The Solution Series

    COVID-19 Pt. 4: The “Test” That Changed The World is Deeply Flawed

    It’s hard to imagine that a single test could change the world so drastically, especially when the test itself is riddled with problems. Scientists are calling for the retraction of the original protocol used in the Covid-19 tests . The New York Times even raised red flags about it, and Dr. Anthony Fauci himself has said that if the cycle threshold is set too high, it will pick up dead nucleotides, which causes false positives. Once people understand that one of the biggest reasons why 90% of those who test positive have no symptoms, is because the tests themselves were not developed with accurate science, the world will be infuriated. These numbers are being used as the pulse of our society, and when deaths from other causes, who test positive for Covid, are being counted in the death toll and lockdowns are being based on this, it is criminal. Part…

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