Invoke Positive Change
The earth is changing, evolving, you can feel it when you run your fingers through the soil. Hold tight to those around you and really see them. Witness their life, their story – share in it. Say kind things and smile often. No matter how much dark you see around you, always project the light. Do not let the dark consume you.
It’s not about being right. This isn’t a game or a competition. People are being hurt physically, mentally, and spiritually. Support one another and brighten someone’s day instead of bringing them down. This strength, this unity, is what holds us together as a collective. It brightens the room, the town, the planet. It is the KEY to raising awareness and forever changing the future of mankind.
Thoughts may as well be words, for they pack the same punch. Maintaining a positive state of mind from a place of compassion brings balance to an otherwise unbalanced situation. Most do not understand the power of energy. They cannot see beyond the invisible veil to which we all have a front row seat. Open your eyes, your heart, and your mind and you will begin to see all vectors, all layers, and a light that shines so bright it could melt the rigid hearts of thousands.
Until you believe it is possible, it is not. Your mind, your body, and all of its senses are one fluid point of contact within a realm of fluidity – that can sense everything – all at once. It is that powerful. There is no distance between us – you and I. We share the same space. Limitations are conceived by your imagination. Whatever voice told you it couldn’t be done, lied to you. Now there is just your voice to listen to. Let it speak to you with kindness, with truth, with vulnerability, and with compassion.
The world will always be in a state of change and evolution – it’s up to you to flow with it and guide that flow in a manner that will invoke positive change for yourself, for the earth, and above all – for mankind as a whole.

Hi Corey,
Love your work and dedication. Good little essay on positivity. It’s almost impossible in our day and age to escape the negative vibes out there. I was, coincidentally, reading a devotion today, dealing with the same thing. Since I’m a Christian I have to admit your writing was little too New Agey for me but it carried a good message. Very true that negative thinking is toxic not only to yourself but to those around you.
God Bless you for all your hard work. Wading through some of the files.
Bunty Makhija
Thank you for these words:) Beautifully put!
I so needed this today. Thank you Corey and may God Bless You!!
Dear Lord you are all so great and wise. Amen
Thank you so much for the reminder! Love is the binding force. So Corey keep spreading the light.
Lucille or 27Sparkle
We need to stay positive there’s no guarantee for our physical safety but it’s guaranteed our spirits will be safe in our Heavenly Father in Jesus Christ that’s what we have I’m praying for the victims and family’s. God Bless everyone stay calm and cool be positive
This is beautiful and appropriate for today. I needed to hear these words. The past few days were heavy. **Light** brings joy. Thank you.
Love this! Thank you.
Colonel O
Thank you Ma’am. Please check your form submitted data for my submission for positive change.
Colonel O
Andrea harris
I just stumbled upon you on tweeter sharing about the “Epstein” case. Holy name of Jesus!!! I immediately took it to the throne room of Heaven where we have a legal case to be heard, tried and convicted! God is our righteous judge and did not his only son say WOA to those who lead little children astray, better to have a milestone tied around your neck and be thrown into the sea! Justice is coming to all those on the earth whom have harmed these innocent lives! Thank you for your work and risking your life to share the truth!
Amen sister! Also something to keep in mind, the truth never needs to defend itself. It is self evident.
You are such a light worker. Your work is bringing about New Earth. Thank you for all that you do!
Thank you, Corey 💌
Thank You. There are no other words needed.