100th Episode of Dig It! Podcast
This is our 100th episode of our Dig It! Podcast, with myself, The Speaker, and The Sharp Edge. Two full years, a heck of a lot of censorship, and we are still standing – 100 episodes later!
A huge thank you to all of our patriot friends and supporters! You keep our spirits high, and we wouldn’t be here without you.
We rolled in some good laughs, positive notes, covered Corey’s article on the Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 1 (which also has some positives), her semi-comical article on America’s Multiple Personality Disorder, the Patriot Shopping Club, plus some other important news topics, and a big shout out to all of our fellow patriots.
Kick back, give a listen, and have a safe and Happy 4th of July everyone!
Dig It! Podcast also available on:
GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/CoreysDigs
TheFoxHole: https://thefoxhole.app/#/home
Pilled: https://pilled.net/#/profile/86538
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@CoreysDigs
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TuneIn: https://bit.ly/2GmEjpi
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CoreysDigs
Be sure to follow The Speaker and The Sharp Edge over on H1veM1nd.

One Comment
Joy Irvin
I really enjoyed this conversation. Corey, you are one of several original truth-givers that I trust. I need to comment that I watched Senator Johnson’s press conference as it aired. As someone who has suffered from Fibromyalgia for 23 years, I completely identify with these families. People with long COVID19 are experiencing what I believe is analogous to my long Epstein Barr. My oldest daughter has the same illness. Being gaslit by the medical community is so frustrating when you already have trouble functioning. We all need to be discussing and sharing the plight of COVID vaccine victims. Thank-you for discussing it here!