The Solution Series
  • vaccine industry and compensation fund
    HEALTH & SCIENCE,  Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals

    Measles, Masterminds & Millions Part 3

    The measles “outbreak” is about a lot more than just measles. In Part I of this 6-part investigative report, we covered the masterminds behind the Vaccines for Children program, which was created by the Clintons back in 1994. Part 2 broke down the discrepancies and misrepresentations in reporting, as well as provided over 100 statistics extracted from the CDC, WHO and HHS reports. Part 3 will detail how the vaccine compensation program works, vaccine safety, Obama’s involvement, and more staggering statistics. • The group that controls the vaccine industry narrative is funded by pharmaceutical companies • Obama signed the 21st Century Cures Act on December 13, 2016, which included several amendments to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, by adding additional vaccines for pregnant women to the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund – for starters • Between 2006 to 2017 over 3.4 billion doses of vaccines were distributed…

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