The Solution Series

    University Migrant Smart Hubs, Private Equity and The Leveraged Buyout of America

    Resettlement, repurposed, and replaced may be the best way to sum up what is taking place at colleges and universities across the U.S. The protests are assisting as smokescreens to recreate the underbelly of these indoctrination camps, turning them into resettlement campuses, micro smart cities or “innovation districts,” and a funnel system for captured endowments that all leads to policy change and potential training grounds for agitators to bring the U.S. to its knees. This not only has a drastic impact on college students and so-called “higher education,” but on cities and towns that anchor these hubs, ultimately affecting everyone. When you combine U.S. universities and colleges with Blackstone, private equity firms, Middle East investors, the UN, illegal immigrants, student housing, innovation districts, affordable housing, Jeffrey Sachs, college protest smokescreens, ECAR, Welcome Corps, corrupt billionaires, and mainstream news, you have a recipe for disaster – one that can only mean…


    Merry Christmas Dig It! Episode

    My wish this holiday season is for everyone to enjoy a little peace, carve out some time for family and friends, fill your hearts with love and compassion, and work in some laughter as we move into the new year. My hope is that we will all find a path forward, manifest the changes needed to serve humanity, and that everyone finds their true power within to make this a reality for all. This week, we wanted to bring a little laughter, joy, solutions, and victories to all of you through our weekly Dig It! Podcast. We hope you enjoy it! Have a Wonderful Merry Christmas and Happy New Year’s! Follow our weekly podcast on your favorite platform. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! Be sure to check out our new Partners page that offers wonderful services and products that provide solutions ranging from health, meat…

  • GLOBAL,  U.S.

    ALERT: Who’s Really Behind The California-Nevada High-Speed Rail

    A decades-long high-speed rail project is slated to launch running between California and Las Vegas, Nevada. Many have said they’ve heard this song before and it will never happen, that it’s just a slush fund, but the documents say otherwise and the motives are questionable. The Biden regime, States, and investors want to see this project completed before the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles, and Brightline West already has the land, federal reviews, labor agreements, and federal and state funding dialed in. There is a lot of history with this high-speed railway moving in and out of development and investment phases, and the current chain of ownership raises big questions. On the surface, it would appear as though Brightline West will be the owner and operator of this railway with up to 200mph “net zero” electric trains running between Las Vegas to Rancho Cucamonga and on to Los Angeles. However,…

  • U.S.

    BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s Family Tree Was A Mystery Until Now

    It’s very likely that only a small percentage of people even know who BlackRock is, despite the fact that they are the world’s largest asset management company with over $9 trillion in assets, is one of the top two shareholders of over 1,600 American firms, was involved in the clean up of the 2008 financial meltdown, pulled off the biggest scandal in history with the Federal Reserve last year, and is changing the way banks and financial institutions monitor your money while creating a new climate scoring system as another way to control your funds. Their finger isn’t just on the pulse, it’s on the lever. BlackRock was founded by Laurence (Larry) Fink in 1988 under the corporate umbrella of The Blackstone group, later split from Blackstone in 1994, and went public in 1999. If Larry Fink isn’t on your radar, you better start paying attention. Familiarize yourself with what…

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