The Solution Series

    Become The Master of Your Mind

    The mind is a funny thing. It’s illusive, ebbing, flexible, and yet constrictive all at once. It’s a tool that can be sharpened to the most finite degree while simultaneously fragmenting into hundreds of micro-thoughts, creating a conundrum in all of its brilliance. It can be sculpted and molded, culled and seeded, spoon-fed and dished up on a plate with a side of hysteria. It can shift through six different emotions in milliseconds without a single grasp of consciousness stepping in. And, it can check out on a whim – creating a blank state of sheer bliss or utter darkness. Its ability to manifest any thought, emotion, fact, illusion, perception or interpretation in any given moment, makes it a slippery slope. So who’s in control of this chaotic echo chamber? It’s time to become the master of your mind. So often people try to control their thoughts and the information…

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