The Solution Series
  • U.S.

    January 6th Exposed in New Series: The Rest of The Story with Lara Logan

    The narrative of the so-called January 6th “insurrection” has fallen apart. Thanks to real investigative reporting, the set-up by Pelosi and others leading up to the Capitol chaos, the role federal agents likely played in instigating the Capitol breach, the persecution of January 6th defendants, weaponized agencies, and the rise of a police state to target political enemies under the guise of domestic extremism, have all been exposed. Lara Logan is one of those few investigative journalists getting to the truth about January 6th in her latest series airing on ‘The Rest of the Story with Lara Logan.’  After working for months on this series, Logan states, “I did not expect to meet so many extraordinary people in ordinary places who traveled all the way to Washington DC on January 6th, some of whom had never seen the capitol in their lives. You probably don’t know their names or their…

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