The Solution Series


    Perspective – that’s really what everything boils down to. One can choose to see only gloom and doom, they can choose to see in a hopeful and positive light, or they may land somewhere in the middle. That’s me – right smack in the middle. I’ve seen too much, know too much, and intuit too much to simply settle into hope or sink into the dark abyss. But one thing I’ve come to realize is that by moving through this process I’ve reached a point of becoming fearless to whatever outcomes arise. Perspective is vital, as the mind will inform the body how to feel, the emotions how to react, and either provide or steal the stability and strength of ones spirit. Be fearLESS. I believe that together we will continue to witness and experience the attempted global destruction for quite some time, but how we spend that time, how…

  • Catherine Austin Fitts and Ricardo Oskam

    The Solution Series: Building Wealth with Catherine Austin Fitts and Ricardo Oskam

    “We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.”~ George Bernard Shaw “You can build wealth, you can build poverty, or you can build nothing. Which do you prefer?”~ Catherine Austin Fitts Preview Full episode Download the full transcript in PDF here. By Corey Lynn and James White It is with both a sense of accomplishment and a bit of sadness that we present to you, our valued listeners, this last episode of the year-long Solution Series, jointly presented by the Solari Report and Corey’s Digs. Over the last 12 months or so, we have spoken to—and gotten to know—so many valuable and fantastic guests that to single any one of them out would do a disservice to the rest of them. That being said, we were both delighted and honored to be in the position to host so many wonderful…

  • Sheriff Richard Mack

    The Solution Series: Building a Local Force with Your Sheriff with Sheriff Richard Mack

    “The solution for liberty, and to restore our Constitution today and make the federal government’s corruption irrelevant in the lives of our citizens, is for sheriffs to do what they already promised to do when they took their oath of office.”~ Sheriff Richard Mack Preview Full episode Download the transcript in PDF. By Corey Lynn and James White The history of the sheriff goes back some 1200 years, but the first Sheriff’s office in America wasn’t established until 1641, in Maryland. Either way you slice it, the office of the Sheriff—which means keeper or chief of the county—is a long-standing, widely recognized position. Although some counties have administratively reduced the Sheriff’s role to that of a ticket-writer, for the majority of America’s counties, the Sheriff is still the highest-ranking elected official in the county. For that reason, having a Sheriff who recognizes and honors our founding documents—and specifically the U.S.…


    Freedom Flyers – Spread The Word By Hand!

    As we encounter ever-growing censorship on social media, we must find other ways to connect with friends, neighbors, and members of our communities to discuss the threats to our freedoms that we are facing.  Peter R. Breggin, MD and Ginger Breggin have founded ‘Freedom Flyers’ as a way to connect with individuals in our communities who share the same values and concerns about our threatened freedoms.  By distributing Freedom Flyers at our local stores, sporting events, churches, and neighborhoods, we open the conversation among community members about the planned destruction of western civilization and ways we can work together to stand against the erosion of our civil liberties. The Freedom Flyer movement helps to build and foster strong communities that “participate in the peaceful and legal but determined resistance to globalism.”  The first Freedom Flyer is free to download and reproduce now at, with more to come. Subscribe to Corey’s…


    Strategy for Building Local Networks

    By Jude Rose It’s 2022, and it’s time to have a plan. We face uncertain times, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do, especially when we work together. Building a local network is one of the aspects of our reality we can control. Many of us have realized the importance of building relationships with those around us. We don’t have to face the future alone, and we don’t need the federal government to provide for us, we can rely on each other! But where do we start?  When it comes to building a local network, being shy is not an option! It’s time to put yourself out there and discover people you can align with, and potentially depend on in the future. Forget politics for just a moment. We are all human beings with the same basic needs, and one day we may need to work together in…

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