The Solution Series

    Unraveling the Many Layers of Pride

    By The Sharp Edge It’s easy to see that the culture war taking over the West, under the banner of pride, represents much more than diversity, equity, inclusion, sexual preference, or gender identity.  Unraveling the many layers of pride may reveal how much deeper it goes.  Social Engineering On the surface, it’s clear that we have been inundated with pride propaganda from every angle.  Though the symbol of pride claims to represent the marginalized and oppressed, this cultural revolution has the full endorsement of nearly every mainstream media outlet, social media site, major corporation, financial institution, government agency, intergovernmental organization, medical establishment, and educational institution.   This synchronized operation claiming tolerance for outsiders, has relentlessly forced its way into every aspect of society with zero tolerance for criticism of the established narrative, effectively creating a new class of outcasts.  Those who dare to diverge from acceptable groupthink are marked as…


    Coming Out of Rock Bottom

    Have you ever hit rock bottom? Maybe it was from an addiction, extreme anxiety, loss of everything you own, or tragedies piling up where you just felt like you couldn’t go on. You knew things had to change. You had to take control of your life, your choices, and move into action to forever change that which no longer served you. What we are experiencing is a global rock bottom put into effect by a plandemic. We are all experiencing it simultaneously, only we have been made to feel powerless. How do we pull out of rock bottom to emerge on top? What does that even look like? They have tried to take away our unity, our support system, our human nature of bonding with others to help lift our spirit. They took away our churches, support groups, and community events. Some have even taken away health stores, food seed,…

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