michelle Houston
If you work at a place of employment requiring proof of injections, try to rally co-workers to take a stand and protest, and consider legal action against your employer. One case in Alberta, Canada resulted in a huge win for Alberta after Patrick King, an individual who was fined for violating the rules by being in a crowd larger than ten people, requested material evidence of isolation of the Sars-Cov2 virus by subpoenaing the Chief Medical Officer of Health for Alberta. The argument being that if science cannot prove the virus exists, they have no bases for instilling restrictions. They obviously could not produce the evidence because it doesn’t exist. This resulted in Alberta removing all Covid-related restrictions for masking and quarantine. King explains how this whole process worked so others can do it as well.”
This is patently untrue, as he completely misinterpreted the judges statement. See here for JUstice Centre for Constitutional Freedom’s legal opinion ( they have been in the fray for the past year and a half fighting for our freedoms).
Veronica in Melbourne,
My name is Ray……..I live in the ACT.
Like minded people like us need to stand together, for what is on the horizon for our beautiful nation is beyond grotesque.
I am looking to start a grass roots movement…..and I really mean grass roots……like, starting from tonight.
It’s now or never as I see things.
Give me a call if you would like to get involved.
0418 911 238.
Blessings to you and yours.
great survey. What’s missing though from this entire discourse is the role of SAP in this mega-scheme. SAP systems manage almost all of the world’s largest organizations, government ministries and institutions, heath services and hospitals, banks and insurances, telecommunication and transport services, universities, utility companies etc etc.
All that data is being uploaded onto their cloud as we speak (S4 HANA upgrade) – which will eventually enable possible meta data consolidation on a global level.
It’s remarkable how they manage to stay in the shadows while others absorb all the fire. I suspect this is deliberate because SAP stores practically all the real bureaucratic data on each and every one of us. This isn’t just your browsing habit – this is the real deal.
Corey Lynn
You are correct. I saved SAP to go in part 4, which I am in the process of working on.
Hi Corey Lynn
Been a while, I’m just so baffled by people going along with this whole Cvd vax thing.
Labour gov snd ego tripping state pollies and Drs here would have us all vaxd, makes you wonder just how educated Drs really are if they are not questioning any of it.
Just saw this that was sent to me by gab and this Dr even willing to testify for people as well.
People can also get the pdfs references all there.
Good work
**REPLY TO MARK HARLAN GLEN** Hi Mark, I understand your question as many people feel that way (as in I have nothing to hide). But, whilst many of us may have nothing to hide, what if we simply do not have information we wish to give to all of these interconnected agencies and megalithic corporations?? If I thought they all really had our best intentions at heart I might agree with you but as you ask, Why the concern? Here is a link to a video by Amazing Polly who delves deeper into Entrust (one of the companies mentioned in this article).
By the end of this video you may have a better idea of where this could all be going…
Cheers, Anita. (Vic, Australia)
Thank you for this info, I can only imagine how long it took to research this, I was so in hopes President Trump could fix this nightmare but as time goes on I don’t have a clue who to trust any longer with all this deliberate misinformation out there.
My question is do you think President Trump and all of them are in this together? I hate to even think that but red flags are starting to go up, just thought with all the research you have done you might know.
Thank you!
Corey Lynn,
Thank you for the insights. I am looking forward to part 4. I must take issue with the one point regarding Blackrock and Vanguard being the largest investors in most of these corporations. Blackrock manages $9T in assets and Vanguard has $7T. These are two of the largest asset managers in the world. They are most likely the biggest investors in just about every company by virtue of their size rather than any cabal. For this reason, I do not think your suspicion of these two companies is very valid but I do think there is a lot of truth in your research. Please, consider if my point warrants any deeper research and keep up the good work.
Corey Lynn
Read the section/links on “Going Direct” and you will see what BlackRock orchestrated with the Federal Reserve in the biggest financial takeover in history. Also, review my other report here:
Excellent research, and presentation. My only problem is with the fact that every time some negative policy is implemented it is made clear that a democratic representative was behind it. Which technically is true, but that’s because there is one inconvenient truth that I feel people don’t want to admit. The Republican Party died years ago. How can a political party be totally reactive? The Republican Party only squeals when the democratic party comes up with something, usually it’s a token gesture, then they roll over. If you believe positive things happened during the trump administration that maybe, but they are all being erased before your eyes now, so we are back to square one. Nothing accomplished just 4 years of spinning wheels. My point: Forget about elected officials They are “all” in.
Corey Lynn
I understand your issue with this, because it’s the corrupt against the people, and that corrupt includes both Democrats and Republicans. That said, there is no mention of Democrats or Republicans specifically in this report, so I’m confused by this statement here?
Sub Monahan
QR code March 2021 most updated version- actions and flu updated.
There’s a hugely significant and very worrying Trojan horse issue occurring, related to so called “health passports” using updated versions of a bar code (called “QR codes”).
This is connected with the issue of a vaccine, tied to an unprecedented digital Identity system, allied with international surveillance measures and the potential establishment of a digital banking system.
This may be in fact on the hanger of the QR code so called “Health Passports” coming soon and a QR code micro-needle patch (sub dermal vaccine).
To explain further :
The Covid management strategy is to introduce QR code “health passports” for access to what has been referred to as the “new normal”.
On marketing information for the Irish and front-running U.K health passports, this remit extends to many of our previous rights – access to travel, the workplace, university attendance, medical care, dentistry, sports events, concerts/ care home visitation access etc.
The Irish and U.K QR code Health Passports are a selection of those being trialed internationally right now.
These products first show evidence of test results on an App, paper or key-fob via a QR code register.
This data can be checked and permission gained via personal
Info as retained with QR code-readers, (optimized tech in the business places, airports etc).
The U.K. V.S.T. Enterprises, “Covi-pass” has a Health Passport product, which is enabled so that the QR code can be scanned and read at 100 meters.
Marketing on the websites for both this and the “Irish Health Passport” have shown that they are optimised to be first used for proof of test status and then upgraded to be used for proof of Covid vaccination.
Notably a product in development over the last decade and trialed in recent times, is actually a nanoparticle Vaccine with a QR code pattern embedded subdermally the skin.
The “Quantum Dot Tattoo” Vaccine product, came through research and development, via the Gates Foundation / GAVI / Accenture and other associations plus alliances.
It’s called the ID2020 “Quantum Dot Tattoo” – the ID prefix referring to “identity”.
This is the microneedle vaccine patch, which adheres to the wrist or hand, (so simple to use, it’s claimed that it can be self-adhesive).
M.I.T. upon the direct request of Mr. Gates worked to develop the QR code pattern so called “invisible” pattern, utilising luciferase, (an enzyme of a fruit fly).
The vaccine encodes medical information in a patient’s skin using near-infrared quantum dots (NIR QDs) — invisible to the naked eye but detectable when exposed to near-infrared light.
A scanner device application of an optimised phone with filters can then “read” this information.
One concerning aspect of a QR based “Health passport“ becomes evident in light of this.
That is that In time citizens may be required to sign up to using the eminently more convenient tech-readable QR code “Quantum Dot Tattoo” Vaccine.
There are legitimate concerns about the enormous erosion of civil liberties this could constitute and valid fears about the societal coercion to accept a “warp speed” experimental Covid vaccine or at a future date a QR code “Quantum Dot” Vaccine.
If we accept the use of health passports for tests, plus then the Covid vaccines, the widespread necessity to use QR code-based evidence for daily living is normalised and fully established.
Those who prefer to delay or decline a Covid vaccine and perhaps the future QR based vaccines, would be quite severely precluded from societal interaction and the former access to goods/ services taken for granted in modern democracies.
A further look into the nature of the Quantum Dot Tattoo is useful, to evaluate just how likely this biologic is to be brought to international market, for widespread or mandatory use and later, how this biologic is associated with surveillance tech and digital banking.
Articles describing the Gates 1D2020 Quantum Dot tattoo, were not explicit on what the exact “pattern” the tattoo microneedle patch would embed into the skin.
Recently however a BBC travel article cited a M.I.T. Researcher say, they were working on a QR codes for the tattoo vaccine, (currently used in the veterinary field for cattle).
Interestingly this paragraph was later edited out when I returned to reread it..
(I have screen grabs I took as isolating her paragraph, below, and the original unedited article will be found in the WAYBACK machine web page).
Rice university too, as referenced have referred to “something like a bar code” being used (and the QR code is an updated form of bar code, now used in the veterinary field).
Kevin Mc Hugh stated in News Rice edu:
“The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation came to us and said “We have a real problem – knowing who’s vaccinated […] so our idea was to put the record on the person. This way people can scan over the area to see what vaccines have been administered and give the ones still needed. ”
It’s clear international media and government are supportive of the widespread use of a Covid vaccine for return, as Bill Gates put it, to the “New Normal”.
This is despite the fact that the genome front runners come with all the attendant risks of a “high speed”, experimental vaccine.
DNA and mRNA vaccines were never before given widespread approval for human use, despite decades of study, (because of significant associations in animal trials of adverse effects, (cancer and chronic autoimmunity).
Issues around safety plus efficacy, has in fact been already been voiced by well-known figures in Covid responses and Global health by early summer 2020.
Both Dr. Fauchi and Bill Gates have put expected efficacy at around 44% – 50% and warned of risks such as vaccine potentiation – higher risk of getting wild strain Covid after a vaccine.
There are also valid concerns around the risk of Pathogenic Priming/ A.D.E. in light of Sars Cov 2 prior animal studies.
(That is with the possibility of severe negative affect, whereby the immune system overreacts on exposure to subsequent coronavirus with a cytokine storm, which can lead to multi-organ failure and death).
It’s clearly worth asking why we would move from a more traditional form of injectable Covid vaccine, to a QR code nanoparticle Vaccine and how far along it is in research and development (R&D)?
Transient viruses, such as each year’s flu shot, typically mutate, so it’s not a giant leap that the single strain Covid vaccine is deemed as potentially inadequate in time?. (This was written in fall 2020 btw).
A new vaccine, proposed to have wider application, is in fact quite far along in R&D.
This vaccine is referred to as the “Universal Flu” vaccine.
If there were the same kind of societal pressure to protect against multiple strains of the coronavirus, wouldn’t there be enormous government and industry backing, towards roll out of the “Universal Flu Vaccine”.
At this point the “Quantum Dot Tattoo” QR code vaccine may be proposed as vehicle for same, especially as Dr. Fauci has worked on the board of the Gates Foundation and is likely supportive of the QDot associations strategy.
Furthermore, industry funding and investment increases its likelihood of reaching market, since billions have been spent of this vaccine.
The Gates / GAVI / Cepi/ ID2020 / WHO supported Q Dot vaccine is currently being trialed in Africa and Asia.
In October 2020, Bill Gates said life can get “back to normal” only when a *second generation* of Covid-19 vaccines is widely available and the virus is eradicated worldwide – “a higher bar than was set for any disease in history” as an attached note.
But how does this tie in with technology, surveillance and banking?
(A question and inferred statement of fact, that at first glance certainly stretches credulity!).
The evidence shows that the vaccine is in actual fact, allied to identifying data and digital banking in a multi system product.
The nanoparticle QR code Vaccine, is being trialled to store data such as birth records, education records and a so-called identity “solution”.
An MIT report, published in December 2019 in Science Translational Medicine, confirmed that ;
“intradermal QDs can be used to reliably encode information and can be delivered with a vaccine, which may be particularly valuable in the developing world and open up new avenues for decentralized data storage and biosensing.”
This was proposed as advantageous for low-income citizens and the vaccine, a medical biologic all children get in developing countries, is regarded as a convenient vehicle to tie in with biometric data unalterable identification metrics.
That’s in the form of an Iris scan plus digital finger printing, hence the name ID2020 (an identity system).
Microsoft donated $1 million to the ID2020 Alliance in September 2019 seeking to “leverage immunization as an opportunity to establish digital identity” and to use biometrics to improve vaccine coverage in developing nations.
MasterCards TrustStamp is working currently in association with ID2020, to introduce a digital banking system, which ties into the Quantum Dot Tattoo Vaccine.
This is purported to be helpful for citizens in developing nations who struggle with access to banking ( the “unbanked”, as an October Davos meeting speaker put it) and in need of digital banking, plus access easy international money transfer.
The new swift 2020 upgrades of tech with 5G and Elon Musks “Dragon” satellites, could logically be required to hold all the data in clouds and for new bio surveillance systems, purported to be required in Covid times, (but of course that is speculative and I’m not very knowledgeable on technology 🙂
As mentioned, the current “Health Passports” in the form of an app, card or key fob, can in some instances be read from an optimised phone at 100 metres (the Covi-pass).
It possibly follows that the same QR code vaccine could be read and analyzed and details stored, by optimized technology ?
What this paints a picture of a radically different society, involving unprecedented levels of tech surveillance and controls, allied with a digital banking system, which further makes a cashless society plausible.
(That is especially if cash, as a frequently passed form of paper and metal, is deemed is a unacceptable vector of Covid transmission.
And this narrative has gained enormous international traction in the mainstream media).
The ostensible Coronavirus “solution” (AND interestingly also the Q child-trafficking/abuse narrative solution) point to the same kind of ends.
That ourselves (and vulnerable children), will all be “safest” when we have embedded identity cards and surveillance systems.
Vulnerable children will only be “safe” when they have embedded identity systems, unable to be lost or destroyed and better surveillance controls, particularly when traveling, in terms of alleged sex trade etc.
And those fearful for their health will only be “safe” when regular testing / a proven universal vaccine facilitates this.
If this solution comes WITH a side of bio/ data surveillance for a digital identity system and digital banking, it’s more than many perhaps bargained for at the offset ?
Using the Problem / Reaction / Solution model, one can work backwards from the solution to the problem and look at what there is to be gained or lost by the proposed “solutions”.
If the QR code based Health Passports go ahead, it’s epoch changing.
It’s also a fairly dystopian vista for those who value the rights, independence and heath / civil liberty freedoms we took for granted in a modern democracy.
If an individual were deemed to have published commentary critical of their government, had attended a peaceful march or behaved in a manner deemed somehow inappropriate, could this system negatively affect their rights and their privacy?
It’s evident that with a digital banking system certainly, there is great ease in fines applied with immediacy, as withdrawn from an individual’s account for examine, (versus withheld cash money until arbitration, if deemed an unfair verdict).
With an identity stamp and facial recognition tech, tied to ones immune status, there is the possibility of significant reduced privacy, potential restrictions on movement imposed in a much more draconian fashion than the traditional road block etc.
Autocratic/ communist regimes would be empowered to take advantage of enhanced surveillance and financial digital data systems to oppress critical journalists, academics or opposing politicians.
A final and necessary piece to this puzzle for a vista like this to come to pass, is the necessary co-operation of businesses and commerce plus private industry.
And this is in fact occurring as the technology is observable embraced for the first time in a rapid uptake fashion outside of China.
Have you noticed how currently QR codes are popping up on cards, letterheads, business windows in local bars, airports, government buildings etc in the last 2 months?
By mid-summer 2020, I was told in 2 restaurants in Spain, that it was illegal for them now to supply customers with a menu.
I was directed to use my QR code feature on my phone, to connect their QR code affixed to the dining table in order to view the businesses fare.
Why is that so many businesses in the last few months in northern Europe, are suddenly taking on QR code systems for their goods and services ?
Perhaps as Edward Snowden put it, we should be careful of an “Architecture of Oppression”
being put in place in Covid times, from which we could not return from.
This entire QR code future system starts with the widespread international accepting or refusal of a QR code “Health Passport”.
If we look now at the U.K there was already the 100 million operation, for the roll out strategy of these “Health Passports” nationwide (“Operation Moonshot”, see in links).
What occurs without a Health Passport QR code for proof first of the test status, then HP proof of experimental “warp speed” covid shot, later supplanted by Quantum dot vaccine skin stamped status and all that may comes with it ?
Those who decline and their families are essentially societal cast outs, unable to buy, sell, move freely or fraternize with others.
They are likely to become societal cast outs in a bizarre new Totalitarian Covid system management apartheid.
One who’s values align with the W.E.C / U.N. future strategies (apropos a “Great Reset”, “5th Industrial Revolution” and identity / surveillance 17 Goals respectively).
This is why I hope we can discuss and debate this issue individually and collectively in detail and push back against a QR code, seemingly benign “Health passport”, system becoming mandatory.
Personally, I’ll be sharing this widely on social media, to lawyers, rights groups, politicians and to the business community, plus boycotting any service or business who uses it.
I also pledge never to use this QR code system in my own business.
I’ll be learning common law, as I’ve been informed that it’s a very intelligible system, which can go a long way to help protect myself, my family and my business and even legally perhaps to prevent some of the actions that are strategized, but I’m at an early point in my research on same.
I hope others can please join me, with some of these actions.
I’m one person with a very small social media presence and a small business, but know that even a small dedicated few can make all the difference in the world.
Please like, comment, share etc if sharing on social media, simply for the algorithms to not hinder it’s spread and if you’re concerned too – choose any or all of the strategies that work for you to help quash the QR. system with all it ushers in.
It certainly feels to me, now we near mid 2021, that we’re running out of time, that being complacent or hoping someone else will fix this will lead us and our loved ones into a very dark place.
So as the saying goes perhaps this is the time to really tune into the maxim:
“If not us, who?
If not now, when”?
Every voice and every action count and if that happens, there is no reason the majority can’t thwart the ideologies and objectives of the quite clearly manipulative and dangerous minority.
If I’ve sent this by email and you’ve found it at all useful you’re most welcome to share.
And if you are on social media and would like to make a STORY on this issue, I have many illustrative easy images I can pass on for you to share this in a compelling, simple way that people can grasp.
Take care and hope to see us all on the other side of the darkness some day ! : )
A selection of supporting links and references:
Health passports :
Irish Health passports :
Q.Dot Vaccine, Identity, Mastercard Digital Banking :
BBC travel article (**now with edited out paragraph Re QR code as Vaccine tattoo**)
“Rice University “something like a bar-code” tattoo/ scannable record on the skin.
Dangers of Covid tech :
Covid Surveillance tech Australia video in workplace etc (Sky News Oz):
From the New Yorker:
“the government started calling the documents “release certificates” rather than immunity passports.. “
Full piece here :
Surveillance tech in schools :
Patent WO606060
(A bio identity solution, with digital banking, something on the body and “tasks”).
QR code tattoo like????
Quantum dot tattoo :
The new “SMART vaccine” by Swansea University (and Imperial College london, which is heavily funded by the Gates foundation. Is this the rebrand of the “Quantum Dot” ? ) ;
Pathogenic Priming / Immune Enhancement:
Universal flu shot :
See also Geert Vanden Bossche work on
Operation Moonshot “Health Passports”
Moonshot journal article, “scientifically unsound”:
Operation moonshot discussion (Alliance of Natural Health )
Technology tycoon Bill Gates said life can get back to normal only when a *second generation* of Covid-19 vaccines is widely available and the virus is eradicated worldwide – a higher bar than was set for any disease in history.
Update on Universal flu shot (due trial Completion October 2020)
About BiondVax
BiondVax Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (Nasdaq: BVXV) is Phase 3 clinical phase biopharmaceutical company developing the M-001 Universal Flu Vaccine.
M-001 is currently undergoing a pivotal, clinical efficacy, Phase 3 trial in about 12,400 participants.
Results of the clinical trial are expected by the end of October 2020.
M-001 is designed to provide multi-season and multi-strain protection against all human influenza virus strains, both seasonal and pandemic.
In 7 completed clinical trials the vaccine was shown to be safe, well tolerated and immunogenic to a broad range of flu strains.
(This vaccine, returning to it now, actually had “disappointing results” as according to the CEO regarding the trial for his companies shareholders, however interest hasn’t waned worldwide for the product.
Geert Vander Bossche, A prestigious vaccine researcher and Gates foundation employee, currently gaining a lot of attention for ostensibly “whistleblowing” on the harm of the current crop of vaccines.
He’s strongly promoting a NK cell “UniFlu Vaccine“ and gives talks on the new vaccine technology including Microneedle vaccine tech.
As seen on the CV at his page and some of which is discussed at Childrens Health Defense :
Universal Flu Shot Overview :
Rockefeller’s funding of health passports for travel :
“Immunization: an entry point for digital identity” .
Important essay discussing tying I.D to vaccination.
“In May, after the executive director of ID2020, a sprawling alliance of organizations pushing for digital IDs, wrote a white paper calling for electronic “immunity certificates” for Covid-19, one of the group’s advisers quit, writing in her resignation email that the alliance just wanted to “promote decentralized identity solutions at all costs.”
State authorities can too easily transmute biometric vaccination records into immunity passports and use them to restrict the liberties of people—a prospect Elizabeth Renieris, the ID2020 adviser who resigned, called “beyond dystopian” in an essay in May.
Common law court information and a reliable register to access common law citizenship:
Corey Lynn
Yes indeed. This is covered in part 4: QR code, digital currency, blockchain, and AI transhumanism. Part 3 covers the key implementers of the QR code IDs and the overall agendas of each group. Part 4 gets more into the history, the tech, and where it’s going. Nice job on compiling your research on this. You clearly understand the importance of this and why I’ve spent so much time on these reports to make people aware of the dangers of the QR code and digital identity to control us via a human enslavement system. Keep up the awesome work!
Ayn Monahan
This is a post follow up. I meant to edit out the little header I have from my file on that “QR CODE WRIST STAMP” linger comment, apologies.
Also I’d like to add that I now have written a fully referenced detailed academic style essay, with images including the BBC article screengrabs I refer to on the M.I.T researcher referring to the use of QR code type, sub dermal wrist stamps of vaccine proof.
It’s been the result of years of research and has information not available on this (incredible) piece written by Corey.
(Seriously amazing research thanks so much Corey and looking forward to reading the next sections too).
But just while I’m here, I’m taking the opportunity to hope hopefully share my little piece of the puzzle more widely, to anyone who would like to read it.
If so, Just D.M. me any email address and I’ll send my PDF essay.
This is not hubris, but I believe it is one of the most shocking, yet important pieces an individual could read right now.
It’s not short, at approximately 15 pages, (before footnoted references and photographs), however, for those who value their civil rights and health freedom, it will be well worth your time.
(That’s my pitch !:)
This information is factual, there for all to find, but somehow practically subterranean in both mainstream and digital media.
Hopefully that will change, especially if any of it were useful for an amazing researching and writer like yourself Corey, with a deserved large audience.
I can only hope 🙂
Best wishes,
My mistake. I may have noticed what I was referring to as far as Democrats listed as the culprits in the links provided. I am a registered democrat in the state of California, though I no longer participate in the political process except for maybe local issues such as keep parks, and libraries open longer. I just get tired of the red state, blue state dichotomy. I know people on the left who want none of their taxes going to people on welfare, are anti abortion, and are packing “heat”, 24/7. But this type of divide and conquer will get us nowhere, which is the ploy. There are no monolithic political party members, or states. The reason so many candidates win in California with leftist agendas is because they are always thrown up against Republican candidates that even conservative voters have never heard of, and they come with easily exploitable baggage. Again I apologize.
To you and Cory Lynn:
You both did a great job, thank you so much!!!
I am from Europe and I am working to show the same development on the continent. It is really impressive how long and thorough this global coup has been prepared on so many levels. Nevertheless, it is a preparation that will fail on its own. For one thing, many issues are not working as they would like, and for another, they are creating the most gigantic financial bubble ever seen. In addition, there is the ignition related to war against Russia and China. We will see the collapse of the system before the enslavement will be complete, I am sure.
Looking forward to Part 4 😉
you and Cory Lynn = “you” means SUB MONAHAN
Comments and replies to both Anita and MARK HARLAN GLEN. I see both your points and am at grateful that these discussions are more frequent now, as opposed to ‘there’s a pandemic going on just follow the rules!’ I’d say in a survey of 20 friends and relatives, 12 to 15 are in the ‘shut up selfish person people are dying’ group, 3 or 4 are in the ‘there’s something else going on but I don’t was to say due to work or…’ group, and a small 2 or 3 of them are fully on-board with all that is here in sites like this. Needless to say I am desperate for these conversations versus the ones with the first 2 groups (one set of friends of 20 years won’t see us since my wife isn’t jabbed).
I see both your points – ‘if you’re not guilty then…’ and the opposite – the fundamentals of privacy reversed. I have gone full circle on this since June 2020 once I saw the stats being cherry-picked. It is a case of the boiling frog – slow erosion of freedoms since about the 1960’s that people either don’t notice or gladly give up for the false perception of safety. Only these past 18 months have not only sped up the boiling, they ‘put the lid on the pot’ (reference from Neil Oliver – great presenter on GB and TalkRadio). I believe Peter Hitchens has a good summary of the erosion of freedoms he’s witnessed since the 1960’s, and he concluded early this year that the notion of these Western freedoms is essentially over – the Western world does not want these freedoms and majority have given them away – we want the ‘security’ and our material distractions.
It is also difficult to compare to the similar sharp loss of freedoms after 9/11 – Patriot Act etc. Since those mainly involved air travel and surveillance changes. Again they looked horrific at the time, legalizing torture, spying on the public without warrants, etc. But I recall at the time the same ‘if your not guilty of anything then nothing to worry about’ justification was the norm. And now 20 years later I personally see that still as true.
This ‘ratcheting’ effect, or sand-bagging, may ease off a little bit in a few years, but it will have allowed ‘them’ to implement surveillance and control measures that, 2 years ago, would have caused riots worldwide. I agree these are mainly aimed at the younger groups, who will grow up with their lives controlled via QR codes and apps. I actually witnessed these systems being perfected and rolled out in China over my work years from 2001 to 2018 (as we gladly gave China ALL our manufacturing and engineering work). In 2001, it was in the form of a giant billboard warning ‘Hard work will ensure our prosperity, empty talk endangers the nation’. Fast forward to 2017, I am getting a Western-visitor demo of Foxconn’s 500,000+ employee campus worker-control system. Drones of workers, scanning QR codes for their daily movements, how Bluetooth and Wifi and GPS/cell triangulation can be tracked real-time and all info plucked about you and who you are with. For some reason they even went on about how they could monitor the workers’ health and ‘well being’ and have those they deemed ill report to certain offices, again with QR code, to be made well. I found it odd at the time why they would brag about this but it seems pretty clear now. Those thousands of workers could not travel province to province for almost any reason except on government-sanctioned holiday timeslots.
This ‘fourth industrial revolution’ is even more massive a shift than the previous industrial revolutions (from farm workers to factory workers, then from factory workers to computer drones – i.e. ‘Bullshit Jobs’) This convergence of almost all of Aldous Huxley’s predictions from both Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited seems to show that he was right – if the world continues on it’s progression to 10 or whatever billion people, eventually the only workable (world) government or societal control will be a Technocracy – science and ‘experts’ will be the new religion, with the facades of Western democracies (parliamentary oversight, the judiciary, the press to watch the government, ‘elections’) gradually becoming more and more meaningless – just for show so older people still feel the system is fair. The ideal model being China – extreme communism, control of movement, money, and everyday life, and ‘we’re all in this together’ for the 99.x% – and extreme corrupt hyper-capitalism for the 0.x% in ‘The Party’ and the layers below government. On top of this, the continued dumbing and numbing of the population (constant device screen time telling them what to think), precision censorship, and the continued erosion of anything tying us to our human-animal instincts (adventure, feeling good in groups with friends, eating together, contact etc.) I strongly believe the censorship part will go so far as to trick the remaining dissenters to move over to the ‘safe’ sites – Bitchute, GAB, Odyssee, etc. and then those will all be yanked too. Basically if you can’t do it in China, it will be gone, leaving people to feel even more isolated. Hence ‘don’t talk to your friends and neighbors!’ As someone else stated here in the comments – this is a live debug session – let the people use and show all the gaps and glitches as beta-testers, then close the gaps.
Of course we have to hedge our bets. In the 1970’s crises (oil, war, recessions) there was similar sentiment. Go ‘back to the land’, grow your own food, stockpile cash for end of days. After that, those people missed out on the huge market runs through the 1980s and beyond. You can call this ‘giving up/in’ similar to the 1930’s Nazi Germany ‘you would have went along with it’ analogies, that’s fair. But this shift is the entire world this time, not one evil group. Do we really believe going Mad-Maxx style that we can have guns and gardens and be safe? That’s where I keep circling around – what do all these elites tell their grandchildren? And, maybe this new world order is the only way to have the world fit 10 billion people in it by year 2100 – the alternative being? I think as Westerners we feel/demand we get to continue our wealthy free market democracies as we have for the past 60 some-odd years – and we want our kids to have the same. But by the way they are planning things, that is not compatible for a world of 10 billion and they are implementing the plans they’ve had for quite a few decades to ensure it.
(Way off side note – by the way ‘cell’ in cell-phone refers to the radio towers arranged in a grid to cover roughly x-amount of hexagonal RF coverage – the hexagons tesselate in ‘cells’ to provide optimal coverage without gaps or wasted transmitters.) I am full of useless info!
Donald Paillette
dig here 👇🔽👇🔽
There is so much information here but I didn’t read anything about what can happen to those of us who don’t go along with this. Do we get cast out from society? Do we get thrown in jail? What if we don’t have property to grow our own food? Will we be excluded from any type of health care?
I have so many questions. I hope someone can answer them.
Great article though
Greg Glaser
The government’s new smart pass technology has potentially the same acronym as the Roman Empire that crucified Christ. The SMART pass technology marks people with QR codes. Does that make it SPQR (Smart Pass QR)?
Revelation 13:16-17, “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.”
Details: Governments are widely using and promoting the new SMART Pass, temporarily called “Smart Card”. This development made national news in January 2022: (“Whether they realize it or not, about 200 million people in the United States now likely have access to a Covid-19 digital vaccine card. The digital pass known as the SMART Health Card is voluntary and minimal by design to protect personal information. It has a person’s name, date of birth and the dates and brands of vaccination doses, all contained within a type of scannable bar code known as a QR code.”)
Will the name be changed eventually to “Smart Pass” as the ‘card’ is phased out and the ‘biometric’ is phased in. Smart pass is already the lingo used worldwide and in many patents (sometimes called ‘smart passport’). Indeed, the name of the greater project is just called “Smart” so this technology is clearly not limited to ‘cards’. Examples of companies pushing this SMART technology are Apple, Microsoft, Mayo Clinic, etc.