It’s far past time to take action, before the metamorphosis happening across the United States of America distorts beyond recognition, and leaves future generations in a state of peril. It’s already begun. It’s time to awaken from the slumber and TAKE ACTION! But how?
This page will grow over time, and consist of ways to stand up in your local community and state – all the way up to the federal level. It will also host resources, how to research and expose corruption, and how to spot manipulation tactics.
Whereas, it’s ever so important to arm oneself with knowledge, and share that knowledge with others, while exposing the corruption in the process – it is VITAL to TAKE ACTION NOW.
The People Have The Power – Don’t Ever Forget That.
The Conservative’s Guide To Defeating The Swamp

Corey Lynn has brought together fantastic patriots to contribute to this Guide: Investigative Journalist Tracy Beanz, Dave H. Janda M.D. of Operation Freedom, Financial Analyst Charles Ortel, Prophetic Author Mark Taylor with Tiffany Fitzhenry, Scott Presler “The Persistence,” Warrior Mom Jenny Lee, and Engage The Right who offers a powerful handbook inside!
An absolute MUST-HAVE guide for your toolkit to defeat the swamp! This is packed full of step-by-step ways to get active in your community, register voters, campaign, battle the education system, and fight for your country to ensure we retake the House and our President fights with us for another four years! It also provides numerous tips for spotting disinfo, communicating with others, researching, the monetary system, and church and faith.
Blissfully Oblivious In A Land of Turmoil: WAKE UP

This is a culmination of what has been transpiring in the U.S. and how important it is for people to rise up, take a stand, vote, and fight for freedom and justice.
Library for Redpilling

A helpful tool in communicating with others about corruption and agendas that have long been transpiring. This includes an extensive list of reports backed with evidence.
This is a 10 minute video summarizing the resources listed below.
Resources for Deep Digging & Validating Information

This is an extensive list of mostly free, open-source sites for looking something up, validating information, and doing deep digging.

Must-Have Tools for Digging and Producing Videos, Websites and Podcasts.
Background Searches Save Time

Background search databases are terrific when you are researching people. It cuts the time down significantly, and provides information such as employment, social media profile links, criminal background, family members and possible associates, and a lot more. They are excellent starting points for digging, not to mention a helpful tool for keeping tabs on who your children may be spending time with.
Hunting The Hunters Part I: Inside The Minds of Elite Corrupt

Learn how to hunt the hunters. This breaks down nests and webs, what to look for, how they operate in local communities as well as on a global scale, and where to begin digging.
Hunting The Hunters Part II: Digging Into Foundations

This is a step-by-step process on how to analyze, process and dig into foundations.
Avoiding The Cognitive Dissonance Mudslide

Don’t be caught in the twisted narratives being spun by mainstream news and politicians, or take flack from shills and trolls trying to take you down on social media. Learn how to spot multiple manipulation tactics so you don’t get caught up in the cognitive dissonance mudslide.
The File Drawer

Ever wonder about Project Bluebook, Operation Paperclip, Project Mockingbird, and numerous other government projects? Many have been declassified and can be found here in the File Drawer. There are countless other important documents in here as well.
Trump Executive Orders

Up-to-date, maintained list of all President Trump’s executive orders, in chronological order, with links.