The Solution Series
  • GLOBAL,  U.S.

    ALERT: Who’s Really Behind The California-Nevada High-Speed Rail

    A decades-long high-speed rail project is slated to launch running between California and Las Vegas, Nevada. Many have said they’ve heard this song before and it will never happen, that it’s just a slush fund, but the documents say otherwise and the motives are questionable. The Biden regime, States, and investors want to see this project completed before the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles, and Brightline West already has the land, federal reviews, labor agreements, and federal and state funding dialed in. There is a lot of history with this high-speed railway moving in and out of development and investment phases, and the current chain of ownership raises big questions. On the surface, it would appear as though Brightline West will be the owner and operator of this railway with up to 200mph “net zero” electric trains running between Las Vegas to Rancho Cucamonga and on to Los Angeles. However,…

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