Let’s Get Real Before Real Gets Us
The number one question in the U.S. right now is who is going to stop all this lawlessness from coast to coast? This is a multipronged approach at destabilizing our country to take it over. And whereas there are definitely some well overdue changes needed in this country, lighting a path for its destruction is not one of them. It’s time to get real before real gets us. If it’s not already crystal clear that what is being orchestrated on a global scale is an attempt for the UN to carry out their one world governance plan, then you’ve missed the writing on the wall. Recently, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres tweeted, “as we mark the 75th anniversary of the UN Charter, we must reimagine the way nations cooperate. We need an effective multilateralism with scale, ambition and teeth.” As Breitbart reported, Guterres claimed in the 21st century, governments are no…
PC Brigade Marches Towards A Life of Hard Knocks
By James Fitzgerald One of my favorite low-budget films from the 1980s was John Carpenter’s Escape from New York — an urban nightmare, where the imperial US is perpetually at war and the degeneracy of society results in a whole city being turned into a maximum security purgatory. Presumably the backstory involved protests that got out of control and which led to the annexation of New York’s Manhattan Island. There is a vicarious pleasure in watching characters navigating hellish dystopias — but the footage from the past week of American cities being trashed was gut wrenching. My exposure to these events came through social media and took the form of snippets of footage and photos and two-sentence commentaries. I didn’t look at a newspaper or switch on the TV, because I feel there would be no surprises in their coverage. What quickly became apparent was the incredulity and panic among…
Protesters Provide Cover While The Country Bleeds
Take a step back, now take a look in the mirror – did you fall prey to their game, again? This is it – this is their master class. This is psychological warfare, all rolled out with a grand form of synchronicity, that most didn’t even see coming, or take a breath to see what’s happening before their very eyes. While the country burns, and the country bleeds, thousands are willingly providing cover for those carrying out acts of violence and bloodshed during these protests over George Floyd’s death, and others are succumbing to their pent-up anger as bait is dangled in front of them. What has become of humanity that so many could be so blind? The young are out of their minds with boredom and desire to get a little crazy after being in lockdown for nearly three months. Adults want to stick it to the man, stick…
The Gates of Hell: Remove The Gatekeeper & Seal The Doors
Bill Gates is the gatekeeper to many gates. Whereas he may not hold the keys, he is the host and the central bank that provides access behind each closed door. He is at the heart of every major agenda. The level of control spans much farther than the United States of America, though a vast amount of the funding originates here. These heavily guarded gates are direct access to manifest, control, and monopolize some of the largest and arguably most important industries to man. Controlling these gates means control of wealth, policies, priorities, population, health, narratives, minds, land, industries, and everyone’s future, if it is not stopped. Corey’s Digs has reported on Gates’ interests and operations for years, to paint a fuller picture of everything he is involved with, because it is far more extensive than most people realize. Timelines, maps, business relationships, investments, incoming funding and outgoing grants, tax…
When The Masks Went On, Their Masks Came Off
Their modeling systems were wrong. Their numbers were highly exaggerated. Despite this, they were prepared to go all the way – to escalate a virus to astronomical proportions so they could shut this country down, shut the world down, and attempt to control all populations into submission through fear tactics and mind games. Why? What do they have to gain? Their masks came off when they began trying to control the minds of millions by feeding a deceptive narrative, moving for mail-in ballots to manipulate the upcoming elections, shutting down the economy while deciding who’s business was “essential” and who’s was “non-essential,” using tactics to keep people in a state of fear to make them vulnerable so they will heed the advice of so-called “experts” when a vaccine is deployed, creating a trillion dollar industry, all while simultaneously putting a halt to all protests, conferences, and rallies. Essentially, the goal…