The Solution Series

    The Green New Death

    By The Sharp Edge The apocalyptic prophecies of government, academic, and corporate sponsored climate alarmism have manipulated the minds of the masses to believe that mankind is to blame for our own demise.  Despite their failed predictions of climate catastrophe over the years, the propaganda campaign has paid off, as a vast segment of the population emphatically supports funding so-called “green” projects.  The climate doom boondoggle has swindled trillions in taxpayer funds from the working-class multitudes into the pockets of the powerful and wealthy few.  Turns out the climate hoax was always a thinly disguised ploy to launder money, consolidate wealth and power, and justify government land grabs.  Yet the decades-long indoctrination has also bred an army of zealots who hold deeply anti-human beliefs about climate catastrophism with religious fervor.  And an unwitting pubic has been unceremoniously initiated into a new incarnation of an age-old death cult once practiced in…

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