The Solution Series

    Is Peter Nygard The ‘Canadian Jeffrey Epstein’?

    By The Sharp Edge If you thought Jeffrey Epstein was the only elite pedophile to traffic young girls and women to a remote island to fulfill his sick pleasures, think again.  A February 2020 class action lawsuit against Peter Nygard, has earned this case against the women’s fashion mogul the title of ‘Epstein 2.0.’  Eerie similarities have been drawn between this multimillionaire’s private estate, Nygard Cay, and Epstein’s Little St. James, prompting inquiring minds to wonder – who is this ‘Canadian Jeffrey Epstein’? The Disgraced Millionaire The Finnish-Canadian fashion executive was born in Finland and raised from childhood in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  His first big break came in the late 60’s when he used his savings to buy a 20% stake in a company that sold women’s jeans and Nygard International was founded that same year.  He later bought the entire company and renamed it Tan Jay. Over the decades, the…

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