Soul Over Mind – Mind Over Matter
I’ve struggled to write this year. Though I have published numerous reports, I’ve also written numerous articles, or at least the beginnings, the middle or the end of articles that I never published. It’s not that there isn’t plenty to write about, it’s that I operate from two different worlds and those worlds have been conflicting as of late. One world is fixed on this earthly plane, very much in the physical, fact-building, evidence-based arena, whereby I feel a strong calling to make people aware of what’s coming far in advance so they can navigate and make the best decisions for themselves and their families. The other world is very much soul-based, above and beyond this plane of existence, that allows me to see and feel from a place that renders the physical world somewhat irrelevant. This is the place that comes naturally, that resonates with my entire being, and…
Sky’s the Limit for Globalists’ Boiling Earth Narrative
By James FitzGerald Orbiting satellites are playing a larger role in the development of an agricultural, environmental and technological control grid. To earlier generations, the term constellations might have meant zodiacal dot-to-dots depicting ancient gods or mythical creatures — but today the word more likely evokes hurtling GPS satellites and myriad spy craft buzzing the firmament. As above, so below now applies to the technological miasma of modern life. But what has been out of sight should no longer be out of mind, as agendas on the ground seem to merge with those in the stratosphere. On terra firma we can observe concerted — even desperate — efforts by the World Economic Forum and affiliated NGOs and politicians to severely restrict energy, food and transportation, under the guise of “saving the planet”. Now satellite systems are being touted as a means of reducing methane emissions and of tracking changes in…
The Cancer Within Modern Medicine Part 5: Transhumanism
There is a cancer within the world of modern medicine eating away at the very heart of its original design. Rather than healing humanity, this cancer seeks to destroy us from within. In this final part of our series, we will explore how transhumanism has shaped modern medicine from the mid-20th century to today. Special thanks to pathologist and friend, Dr. B, for contributions to this report. Read Parts 1–4: The Cancer Within Modern Medicine By The Sharp Edge Transhumanism: Eugenics Redefined The term originated from biologist and eugenicist, Julian Huxley, who wrote an essay entitled “Transhumanism” in 1957. Huxley was the first Director General of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) in 1946, President of the British Eugenics Society from 1959 to 1962, and President of the British Humanist Association from 1963 to 1965. In the post-World War II era, Huxley sought to “reform eugenics” by separating…