The Solution Series
  • child's mind

    ALERT: They Are Using ‘Smart’ Devices to Entrain Your Children

    By James Fitzgerald Children represent the great hope of any civilization, imbued as they are with a natural curiosity and awareness of the truth and charged with energy and vitality. In almost all indigenous traditions, the natural world represented the gateway to the cosmos, or higher realms of wisdom, and so new-borns were quickly offered exposure and freedom to explore this lush meta-physical inheritance. In the Americas, some communities would even allow giant eagles or condors to take toddlers on flights of wonder above the canopy of trees — the exaltation and awe induced by these experiences would open psychic gateways in the child’s brain that imbued it with a life-long connection to the ecological neural network of the planet. The technocratic custodians of history have of course recast these initiations as myths about giant birds abducting young children in a former wilderness that was laden with dangers in every…


    Loosen Technology’s Grip on Your Mind

    Isn’t it funny how industry leaders believe that turning off lights, finding a channel on the TV, or turning on the radio constitutes as something being “smart.” Are these difficult tasks for human beings? When did humanity get so lazy? Nowadays, everything is “smart,” except for you of course. They want you to believe you are incapable and need their help, while they turn on the mic, the camera, implant subliminal messaging or frequencies, and spy on you through constant surveillance systems running across the entire grid. Most people don’t even realize the damage that is being done to them, the mind control they are sipping in, and the constant energy-sucking distractions that are steadily stealing their lives. There was a CBS reality television series called ‘Hunted’ that aired back in 2017, whereby 18 every-day people set off in 9 groups to try to get off grid by evading the…

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