The Solution Series

    Funding The Control Grid Part 4: The Technology Framework

    By The Sharp Edge We are building our own digital prison.  The technological panopticon developing all around us enables centralized power, control, and visibility over every aspect of our lives.  With our hard-earned taxpayer dollars and mountains of debt, we are funding the construction of a digital control grid designed to enslave us. This technological control grid consists of advanced computing, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, nanotechnology, CBDCs, digital IDs, 5G and a host of other emerging technologies.  The purpose of this report is to outline funding and legislation to build the technological control grid, condensed from 6,000 pages of legislation passed through the Omnibus and NDAA at the end of 2022. Background & Context Advanced Computing & Artificial Intelligence In November 2022, OpenAI launched ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence large language model.  By January 2023, ChatGPT reached over 100 million monthly active users, making it “the fastest-growing ‘app’ of all time.”  The…

  • Eugenics, infertility & population growth crisis part 5

    Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth CRISIS Part 5

    Eugenics emerged with a bang in the early 1900s with a primary focus of controlling the population. What began as fairs and baby contests for the best pedigree and maintaining ancestral records to distinguish traits, evolved into a cesspool of genetic manipulations and infertility by the hands of scientists, “philanthropists” and the entire medical industry, whether some knew it or not. But that wasn’t enough for the masses – GMOs, big tech, geoengineering, and AI moved to the forefront to pick up the slack – and suddenly health began declining everywhere. • More than 170 foods have been reported to cause food allergies, and children’s allergies to food have increased 50% between 1997 and 2011. • 60% of processed food consumed by Americans is genetically modified, while nearly 40% of American adults were obese in 2015-2016, up from 34% in 2007-2008. • New studies conclusively confirm that radiofrequency radiation is…

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