Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth CRISIS Part 2
The Rockefellers were just getting started with their eugenics plan back in the early 1900s, and by the time the 1960s rolled around, they were full steam ahead with their population control agenda – including the development of anti-fertility vaccines for both men and women. • In 1968 the Rockefeller Foundation stated that the oral pill and IUD will turn out to be impracticable on a mass scale. They set out to fix that. • In their 1986 annual report they admit funding research into the use of fertility-reducing compounds in relation to food for “widespread use.” • By 1988 they were funding the first phase of anti-fertility vaccines for women. • In 1991 a “Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation” was created with the Rockefeller Foundation, WHO, World Bank and UN Population Fund. Mind you, this is 20 years after sterilization laws were repealed. READ ‘Eugenics, Anti-fertility…
Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth CRISIS
Over 60,000 Americans were sterilized in the U.S., in the name of eugenics, but it didn’t end there. The phenomenon of men’s sperm declining by 50% and infertility in females rapidly rising – stumps no one – they just won’t tell you the truth. • Over 60,000 Americans were sterilized in the name of eugenics and the Supreme Court law wasn’t repealed until the 1970s. • The U.S. population growth hit a historic 80-year low in 2018 due to less births, while immigration continues to grow – projected to be the primary contributor after 2030. • Nearly every western country has a historic low birth rate – media is silent. • The Rockefellers worked with scientists, WHO, UNFPA, USAID, multiple governments, and others, to create anti-fertility vaccines that would sterilize both men and women on a mass scale, with research evolving into crops as well. • DNA databases you voluntarily…
Corey’s Digs Library Catalog: Volume 13
Below is a library catalog with direct links to over 240 of Corey’s Digs investigative reports, solutions, and inspirational articles, plus a plethora of resources, all listed under convenient categories! This catalog is updated quarterly and is available in pdf downloaded for Free in The Bookshop, along with dozens of investigative reports also available for download, plus Corey’s paperback book on the ‘Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports.’ Be sure to check out the Solution Series and Solutions category because there are many ways to combat the tyranny, build around the system, and protect yourselves and your community. Most definitely follow along in the Consciousness section for educational, inspirational, and motivational pieces. Subscribe to Corey’s Digs free newsletter so you don’t miss a Dig! Support Corey’s Digs with a one-time or monthly donation, or through the Bookshop, Swag Shop, Corey’s Camp, or through one of our favorite Partners. The Library…
“Who Is THEY?”
The number one question consistently circulating on social media and infuriating the minds of millions is, “who is they?” Not “who are they,” but “who is they” as though “they” is a single force operating as one. Whereas “they” often do operate as a single force, there are many individuals and players involved. People want to know who is behind the money, power, control, narratives, and destruction of the world – the constant wars, manufactured inflation, attacks on the food system and agriculture, big pharma and medical madness, constant surveillance, AI and transhumanism, the entire financial system, and so on. It’s not limited to one or even ten countries – it is a global agenda that goes back centuries and even the most brilliant researchers, historians, and investigators can’t name every person involved at the top of this hierarchy. However, there are thousands who can be named, and most everyone…
Unraveling the Many Layers of Pride
By The Sharp Edge It’s easy to see that the culture war taking over the West, under the banner of pride, represents much more than diversity, equity, inclusion, sexual preference, or gender identity. Unraveling the many layers of pride may reveal how much deeper it goes. Social Engineering On the surface, it’s clear that we have been inundated with pride propaganda from every angle. Though the symbol of pride claims to represent the marginalized and oppressed, this cultural revolution has the full endorsement of nearly every mainstream media outlet, social media site, major corporation, financial institution, government agency, intergovernmental organization, medical establishment, and educational institution. This synchronized operation claiming tolerance for outsiders, has relentlessly forced its way into every aspect of society with zero tolerance for criticism of the established narrative, effectively creating a new class of outcasts. Those who dare to diverge from acceptable groupthink are marked as…